rF2 2.5h WEC @ Circuit de la Sarthe (Le Mans) - Sat 31st May

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
I had a good pace and maybe I could finish the race in third place, unfortunately the lack of time to develop a setup led me in the race to trivial mistake that brought me to finish the race after a few laps into the barriers in t3, however, for what little life is my race, I'm pretty amused with the few duels I've had. See you next time
grr !! P10 overall (P4 in class!) with 14 minutes to go, i come to the first chicane at les hunadieres, push 1 back to 5th, and the transmission goes to 4th instead... :s bye bye engine :(
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I was so happy I got onto the front row in quali, made a custom bumper sticker for the guy behind me and then my game crashed with 6 min to go. Restarted rFactor and joined again, crashed with 1 min to go. That's when I was starting to **** myself, but I got into the server with 5 sec to go :D. Had to start last for some reason and made my way back to 4th after 9-10 laps when 3rd pitted, been 3rd since.

Gongrats to the winners and people on the podium!
The Race was really fun overall. I was a bit angry about this really weird spin in the 2nd lap i think....dont know what happened there the car just didnt breaked as normal. After that it was a nice hunt and later battle with April. And than this stop/go Penalty... jesus xD destroyed the race...afer that i tried to go max risk but this ended in a little mistake and after that i decided to cruise it home - which caused a bit lack of concentration...so i did some little mistakes...but i didnt really cared cause i had over 40s to the front and 100s to the back.

Overall some things were not the best when we come to lapping some GT cars, had often the case that the guy in front just didnt knew where he want go which ended in a spin/crash whatever...the GT car just have to drive his line and the lmp1 has to find a way around...or sometimes the guy in front just slowed down on the line at the exit of a chicane...where i couldn't really evade cause you don't expect things like this...

Anyway thanks for the organisation and the Guys/Girls :D who competed in.
Awesome race, had a lot of fun - was even able to overtake Aleksi at some point and lead the GTE class for a few laps :D

Congrats to winners and everyone who finished - see you in the next race!

@David O'Reilly overtaking on formation lap :whistling:
I thought it was kosher to do that. Sorry if itr wasn't. I missed quaili with tech issues.
Well maybe it was another race where I read that it was OK for LMP1 cars to join the end of the LMP1s. Must have been Silverstone.
It would have been more of a mess not to do it no? I would have got in their way once they started racing.
The Race was really fun overall. I was a bit angry about this really weird spin in the 2nd lap i think....dont know what happened there the car just didnt breaked as normal. After that it was a nice hunt and later battle with April. And than this stop/go Penalty... jesus xD destroyed the race...afer that i tried to go max risk but this ended in a little mistake and after that i decided to cruise it home - which caused a bit lack of concentration...so i did some little mistakes...but i didnt really cared cause i had over 40s to the front and 100s to the back.

Overall some things were not the best when we come to lapping some GT cars, had often the case that the guy in front just didnt knew where he want go which ended in a spin/crash whatever...the GT car just have to drive his line and the lmp1 has to find a way around...or sometimes the guy in front just slowed down on the line at the exit of a chicane...where i couldn't really evade cause you don't expect things like this...

Anyway thanks for the organisation and the Guys/Girls :D who competed in.
I maybe cursed you a bit. Right before the start I said, that you most likely will run away with that race :D
First time I did a full commentary and apart from the last 20min it was always something going on to talk about.
Have to say, that it felt there were more LMP1 - GTE incidents than in Silverstone where I didn't have any contact with a GTE and Silverstone should be a bit harder with less straights, but the speed diffrence is a bit lower.

@April Dillon Very impressive pace and no mistakes. Best performance I have seen from you. You seem to get faster and faster.
Well what an adventure.

I got home for quali and made my excuses to the family and locked myself away.

I could not join the server and spent 45 mins deleting and re loading files and re trying.

It was 1 min to race time when I had an idea. Went into task manager and killed the G Motor errors related to the pace car mesh and I was in.

I had 30 sec to race time to check all those little things like setup and strategy! Settle down and remember where I was with no laps so far.

On the warm up lap while thinking about and checking pit stops and fuel loads I saw that I had rear wing at 3 from testing. My preferred setting was 6 so I had inadvertently saved the test setup that I had ruled out. I considered pitting to change the wing but didn't figure it would cost me 30 sec in 16 laps so stuck with it.

I was also taking a liberty of filtering through the GT3 cars to fall in line at the back of the LMP1s which I figured was the thing to do to not be in any ones way. If it wasn't I apologise.

I managed to make a pass as Daiman Patel seemed to have some issues late in Sector 1 in lap 1. We then duelled with differing fuel strategies for the best part of 2 hours.

Antonio Castagna had his issue and I had P4.

Stefan Woudenberg was ahead and making a gap so I settled down to lapping consistently. The low rear wing meant I had to be a bit more conservative in the turny bits but was OK. I was doing appr 3m:40s I radioed the pits and asked for an adjustment at the first stop!

