Options Menu - 2.5/5

The menu and options need a bit of work done. And I have to give this its special place.

Granted, the options menu is not the first thing that comes to mind when reviewing a racing simulator, but in this case, it kind of drove me mad. Let me explain.

One of the most important things in racing simulators is getting comfortable with the controls. Now that means that first off you have to be able to choose the controls you want to have. Now that, here, is not a problem. Everything can be bound to your specific input method. The problem comes with how you change the settings.

Furthermore, in racing simulators, what is the literal first thing any wheel-and-pedal driver does? Set it up in the settings. So that needs to be a very unproblematic affair. Otherwise, you could lose customers even before they first hit the stages.

Now, what are the problems exactly?

1. Why can't sliders be controlled with the mouse?

Trying to adjust any sliders, be it the maximum steering angle or just something as simple as an audio volume slider is weird if it can only be done with arrow keys or d-pads.

2. Why are the controls so complicated to set up?

Comparing this menu to the likes of Assetto Corsa Competizione, setting up the controls takes sooooooooo much more clicking. It takes more time, more time that cannot be spent on the track.

These 2 points are enough to give WRC Generations a barely passing grade for the options menu.
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