General 3D tree's and fake shadows problem

I'm trying to add the 3D trees to the Nordschleife, and am encountering some shadow bugs.

I have completely turned off the shadows so there shouldn't be any on the track to see what the problem is, however it seems that the new 3d trees have some self fake shadowing enabled, that is not meshing well with other stuff on the track, or is extremely dark in some cases. (screenshots).

Any help is appreciated.


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iirc there was a discussion about the shadows on the CSP Discord CSP Trees/ext-config-chat channels. haven‘t followed the discussion since so no clue if there‘s a solution for the issue. Afaik @TechnoRacerX is currently working on a Nords overhaul with TreeFX on the todo list as well.
Thanks for the reply, Ill go check it out there. I actually did mostly finish with the tree placements since the track is mostly forest I had to ad like 17 000 trees, there is other problems besides the shadows, mainly that the game doesnt start when over 14k trees are placed.
Add this to the trees txt file if you haven't already:

configure: fake shadow = 0.0

It sets the opacity of that fake shadow mesh to nothing and hides it completely.