I thought I had Daiman covered then he would suddenly be -35 sec after my stop and carrying good pace. I couldn't make a dent on the road.

After stop 1 and rear wing adjust my pace was a little improved, maybe 1 sec with 3:39.

When Daiman had stopped with 73 mins remaining and I later rejoined + 20 sec on my final stint I figured he had to stop at least one more time.

When Daiman stopped again I got my P4 back. He got the gap down to 14 sec. In fact as I was + 3 sec from Gijs this meant that P3 to P5 were separated by 17 sec after 2 hours.

I had earlier whilst on warm tyres come across Gijs exiting the pits. Not sure what had held them up as Stefan was -50 sec or so.

I was a bit conflicted as I had nearly been Gijs and Stefans team mate and had collaborated with them on testing. He was “faster than me” but on cold tyres and full fuel? Do I do it?

Well I had a go, P3 was mine momentarily, but I decided that my move up the inside at at Tetra Rouge was a bit hot for a club endurance race so lifted and gave the place back. Gijs then made a gap.

I committed the faux pas of trying to do fuel calcs in the turny bits and had a spin or two!

I stopped with 40 mins to go and took 75 litres.

With 30mins to go April was looming it was time to find my Mojo and not get lapped. I pushed with low fuel and fresh rubber, but she kept getting closer. After an error at the first chicane April was on me so I lifted so as to not inconvenience the leader.

I held on for a while and wondered if my head lights would be an issue in her cabin? But figured if it was she could always let me go past.

So it was P4 and only 14 sec from a podium.

I had 2 litres of fuel left so my calcs worked ( I like that kind of thing).

I had fun.

One small note to echo Aleksi above.

The GT3 field was on the whole great to drive with – thanks. The cleanest passes on Gt3 cars came when a slight lift on corner exit was done or a move to one side in a straight.

Funky moves in braking zones or trying to park in the kitty litter at the actual corner is not expected and costs you time. Just stick to a good line and lift on corner exit if an LMP1 is on you at a corner.

Congrats to the Podium getters and to all who finished this race. Thanks.
My feedback of this race.....

I got rfactor runtime error just 2min before the start of the race.... then the game just loaded all cars too slow and it was too late... bullshit lol

I hope better luck next time. I think i'd have had an interesting race today...

Congrats to everyone who raced and finished the race, specially the class winners and podium places.

Also good job to the live streaming guys as always.

Cya next time.
My feedback of this race.....

I got rfactor runtime error just 2min before the start of the race.... then the game just loaded all cars too slow and it was too late... bullshit lol

I hope better luck next time. I think i'd have had an interesting race today...

Congrats to everyone who raced and finished the race, specially the class winners and podium places.

Also good job to the live streaming guys as always.

Cya next time.
Ok, nice to know we had at least one viewer ;)
Not as much fun as racing myself, but couldn't leave Ricardo there on his own for 2,5 hours and there was a lot going on especially for the lead in LMP1 :)
just watched the replay of the broadcast, and thanks guys, great effort, but do try to keep an eye on the rest of the field ;) watching the same 2 audis for the better part of 2 hours does get abit tedious at the best of times :D Especially when you see names changing all over on the right hand of the screen ;)
Also, why didn't my patron skin show up on the broadcast ?
Phew. That was awesome! :D

I'd been in contact with Christian Michel in advance of the race, who was keeping me in the knowledge of what his lap times were. And he was consistently quicker than me. So every time I beat his time, I'd rush on here to brag to him about that, only to find he'd gone quicker again anyway :p

We appeared to go in slightly different setup directions. I think he'd run with front downforce on 2 and the rear balanced, while I was on front 1 rear 1. That seemed to work better for me, despite what I lost in the Porsche curves. But this really showed on the long straights, where I seemed to have a slightly higher 'terminal velocity' on the straights (my top speed during the evening was 330.1kph). The realtime splits showed I was quicker here, but ultimately not enough to make the lap times.

The minimum downforce setting balance isn't so good. It understeers way too much during fast corners. I tried to offset this mechanically, but by the time I'd decided to finalize my setup, I was already on minimum front springs & ARB. I might be able to do more to improve this, and will look into it if/when we do this again. :)

This was my first time racing with Christian too... At least, not counting RC cars :p It was quite an experience trying to hold him back. His attacks for position are absolutely relentless, and with him in Pursuit, I couldn't afford to give an inch. Unfortunately, not even for GTs. I don't feel I did anything wrong during my incidents here, but I did see a lot of incidents... It must be said, I am the common element between a whole bunch of incidents :p I'm just grateful for the low damage levels we raced with. Let us get away with a lot, and saved some of us from DNFs I'm sure.

