Max Muster submitted a new resource:
2004 Ferrari-Marlboro [MyTeam][Modular Mods] - 2004 Ferrari skin for future 2004 season / team mod
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2004 Ferrari-Marlboro [MyTeam][Modular Mods] - 2004 Ferrari skin for future 2004 season / team mod
2004 Ferrari-Marlboro
Second skin for a 2004 Season / Team mod with 2022 cars.
When all 2004 team skins are finished, i plan to replace the current teams.
Until then, i will provide every skin as MyTeam mod.1. Create all Car skins + driver suit
2. Replace all Team Cars with FOM car and 2004 Skins
3. (if possible) Change Team badge and name
4. Create 2004 team cloth, HQ...
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