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Misc 2-way traffic additional layout for "Bannochbrae" and barriers remove 2021-06-02

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alekabul submitted a new resource:

2-way traffic additional layout for "Bannochbrae" and barriers remove - Track day with AI for traffic and freeroam open world

One of the best tracks on public roads. They felt quite empty and I filled them with movement for offline driving. And when that is not enough an off-road on the hills is another possibility.
View attachment 478761

Install and use: make sure your copy of "Bannochbrae" is working ok before adding this resource. Then open the "2-way for rt_bannochbrae.7z" and drop all from it into the track's folder "..\content\tracks\rt_bannochbrae". Confirm merging of the "ui" folders...

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Dude! The first time I drove on Brannochbrae, I thought to myself "damn this map is beautiful but its such a shame we can't explore past the barriers". You are an absolute legend for making this! 10/10!