It was great fun racing with you @Christian Michel. Was unfortunate about the penalty, but I hope we can do this again soon. :D

Congrats @Aleksi Kivelä on the GT win, and well done to everyone who finished this race. It was a long, tiring race, but we made it! :D

And @Davy Lauwereys I didn't see your skin either myself. I'm sure I had skin sharing enabled, but I thought it was odd to see you in a red Ferrari today instead of the green Patron Highcroft colours you had at Silverstone.
well, had a look at my own replay, and i was correct....either it lagged, or my wheel decided to double downshift, but i went from 6th gear directly to 4th, killing the engine... whilest running 4th in class with 14 minutes to go, i'm gutted lol... one of my strongest performances, and noone of the commentators even noticed either lol, damnit :p

video of my dimisse minutes before the end :(



And @Davy Lauwereys the green Patron Highcroft colours you had at Silverstone.
One of the commentators mentioned it maybe beeing inspired by the LMP2 in TUSC... actually, Extreme Speed Motorsports, ran these 458s in ALMS before the merger with grand am ;)
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We appeared to go in slightly different setup directions. I think he'd run with front downforce on 2 and the rear balanced, while I was on front 1 rear 1. That seemed to work better for me, despite what I lost in the Porsche curves. But this really showed on the long straights, where I seemed to have a slightly higher 'terminal velocity' on the straights (my top speed during the evening was 330.1kph). The realtime splits showed I was quicker here, but ultimately not enough to make the lap times.

The minimum downforce setting balance isn't so good. It understeers way too much during fast corners. I tried to offset this mechanically, but by the time I'd decided to finalize my setup, I was already on minimum front springs & ARB. I might be able to do more to improve this, and will look into it if/when we do this again. :)

Well to be honest i ran front downforce on 1 and the rear at 2, didnt felt very sticky in the last sector but was ok. In the 3rd Sector its just up to knowing the right turning points to get the car balanced trough the corners, if you turn a bit to early or to late you have to lift and this is directly +0,5. :)

It was great fun racing with you @@Christian Michel. Was unfortunate about the penalty, but I hope we can do this again soon. :D

Totally Agree and....we will do ! :D i want my revenge ;)
That was great fun. :)

I started the race as 4th and was pretty pleased with my qualy time.. not my quickest, but had no change to get to the times of the top 3 in LMP1 class.

With the race start I found myself in 3rd place and stayed there till Christan had his trouble in the 2nd corner.
I was now 2nd with Antonio within 1 second. I think he was running with less wing than me as he would come closer on the straights and loose time in the final sector. In lap 4 or so he made a run on me going to the second chicane. I was driving on the middle left side of the track and knew that he would have to pass meall the way for getting the corner... the 100m sigh was getting up and the corner was mine. :) Don't know what happened to him but the gap had increased so a couple of seconds and a lap or two later Christan was closing in fast. I was not gonna fight for the position as it would be useless. When he came next to in the first corner, I lifted to make it easy. I was 3rd again.
Antonio was like 10 seconds behind and closing. Later he vanished as I think he crashed at the end of the 2nd sector...not sure tho.. David was behind me ... like 30 seconds or so. I decided to just do my laps.

I did a 100L and 50L till Gijs took obver the wheel. I think due to the short time between these pitstops Divid was able to close the gap as we were out of sync with the rest of the field.

Had great fun and very happy coming 3rd! :) Congrtas to all peeps who came across the finish. :thumbsup:
Hope to see you all next time! :)
just watched the replay of the broadcast, and thanks guys, great effort, but do try to keep an eye on the rest of the field ;) watching the same 2 audis for the better part of 2 hours does get abit tedious at the best of times :D Especially when you see names changing all over on the right hand of the screen ;)
Also, why didn't my patron skin show up on the broadcast ?
Davy where can one watch this replay?
This was probably my worst race ever in a couple of years. Me and Rickard did have pace to fight for second but ended up spending most of the time in pits. Started second after Kasdorps disco. Kivelä catched some kind of speed bug and did 55 times straight from the gate pretty much which isn´t even possible :D I thought I got into it decently not pushing max just enough to keep my position and managed to just keep Daiman out most of my slipstream but then I for the first time ever got some oversteer into the first chicane and straight into the barrier. Of course lost the splitter and tons of damage. Into the pits out of it of course no top speed. Lack of preparation meant I was not comfortable and all and made a small misstake nudging the barrier at the bottom right corner but enough to make the steering wrong...

Decided to call it a day and let my team mate take over with a new car.
Went well initially then Rickard got some freeze at full speed and bam 140 second repair. Switched driver I got going but just after a lap a LMP overtook me before the corner before the first straight but he was so slow through it I had to lift up with ruined my balance and I touched the left wall slightly causing a puncture!

Crawling back to the pits again with 140 second damage and out again with no top speed again. Decided to go for a driver change early again. First lap LMP stationary in the start of the first straight bang unavoidable 160 second repair... Into the pits repair out again. Then deciding to do a double driver swap to get rid of damage there at some point we got some stop and go bug. Rickard would serve a stop and go go out get another. Repeat 4x I believe to the finish. Lights was on and there was no speeding so dunno what caused that.

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