2014 McLaren MP4-29

That 2nd one looks absolutely exquisite. Not that far off from a good aerodynamic design as well. Similar to 2005.

EDIT: If the only actual difference in the picture is the black to 'create' the fake nose, then that would be exactly the same and look far better.

Looks counter-intuitive but .. according to Autosport:

"The team has attached a large aerodynamically-profiled 'blocker' to each of the rearmost suspension links."

"The interesting thing about this package is that when the car is at higher ride height, these sections will almost completely close the gap at the top of the diffuser, helping it to work at low speed.
At higher speed, because of suspension deflection, a gap will open up between the bottom of the lower blocker and the diffuser, which will reduce drag."

"This could be McLaren's secret weapon because, if it does work, it is not something that can be copied in five minutes as it is dependent on a number of design parameters at the rear of the car."


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