2018 RD Bathurst 1000GT Information & Sign Up

For those wondering why I had to do the whole race by myself is that my teammate had other commitments, and I built a new PC which took way longer than expected (struggling to get stuff working till 5am yesterday and got up at 10 to continue installing everything for the event). Doing that I forgot to sign the replacement teammate up and he wasn't able to drive once I was driving.

I lost around 20 seconds in my first pitstop going to the bathroom, and I served a penalty at my last stop for not doing a driver swap so I don't think I had an advantage. If I had a teammate that was able to drive I would never ever choose to do a 6 hour race all alone :p
Well, two stints at Bathurst in rain (mostly) wouldn't be my top pick for an endurance race debut, but I guess it was meant to be
Mistakes were made, plenty of them, but thankfully no really costly ones, and it was a ton of fun. Thanks to SpeedyMite Racing for offering me a seat and allowing me to race for them!

Congratulations to everyone who finished the race, sorry to those that didn't manage to finish or even race, and thanks to the RaceDepartment staff for organizing the event!
Will we get the server log after the race? would like to take a look at more detailed time data
Yes, the server logs and replay files for the qualifying session and the race will be made available soon. I shall provide the download links for these file in this thread; I expect to be "out of the office" for most of tomorrow, so it will most probably be on Monday.
Congrats to everyone. Great racing, hosting and steaming!
I was watching the stream and with the exception for a very few incidents this was a very good and fair race! :thumbsup:
Thanks to Matt and Daiman for the organisation. I appreciate and know the effort you guys put in. I enjoyed the event.

I'd like to say that if I'm going to be publicly ridiculed and criticised by a broadcaster then I really have no interest in partaking in further streamed events or events in general. Some will care that I do continue racing and others won't but I race at RaceDepartment to race in a fair and clean environment. Racing alone in an endurance event has many advantages in setup development, track time and warming up to a race stint and adapting to track conditions is a much easier process. These are all factors that multi-man teams have to contend with.

The winning driver made the excuse that his team mate couldn't race because of other commitments and but simply should have been told you can't race. I had read from other commenters that said if he was allowed to race alone then they would've partaken in the event.

But simply because he performed to a high level, which I acknowledge and knew he would from racing against him in the past, he was let off and allowed to race and keep his win. Whether he would've won or not would have had no consequence on our team's position as we were distant from the top 3 positions. We raced in this event with the target to end up in the top 10 and anything better would've been a bonus.

The broadcaster's repeated criticising and opinions of other drivers is highly disrespectful and judgemental. I'm not the first driver for him to destructively criticise and likely won't be the last if he is to be let off doing what he's doing.

Our team thoroughly enjoyed the event and relished in the challenge of endurance racing.

That is all I want to say on this and hope it can be taken onboard by the staff.
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Thanks to Matt and Daiman for the organisation. I appreciate and know the effort you guys put in. I enjoyed the event.

I'd like to say that if I'm going to be publicly ridiculed and criticised by a broadcaster then I really have no interest in partaking in further streamed events or events in general. Some will care that I do continue racing and others won't but I race at RaceDepartment to race in a fair and clean environment. Racing alone in an endurance event has many advantages in setup development, track time and warming up to a race stint and adapting to track conditions is a much easier process. These are all factors that multi-man teams have to contend with.

The winning driver made the excuse that his team mate couldn't race because of other commitments and but simply should have been told you can't race. I had read from other commenters that said if he was allowed to race alone then they would've partaken in the event.

But simply because he performed to a high level, which I acknowledge and knew he would from racing against him in the past, he was let off and allowed to race and keep his win. Whether he would've won or not would have had no consequence on our team's position as we were distant from the top 3 positions. We raced in this event with the target to end up in the top 10 and anything better would've been a bonus.

His repeated criticising and opinions of other drivers is highly disrespectful and judgemental. I'm not the first driver for him to destructively criticise and likely won't be the last if he is to be let off doing what he's doing.

Our team thoroughly enjoyed the event and relished in the challenge of endurance racing.

That is all I want to say on this and hope it can be taken onboard by the staff.
I have to say I agree with a lot of this (not the yuri part, but that's different and you're entitled to your opinion)

I honestly feel like @Joseph Wright has a real problem with me, whether real or just perceived, as an organisation that presents itself as professional a commentator shouldn't be making me feel like I don't want to take part at the risk of been insulted. A celebration that "he was right I always make mistakes" which had no truth what so ever, I dropped from 2nd to 5th as others were faster or running on a different strategy with higher boost, but once realised by Joseph it was a glory thing. Even the intros the comments made about people were belittling and not correct. Even if I had some consistency issues my team mate does not but he got shoe horned with me.

This isn't a first event that this has occured, I've lifted on purpose to let a team mate through and get oh there's Jacobs making a mistake again.

I really hate to say anything because the whole comms team does do an overall good job, but being riduculed does make me consider not doing races with comms.

