2010 Formula One German Grand Prix

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I don't understand it either. Its not that Alonso was hold up by Massa in any way. He could have placed a normal move and nobody would have been pee'd off. Now they made it so obvious, almost provoking the other teams/FIA. Weird.
Yeah i know he moans alot. Already started after 5 min i think.
But it still looks here that Alonso didnt knew what was going on and he just overtook him when he got the change.
Wayne, this particular incident is not Alonso's fault. He is a bit of an annoying driver, yes, but it was through no fault of his own that this happened. Still, I was wishing in the back of my mind that Felipe would have simply said no and continued racing... I doubt that would have happened given the chance though.
That was realy discusting by Ferrari. Guys do you rimember 2004 or 2005 in Austria when Barrichelo (still driving in Ferrari) gave Schumi first place on the last corner of the last lap. This realy proves that Ferrari are more dirty then they seem to be.
It's partly alonso's fault as after he said on radio "it's ridiculous" Ferrari where talking about it (not seen on Camera) Mass's crew where saying no etc. And we know Alonso has to be clear number 1, it's how he operates.

Read some of the replies here:


"Alonso fails to pass Massa"

Alonso RADIO To Ferrari: "This is ridiculous"

"Ferrari talk about getting Massa to let Alonso past, with Massa camp saying no etc"

A little while later:

RADIO To Massa: "Fernando, Alonso...is faster than you...did you understand the message?"

"Silence from Massa"

On Track: "Massa in 1st blatantly moves out the way to let Alonso past knowing that he's just been told to let Alonso past in a coded message"



I don't think it can be more obvious..
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