A Few Basic Questions from a Wreckfest Noob......

On my system, the opening screen (the one with all the warnings to drive safely in real life) displays for a number of minutes (enough to serve myself breakfast) before going on to the actual loading screen. Is there any way to bypass this?

Also, is a virtual mirror (I'm using cockpit view) available anywhere?

On my system, the opening screen (the one with all the warnings to drive safely in real life) displays for a number of minutes (enough to serve myself breakfast) before going on to the actual loading screen. Is there any way to bypass this?

Also, is a virtual mirror (I'm using cockpit view) available anywhere?


It is a long delay, but should not be minutes plural.

Virtual mirror has been requested over and over again. Devs have listened to most input, so hopefully they will add one in the next update!!