I know I should delete this and over tiredness is probably contributing, so I do apologise, but yeah I don't feel like I should come away from a race where we got a real strong result in and drove the best we could, feeling like crap because I've been pidgeon holed in to this constant mistake making driver when on an incredibly difficult track I don't think I made any real mistakes at all.
Sorry that you felt this way, we went where the action was. We did our best.

After witnessing everything that took place yesterday, from the entire team, not just the broadcasters I would have to say if you're looking to increase the community thing like this have to cease to happen.

At no point and time in a team race should any driver be allowed to drive solo. I understand that things in life happen but rules cannot be broken for individuals and given his stature should have stepped out of the race in the first place. He knew he was going against the rules as did the Race Organizers.

As for the attack on @Celtic Pharaoh , this was completely disrespectful and ridiculously unwarranted. No commentator should be attacking a member or any of the viewers for speaking their opinion, this is the voice of Race Department and quiet honestly is going to end up destroying the community if it continues, this also includes the commentators using fowl language (I.E. using the lords name in vain) should never be allowed because we may have younger viewers watching.

And to make you aware of what I'm getting at, the point and time that the attack on @Celtic Pharaoh happened there where roughly around 750 viewers, within minutes of the problem we dropped below 650. If that doesn't show a problem I don't know what does.
I'd like to say that if I'm going to be publicly ridiculed and criticised by a broadcaster then I really have no interest in partaking in further streamed events or events in general. Some will care that I do continue racing and others won't
This was a very sad and unfortunate thing that should have never happened. You are one of the finest examples of a gentleman and racer that I know. I do not call you The Ambassador for nothing. I for one, along with many other Staff and Premium members, will hate the day that you decide to leave racing with us. You make RD a better place for all. I hope Joseph will reconsider his words and step up and apologize to you. I would like to think that we can stick to the racing and the rules when it comes to racing and send out a positive message to the public. This is the only way we can move forward as a community.

Thanks again to all who put on and participated in the event. I really enjoyed it and hope that Team Hooligan will be able to take part in our 2nd race in rF2. @Celtic Pharaoh @InsaneOzzie and @JoelK thank you so much for agreeing to do this event with me. I think as a unit we had about 230 hours between the 4 of us in rF2 and we had a ball in our ts channel. It was a party and a really good one at that:cool:
First of all, I appreciate the effort the staff and the broadcasters have put in. I also agree with the criticism towards the broadcasters.
On the other hand, I couldn't disagree more with the things said about Yuri in the winning car. I happen to be on the same eSports team as Yuri's teammate, Alen and he was genuinely planning to race. I know Yuri tried to find a replacement up until the formation lap. It's not like he intended to race this by himself when they signed up. Furthermore, driving a 6 hour race alone, in mixed conditions, has as many advantages (the ones Tariq mentioned) as it has disadvantages. Fatigue, not being able to check laptimes to know what tires are best etc etc.
Then the argument that was mentioned in the stream chat that Yuri gained 30 seconds by not having to do driver swaps; João and I spent 12 seconds in the pits (if you don't count our meme at the end). We were actually planning to do just the one driver swap at first. Which would only be 6 seconds. I'd say this makes Yuri's 10 second penalty fair. And finally, I was on Discord voice with Yuri and he ran off to the bathroom on his first pitstop. Lost him about 30 seconds.

Not much to say about our race. Me and João spent a little bit of time to make a setup that felt alright to drive but didn't do any in-depth testing regarding fuel and tire strategy. After my first double stint on mediums, we were in third. João had some issues and lost time. When I got back in the car just after the first shower started, I made up quite a bit of time, I've always enjoyed wet weather racing. I also made the move back to slicks at the perfect moment and gained more time back. However, I got over-confident on the thin dry line and started hitting wall after wall and eventually, the car was so damaged I was 4,5 seconds down on my pace and started making more mistakes because I was annoyed with myself and the crappy setup I made with 20 laps practice :)
Still enjoyed the whole event tho!

Anyway, thanks again to the staff for setting this up!

Oh and btw, if we have one of these events again, it would be nice if people realised this wasn't multiclass (except for Yuri ofcourse) and normal blue flag rules apply. I felt like Vettel quite often.
My first race on RaceDepartment and my first one with Deltec Racing Team as well. First of all I would like to thank the organizers @Matt Le Gallez @Daiman Patel and broadcasters @Joseph Wright @Paul Glover for this cool event. I’ve really enjoyed it. Although I gave some commentators a hard time with the pronunciation of my name :)

I enjoyed some of the battles I’ve had. Especially with @Shawn Jacobs, we were really close for almost 20 laps or so. Almost all of the battles were very clean. Sometimes I was quoting Vettel though. (Blue flag blue flag)

I would also like to congratulate @Yuri. Because of him, we were all in a multiclass race. Outstanding performance. Too bad he couldn’t find a teammate anymore.

Thanks @Cameron Sansano and @bigcatfish80 for coaching and welcoming me in the team and @Sweet Thunder for letting me join Deltec :thumbsup:

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