F1 2018 3D model helmet use it to paint!!!!

F1 2018 The Game (Codemasters)
Hi everyone, i saw a lot of people who didnt paint well the winglet on the helmet. Its understandable its hard to line it up the design with the helmet.

BUT !!!!! you can use the 3d model to paint your helmet, i mean, if you draw a line on it, the line will automaticly go on the 2d template skin. So if you are smart enough, you can easily align the design of the helmet on the winglet.

Me, what i do, i create a blank overlay on the template, i go on the 3d helmet, put on the side view, sketch my line, merge it after it on the helmet, return on the template, create an other overlay, redo the line with a better quality. Erase the old new overlay, merge the new one with the proper overlay.