6 months no update

Heya all,

as the Steam community hub for NCG:WF basically turned into a "bash the devs" wreckfest,
because there hasn't been a game update for over 6 months, i want to share this chunk of information with you dear RD members:

"I will freely say that we screwed up. We underestimated how big the physics update would really be, and we screwed up by grafting all the new stuff we've done so far into one build, and now that we've past the point of no return, we realize that it would've been better to release new stuff while the physics team works on physicsy stuff. That's all on us, and believe me, we do recognize our errors"

That's from Jori, a Bugbear dev and you can find this here:
(last paragraph of his post)

So if you wondered why nothing is happening, there you go.

Can't wait to see that physics update + all the content updates bundled in it finally getting released, but it seems we'll have to wait some more time until we can.

Just a random information :D
This is part of the Steam sale for $14.99. I'm considering buying it. Is it worth that? Figured I'd post and ask since I trust RD posters more than Steam forums and most steam reviews unless I recognize the username.
It's good bunch of fun.
Contact and destruction racing at it's finest, the question is: Will the update really come?
If they finally get the physics update out, i forsee this becoming a great game.
Agreeing with xnorb, there is a lot of fun to be had with this, even in its current state. The demolition derby events are a blast but my favorite thing thus far is just racing on the figure 8 track and trying to not only survive but actually win. Really good fun.

I think it's worth $14.99 as is, even if it never received another update. But with an update now pending soon, I'd say get it. Besides, the tech demo sneak peek that comes with it is a hilarious blast as well.
Ah, i see :)
I have to get up at 04:50 in the morning for workout, so no night session for me, then i'll most likely not get to play tomorrow, so i don't mind if they roll out the update on july 2nd ;)