Abarth @ Prato Full GP - Tuesday January 26th 2010

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Bram Hengeveld

Website Founder

netKar PRO is back @ RD. We are kicking it off with the tiny mighty Abarth at the wonderful track of Prato!

Simulation: netKar PRO 1.1 beta 3 click here to purchase online for EUR 19.90
Class: 500 Abarth
Track: Prato Full GP
Weather: Dry

Start: 20:00 GMT
Practice: 30 mins
Qualification: 30 mins
Race: 17 laps

Notes: Click here to read the password and golden rules

  • Fran Maier

Can't make this one, but eager to race. Just bought this sim last week and very pleased with it. Small community, but glad to have found this group.

PS: As I've posted elsewhere here at RD and mentioned to Bram, I live in Denver, GMT -7. That makes racing with Euro-based friends more difficult. Anyone in the States or Canada who wants to connect at more mutually comfortable times should email me at franx1948[at], which is also my MSM address. Hope to hear from some other nk addicts besides myself.
  • Fran Maier

I just realized that when I bought my nk pro license, I created my licensed driver under my online nick. In other words, I don't show up under my real name online, which knocks me out of these sessions. Is there a way to change my licensed driver to my real name?
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