1999 Nissan Primera BTCC

Cars 1999 Nissan Primera BTCC 1.1

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.. also white will be black without light :roflmao:
depends on the material, reflective paint remains white with even the slightest of light :)

this is now bit darker
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Because the rear of the car gets light under braking and you shouldn't put full presure on the brake if the speed ist under 90km/h.
If this doesn't help you can put the brake bias more towards the front
@ Patrick: After driving some old DTM cars of Kunos its really hard to imagine the Primera is so tail happy. Sure its a FWD but :ninja: also the BMW and the Mercedes have front engines.
Correct my please if I'm wrong :unsure:
Is there any car made by Kunos that should drive similar like the Nissan?

Greets After_Midnight
I'm finding it super tail happy too, though don't know anything about it so can't say whether its correct or not.

Softening up the rear certainly helps (as does removing the toe out...), though I'm not sure the setup menu offers quite enough scope. Pretty front biased aero too, would have expected it to be a little more balanced.

Still a lot of fun, just a bit tricky to really get confident and lean on the car.
The massive front aero bias is intended. The rear wing did very little and most of the cars aero came from the front. This was the case with all FWD cars. The E36 coming up soon will have a more even split. I don't have the figures in front of me but I think the Nissan has about a 75% bias front. Expect the E36 to have maybe a 60% bias front as having a more balanced aero profile was much more important with a RWD car. On the real Primera the rear wing only really worked when the car was in yaw. When in a straight line it produced very little downforce. We tried to do something to replicate this but it just didn't work. You would need to have a low - high - low aero profile where the downforce started very low with the car on the straight, then spiked when the car turned, then dropped off again if the car exceeded a certain yaw angle (and then spun).

In terms of the off throttle oversteer, I'll echo the words of David Leslie for the driving style. "Get the braking done, start to turn in early and get back on the throttle as soon as you can, way before the apex. Then slide the car around using the throttle" (Paraphrasing). I can post a video of one of my laps of it helps.
Nailed it @Ben Lee :thumbsup:

Best example for the Front Biased Aero was Audi back in 97 when they indroduced the first FWD A4.
The Quattro had a more balanced Aero Package on it like the BMW because of the 4WD.
Through the Season they created new Front Splitters to generate Downforce and put almost every kilo they got towards the front of the car because the car understeered like a tank.
A FWD car is understeery a.F. and that is the reason why every FWD Touring car is so twitchy. They need the best turn in possible and that oversteer only happens if you lift of the throttle completly in a corner.

So never lift of!
Stay on the throttle! 3-5% are enough to stabelize the car.

Also this car is very stable ;) the last availabe version was so tailhappy that you couldn't catch it sometimes but this version is how you want it!
Happy at the rear but not to happy :)
The rear helps you to turn in and i love it :thumbsup:

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