2011 Formula One British Grand Prix

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Alonso follower but not a Ferrari fan all the way so dont go single people out. It was a very deserved win. we all know RB has the Constructors in a bag I didnt say anythign about that. yes we can already tell Vettel won the drivers already no1 cares. I never say they have or have not benefited, they actually remained quiet about the subject and let its own car and driver do the job unlike RB rule breaking blown diffuser. SO your case is closed and pick a hole and stick with it please.

as for the rest of the season we all saw taht RB has a good car for thru fast corners tracks. but we all saw that they can still be caught up if they keep their blown engine @ 10%. Its a shame that Renault had to use the "reliability" excuse to U-turn the rules of silverstone for the next races. Is pathetic and rule breaking, the same rule that Charlie was fuzzed about but somehow they are still allowed. I wonder if the Owner of RB payed Charlie big $$$$$ to change his mind. Really. whatever happened to consistency in this sport. wait. it never exists. As for next year I really hope engine manufacturers can actually make reliable engines with no excuses. I think Webber is wanna go out by the end of the season. Is only better for him. C. Horner has really disapointed me.

It wouldn't have been such a big deal regarding team orders if Horner hadn't kicked up such a fuss when Ferrari did it. I'm a bit disappointed in his change of stance as well.
It wouldn't have been such a big deal regarding team orders if Horner hadn't kicked up such a fuss when Ferrari did it. I'm a bit disappointed in his change of stance as well.

It was not quite the same now is it? In the 2010 German Grand Prix, Alonso was whining that he was faster and got Ferrari to order Massa to yield the win to Alonso. Yesterday's order was a case of "It is late in the race, our drivers have crashed into each other in the past, we need to maximize our points in this race". It would be a different story if Webber was in 2nd place and Red Bull ordered him to let Vettel pass. Also I don't always agree with what everything Eddie Jordan says, but he does offer commentary from a team owners perspective and what he said in yesterday's BBC post race interviews was spot on. Sure the fans want to see the drivers race and you know damn well the Red Bull/Vettel haters would just love to see Webber and Vettel crash into each other in every race. But Red Bull is not as dumb as the Red Bull haters think they are. As Eddie Jordan pointed out, yesterday's call for Webber to back off was the right call for the team and Red Bull would be looking like fools if they allowed their drivers to take each other out. Vettel and Red Bull may have a huge lead, but the season is only half over. Button and Brawn GP had a similar big lead in the 2009 season and 2009 was not decided until late in the year.

I like Mark Webber, I want to see Mark Webber do well. But he better hope he gets a ride with Ferrari next year because he is burning his bridges at Red Bull and kissing off his ride in one of the top teams. There is no way in hell will he have a chance to win races in a mid tier or lower tier team (the only places he will find a ride if he does not get that Ferrari ride). Besides does Webber think he will get a fair shake at Ferrari with Alonso their clear #1 driver. Massa is always getting the short end of the stick when it comes to Ferrari's pit stop strategy. Sorry Mark we know you are a quality F1 driver, we know you do well at Silverstone, but you blew your race yesterday when you got off to a bad start and it's not the first time you have blown the start this season and don't tell us it's because Red Bull is purposely sabotaging your car, you were not the one who was having KERS problems yesterday.

No sour grapes ... Alonso and Ferrari won this race fair and square.

Next up is Germany.
It was not quite the same now is it? In the 2010 German Grand Prix, Alonso was whining that he was faster and got Ferrari to order Massa to yield the win to Alonso. Yesterday's order was a case of "It is late in the race, our drivers have crashed into each other in the past, we need to maximize our points in this race". It would be a different story if Webber was in 2nd place and Red Bull ordered him to let Vettel pass. Also I don't always agree with what everything Eddie Jordan says, but he does offer commentary from a team owners perspective and what he said in yesterday's BBC post race interviews was spot on. Sure the fans want to see the drivers race and you know damn well the Red Bull/Vettel haters would just love to see Webber and Vettel crash into each other in every race. But Red Bull is not as dumb as the Red Bull haters think they are. As Eddie Jordan pointed out, yesterday's call for Webber to back off was the right call for the team and Red Bull would be looking like fools if they allowed their drivers to take each other out. Vettel and Red Bull may have a huge lead, but the season is only half over. Button and Brawn GP had a similar big lead in the 2009 season and 2009 was not decided until late in the year.

