@RasmusP You are right about that, it shows only average core loading, but I still think in the TS case his cores will be full loaded. The i5-4950 runs at 3.3Ghz and 3.7 in Turbo, if running VR that is way to low. It does not only handle the game but also the VR calculations on top of that.
But very interesting is that AC runs at 2-3 cores did not know that. Any knowledge if you separate one core pure for Window tasks and 3 cores only dedicated for the AC game & VR?
Once I did play an nonVR combat flysim game called “wings over Flandres fields” that was pure single core based, while using the method above, I could play this game without the usually frame drops. ( locked to 60FPS on my 60hrz monitor, no Vsync).
edit and what about pulling inn the HT cores for AC-VR, as now I have disabled that.
For me, hyperthreading gives higher fps im AC.
The flight sim example is interesting. Normally you only lose fps if you lock an application to certain cores because you lose the performance increase from the caching and spreading.
But some certain applications might not be made for any multithreading at all and might run better if you put it on one core only.
I never came across a game that works like this yet!
Only cases where this gives a better performance would be if you have single core boosting on your cpu that is too slow when constantly changing the loaded core.
Core 0 boosts to 4.3 GHz, core 1 runs at 3.5 GHz.
Now windows puts the application to core 1 but core 1 can't boost to 4.3 GHz in time and core 0 can't clock down quick enough.
In this case it would be better to lock the application to core 0 and let it boost constantly.
I'm not sure how quick the 4xxx series can boost. I only know that the new ryzen can boost a lot faster than the previous generations and now the locking defitely means lower fps!
Also with my all-core-oc on my I7 2600k I lose fps if I lock applications to cores or disable hyperthreading.
However you might run into core parking if you have too many cores compared to application threads. I disabled core parking completely.
Also some games produce stuttering when ht is on. Battlefield 4 (and also bf 1 at some patch stage) are the only examples I personally experienced to do this though.
Just if we misunderstood:
Just because his cpu is too slow to be capable of 90 fps the maximum overall load that is possible with the low amount of AC threads won't change. Only the fps value that results from it.
BTW, you can read out the amount of threads via "process explorer". Little tool where you can go into the properties of an application and see all the threads. The numbers mean cpu percentage.
One single thread can only reach the result of "100 devided by cpu threads". It barely does though. Mostly the limit is reached at a little lower values.
In my case 12.5 %. Ac has 2 threads reaching more than 11% and a third thread reaching 4-8%.
The additional VR cpu load goes on top of the first thread. Directly lowering the fps when in the cpu limit since there's no headroom even without VR!
In theory this would mean ac producing a maximum of 30% overall load.
But due to the spreading etc from windows I reach 50-60%.
If you'd lock ac to 3 cpu threads though, you would only get 37.5% overall load.
A completely different example is F1 2018 and 19. There you'll see a lot of threads with none of them going above 9% for my cpu. Resulting in the cpu limit being at 100% overall load.
It can truly max out my cpu.
However.. In fact it can't. I tested F1 2018 in the lowest Reduktion possible and the fps just got stuck at around 180 fps while not hitting 100% cpu.
I guess there's either a memory limit or simply a game engine limit. But who needs more than 180 fps anyway...