Ac on pc using CM

Can someone please tell me how to remove this from my screen.have no idea where it's located.Cant move it or even right click to close


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In my experience: it should vanish shortly after you leave the pit lane and only reappear if you use the arrow keys to adjust it, or if you return to the pit lane.
I don't think it can be removed while you're in the pit lane. If you do use the arrow keys to adjust it, it will vanish again a few seconds later.
Yeah like Neilski says, that screen is part of the pitting and goes away soon as you leave the pits. I dont think it can be disabled. With smaller screen resolutions, it always shows up in the center of the screen. I am running a very high screen resolution and it is allot smaller and out of the way.
All you can do is modify some settings in ....\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\system\cfg\pitstop.ini

Here are the first lines:

VISIBILITY_MAX_TIME is the time in seconds it stays open ( originally I think it's 10, I modified it to 5 )
NB: if you use it on track for modifying a pitstop preset ... it will stay open as long as you're modifying it .. but after the X seconds without doing anything it will disappear

AUTO_APP_ON_PITLANE=1 is the fact that it automatically opens when entering the pitlane ( 0 should not automatically open it )
NB: you'll have to open it manually with the setting 0 .... when you'll need it.

But if you're using Pitstops rather often .... let enough time and keep AUTO_APP_ON_PITLANE=1
Else you'll have to open this Pitstop menu manually and not take too long to modify it on track when needed.

This ini file can be opened, modified and saved with notepad.
Keep a backup of the original in case of problem.