I like Mark Webber, I want to see Mark Webber do well. But he better hope he gets a ride with Ferrari next year because he is burning his bridges at Red Bull and kissing off his ride in one of the top teams. There is no way in hell will he have a chance to win races in a mid tier or lower tier team (the only places he will find a ride if he does not get that Ferrari ride). Besides does Webber think he will get a fair shake at Ferrari with Alonso their clear #1 driver. Massa is always getting the short end of the stick when it comes to Ferrari's pit stop strategy. Sorry Mark we know you are a quality F1 driver, we know you do well at Silverstone, but you blew your race yesterday when you got off to a bad start and it's not the first time you have blown the start this season and don't tell us it's because Red Bull is purposely sabotaging your car, you were not the one who was having KERS problems yesterday.

No sour grapes ... Alonso and Ferrari won this race fair and square.

Next up is Germany.

Oh yeah, I agree with you completely. If I was in charge of those two cars and it was my job to get points on the board I would be telling them to calm down and finish the race in a good position. It's not a big deal at all, the BBC love to kick up a storm about tiny things. It is just ironic that it was the most outspoken critic of team orders that was at the centre of it.

I'm not a Red Bull hater, but it is kinda nice to see a race. I think the best quote from Brundle during the race was 'Sorry Sebastien but this is brilliant, now we can have a race'
It was kind of a shame because I'd rather have seen a battle for first. Alonso was catching Vettel and catching him fast. The dodgy pit stop took a great race away from us, IMO of course.

Webber likes to speak his mind, but how many times has Hamilton laid into his own team? They both say less than favourable things about their respective teams, but I think Whitmarsh and Horner understand that as the drivers, they have a crucial input, and sometimes make it public, not a massive deal unless they're revealing crucial things about the car, which they don't. The thing that will undo Webber is going renegade and ignoring the team, he needs to curb that kind of attitude, because I can guarantee Ferrari won't even sniff at him if they can't control him.

However, I've been thinking a bit outside the box, and is there even a slight possibility of a Hamilton/Webber swap next year? Hmmm.
However, I've been thinking a bit outside the box, and is there even a slight possibility of a Hamilton/Webber swap next year? Hmmm.

Never say never. I always assumed Hamilton would be at McLaren for the long haul. But he has been slagging the team a lot lately. The boy has some awesome talent, but I think a season in a mid tier team could help him appreciate how good he has actually had it at McLaren. But he could very well be a two time WDC at Red Bull (assuming Newey stays at Red Bull). Heck put a healthy Robert Kubica in a Red Bull and the injured Pole might be the champ. I think Vettel is an awesome talent, but he still has room for improvement.
I loved the race despite all of my favorite drivers doing below par. Schumi really got screwed over on that drive-through, because the contact wasn't his fault. He was aquaplaning, going sideways for ****'s sake. What was he supposed to do, say "OK, I'll stop following the rules of physics now and magically stop a sideways sliding F1 car."?
Jensen's retirement was the most disappointing kind of retirement, because it wasn't a mistake that he made and we can't blame another driver. Getting screwed over by his own pit crew is just heartbreaking.
As for Webber, it sucks to see him finish only 3rd, but I have to defend Horner here. There has been a crash between his drivers before and it's late in the race. Those few points won't make a difference whereas, if they crash, that's quite a heap of points down the tube. On the subject of Horner's drastic change of opinion considering team orders, you have to take into consideration the fact that they were illegal beforehand and they're legal now. If you love cheese, but it's illegal to eat it and you see someone eat some cheese, you're not going to say "good for him" and lay off, you're going to ***** about it. The same is true here.
I think that Alonso could've taken Vettel even if the pit crew hadn't screwed up, but we'll never know that now. He WAS lapping significantly faster than Vettel.
Since I don't really give a rat's hind about the standings, the season is just as exciting as it was before Australian GP for me. I watch individual races.
This is my first season ever of watching F1 (and i'm loving it so far) and i have to say this has been my favorite race so far. I missed the canadian GP but i heard that was dramatic.

anywho here are just some of my thoughts on it. i was watching Kobayashi (sorry, spelling D:) throughout the begining of the race and i gotta admit, i kinda felt bad for him between him sliding out and ultimately getting hit by schumacher on lap 9.

For the Red Bull drama, (like the guy above me) it sucked to only see him finish 3rd. I really wanted him to be allowed to try and over take Vettel since I'm pretty tired of seeing him win and shadow over Webber. When I heard they took his specialized front wing off earlier in the weekend, I kinda felt bad for the guy. But I assume it's only natural race strategy to give your de facto number one driver the best, right? It really blows but when I thought about when they crashed awhile back, you can't blame Horner for telling him to back off. I thought that comment at last year's silverstone was inappropiate, "Not bad for a number two driver." They don't seem to be treating this guy well. But if they're the ones paying you and giving you a competitive car it shouldn't really matter.
Since his contract is over this year, I do have my doubts on him coming back to Red Bull, but i dont want to see him downgrade to another team. If he doesn't come back, I hope it gets with Ferrari or McLaren. Someone who will give him good car.

