60's British Cars @ 60's Oulton Park - Tue 17th Jan 2012

Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™

Class: Race1 = TC65 Default / Race2 = GTC65 Default
Track: Oulton Park 60's (Download)

Practice start time: GMT 20.00
Qualification start time: GMT 20.20 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 20.30 (16 laps)
Practice start time: GMT 21.00
Qualification start time: GMT 21.20 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 21.30 (16 laps)

Note1: Default Skins Only
Note2: Race1 = Jaguar Mk2, Mini Cooper, Lotus Cortina // Race2 = Austin Healey, Jaguar E-Type, Lotus Elan, TVR 400

Server password: click here
Racing rules: click here
too many rules to keep it fun :(

Don't be silly, Neil. It's not a big deal. The sign up list is there to show who is going to be attending the event, not who might or might not turn up if they feel like it. People were abusing the system and using it as a way of 'saving a spot' for themselves without committing, thereby bypassing one of our golden rules. Hence, no more maybes.
First race - lost car in lap no6 and fifth position.... Then started fight with car, (suspension) and Senad, (sorry, mine car was terrible to drive after crash so I lost it and hit you while overtaking). In lap no11 car gone "mad" and best solution was to retire...

Second race - lost car in quali, started from 12th place, good start, in first corner entered in eight position but then somebody hit me, and that was it.... Fighting in the end of the row, (for 9th position) but then in lap 10 huge lagg and game over....
Very relaxed atmosphere on TS tonight. People really having fun. Good to see (hear).

Race 1. Drove the Cortina and for the most part I was chasing Eck, who was chasing Ross, who was chasing Magnus. At about the 3/4 mark Ross had a spin in the final corner and we moved up a rung on the ladder. Then Magnus had an unforced error on the uphill straight and we moved up one more notch. Now Eck and I were fighting it out for the rest of the event. He had a couple wide exits ( his tires must have been shot by this time ) while I had a frightening approach at the downhill left-hander (T3). Before it was all over we traded places three times. I was surprised ( but delighted ) to end up with a fourth. I believe Ross may have moved up behind me by the end.

Race 2. Chose the Jaaaaag. Struggled with a setup but finally got settled in. When checking the reply I see Roland and Ross were in the same car which may have caused me to foul without waiting. :( Explanation. Early in the race as we approached T1 Roland turned early and went off alittle and I took advantage of the situation and passed him, then a second later to my surprise the same car passed me with good speed. We rubbed going in T3 and he went off but he again caught up and passed me on the preceeding straight. How did he do it? Well checking replay I now see that it was two different drivers Roland and Ross who I thought were all the same driver... Roland. That is why I did not wait for you Ross because I thought you were Roland who I thought had just made remarkable recoveries to catch and pass me. Sorry about that. After that I had a good battle with Roland for several laps but I slowly lost air in my bubble at the 3/4 mark and my driving dropped off considerably. Ross got some revenge and passed me on the last lap as I had an unforced off on the uphill straight. Eck was kind enough as to not lap me on the last lap as I drifted off again before the last turn.

Grats to podiums ( Roland's 1st a milestone :)), enjoyed the track/ car combo Stu, cheers to all.
Now that's the way club events should be. A really enjoyable evening of racing. :)

I believe Ross may have moved up behind me by the end.

Yep, that was me. It was great fun throwing the Mini around at Oulton Park. Qualified in last after messing up my qualy lap (as usual). The 'battle' with Eck was interesting as I had to try and get through the corners as fast as possible to make up for the lack of speed on the straights. He caught and passed me eventually though. It was an attempt to retake the position that saw me outbrake myself and spin out as Jack mentioned. Still, I was chuffed with 5th as I expected to be lower than that.

That is why I did not wait for you Ross because I thought you were Roland who I thought had just made remarkable recoveries to catch and pass me. Sorry about that.

No worries, Jack. :) To be perfectly honest, I've buggered up that corner so many times that I thought it was just another misjudgement on my part! Hardy little car though... full tilt into the grass 'wall' and no noticeable damage.

Qualified last for R2 as well, because I messed up my qualy lap at T1. Doh! The rest of my race in the Elan was pretty lonely. Every time I put in a number of good laps and caught up with the guys ahead, I'd make a dumb mistake and put myself a mile behind again. I ended up last... but on the bright side, half the grid retired so technically I finished in the mid-field! ;)
Now that's the way club events should be. A really enjoyable evening of racing.
Amen to that! It was great fun again.:)
..... I assumed that there would be Cortina setups, but I suppose it is fairly stable to start off with, so the default is eminently workable.
And you are SO right! Because, well, I'll skip right to the end: I chose the Cortina, default setup,
I had the least trouble of everyone and I WON!! :eek: I WON!! :)

Indeed my first ever proper club race win here at RD, apart form some casual races at the christmas
server. That surely got me out of the bad mood I was in; I almost missed the event because I ran a
flat tire and destroyed one of my alloy wheels less than an hour before in the pitch dark on some
country road out here..:mad:

On to Race 2, the more serious cars. I did practise over the weekend to get to know the track, but it
is so bumpy and I know so very nothing about suspension setup that I coudn't beat my best Mini
laptime in any of the other cars :confused:?!? So that was promising..

Picked the Elan, did some test laps and then I came up with an evil plot to use the same skin as
Ross, just to see if we could fool someone during the race;) .. and well, it worked! :p

Seriously I didn't notice Ross, or I would have picked another skin. I managed to put in a decent
qualy lap, had a really fun and eventful race, fighting Jack for a number of laps, completing most of
the laps without offs or spins, and eventually finished in 5th which, again, was better than I had
hoped for beforehand.

Thanks to Stuart for yet another great fun event, cheers to all, cya next time.
Two incidents in race 1 for me.

Qualified 4th. On lap one, a collision between Jacob and I, I think. On the fast part of track; went way off the road, and picked up enough damage to make my Mini tricky to drive. 30-ish seconds behind the leader now.

Got used to the damage, got into a rhythm, and started slowly catching up to the guys in front. My humble goal was to catch up with Jack and Ross. Was going well, got the gap to under 10 seconds halfway into the race.

Then came across Domagoj. He also had some damage I see, was a bit slower than me, and I was tip-toeing around trying to gather up courage for a pass. After 2-3 laps of close driving, I tried to pass on the outside for that T2 kink. Unfortunately, had another collision, on another fast bit, and found the wall off track. More damage, Jack and Ross 20+ seconds away, Mini even trickier to drive -> escaped.

Cheers Stuart, see you all in the next one
thnx for the races last night guys, both races had a nice mix of cars and the track brought back some good memory's of driving around there with the Porsche in toca.
I love the track for it's mix of fast and slow bends and the odd bump here and there just makes it all the more interesting.

I now know why some picked the Jag in the last league, with every lap i drove in it last night i grew to love it more and more.
I had a mare in both races. I haven't really touched the wheel much since the end of November, and I haven't driven Outlon in a looong time.

Apologies to Stuart in R1 for punting him into the lake. My lack of practice was not helped by the wrong setup, where the wrong brake bias locked my rear wheels too easily. A spin at the hairpin left me in the middle of the road, and ESC was the best way to avoid the oncoming traffic.

R2 was more fun in the E type, but I was still last after many errors.

Congratz to Roland for the first win, to the podiums, and thanks to Stuart for the race. I will be practicing more from now on

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