The sprint for 4th place between Hamilton and Massa was a really great finish. Entertaining to see Massa go off and I was like "OMG. HAMILTON'S GOT IT!" from the camera angle i didnt know if massa was gonna come back on in front of him or not. Just a great finish between 2 long-time racing rivals.

In my opinion, the pit stops really determined the race. Alonso could have probably taken Vettel without the bad pit stop, but it only made it easier for him to get 1st. The 2 collisions with the unsafe releases (unless it was one that was just replayed lol). And Jensen's pit crew mistake. Ah that just sucked to watch him have to forfeit the race because the crew chief didn't wait until everyone was finished.

It was a brilliant race though, can't wait for Germany!
I think the F1 community as a whole sees Kobi as this novelty crash/bash/spin entity and as such just skipped over Schumi hitting him. Not that I think Schumi should have been punished, it's just that thing of if it was anyone else that got hit...

That said, as usual when I'm defending Kamui infront of friends he managed to drive destroy FI's pit box.
I think the F1 community as a whole sees Kobi as this novelty crash/bash/spin entity and as such just skipped over Schumi hitting him. Not that I think Schumi should have been punished, it's just that thing of if it was anyone else that got hit... That said, as usual when I'm defending Kamui infront of friends he managed to drive destroy FI's pit box.
The pit box wasn't he's fault, he was released into the path of maldonado and it forced him into the fi pit box.It's a shame because before the Schumacher collision he was looking good for a good load of points.
The pit box wasn't he's fault, he was released into the path of maldonado and it forced him into the fi pit box.It's a shame because before the Schumacher collision he was looking good for a good load of points.

It kind of was his fault.

They released him in plenty of time but he either hesitated or went into anti-stall.

By the time he pulled off, the lollipop man was trying to get him to wait again.
The pit box wasn't he's fault, he was released into the path of maldonado and it forced him into the fi pit box.It's a shame because before the Schumacher collision he was looking good for a good load of points.

I think he was released in good time. He just went into anti stall (?) which allowed Maldonarrghdoh to catch up along side him. Unfortunate.
I wonder if the Owner of RB payed Charlie big $$$$$ to change his mind.

I sometimes wonder what goes through your mind at times. F1 is not a corrupted sport, it doesn't favour Ferrari, Red Bull, McLaren or anyone - it makes rules for the benefit of the fans and for the enhancing of the sport as a spectacle. People like you who make retarded statements such as this annoy me greatly, and you do not have the first clue about what you are talking about.
About Webber to Ferrari, well that does not improve his position. At RBR he has a chance to win but when he goes to Ferrari they make it absolutely clear to him that he only has a chance of winning when Alonso is out of the race. Ferrari has a very clear policy about the number 1 and his helping hand.
I'm somewhere between Diego and Ross.
I don't think F1 is corrupted, but I'm under no illusion that it's squeaky clean.
There will definitely be some string-pulling from time to time "for the benefit of business".
This may be one of these occasions.
I'm somewhere between Diego and Ross.
I don't think F1 is corrupted, but I'm under no illusion that it's squeaky clean.
There will definitely be some string-pulling from time to time "for the benefit of business".
This may be one of these occasions.

Than you. and no im not retarded but im also not 2 blinded by the media and think about what goes behind closed doors. Is just assuming the possiblities. welcome to the real world. BUt Thanks Jenkins. Ross you might be right. Im only assuming in those comments. Give it some thought. Corruption and decieving is everywhere. even in the motoracing world.
I sometimes wonder what goes through your mind at times. F1 is not a corrupted sport, it doesn't favour Ferrari, Red Bull, McLaren or anyone - it makes rules for the benefit of the fans and for the enhancing of the sport as a spectacle. People like you who make retarded statements such as this annoy me greatly, and you do not have the first clue about what you are talking about.

Between making up rules on race-to-race basis for "the benefit of the fans and for the enhancing of the sport as a spectacle" and discretly favoring someone in particular while doing so, there is a very small margin that can be crossed easily.

Not saying that F1 is corrupted, but the way you insult someone who exposed this possibility in an ironic fashion makes me either think that a) you live in a fairy world where professional sport is the sanest and cleanest business of the world, where the FIA is a model of transparency, and where red cars are naturally superior than others, and/or b) you did not follow the sport and the politics around it, in the last 3 decades. And I'm certainly not saying that to defend Diego, since the guy is the model of the annoying Alonso fanboy, who ruins the very small bit of reputation the Spaniard still had.
I still await the day Ferrari will bring their own innovation to the sport to see if it gets banned.But if you notice Ferrari seems to be the only top team with no innovative qualities what so ever.
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