AC Server Manager "Base Road Temp" ??


So whats the best value for hotlapping for this option ??

6 doesnt looks logic to me consider the base Ambient temp = 26.

depends where and what part of day and weather.

Imola in May 22, 26°C air had 32°C road for example
Salzburgring in June, 18 air -> 15 road
Oschersleben in June, 17 air -> 19 road
Spa in May, 22 air -> 40 road
Red Bull Ring in July, air 16 -> 23 road

So unless it is somewhere in mountains and you have clear sky I would go for 30-37 based on day time ... but that is the temp you wanna get, I don`t know how that configurator works .. how it multiplies base temp accordingly to air temp and day time .. you can do the testing till you get wanted result and share it with us :)
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I guess it depends on that random stuff :) perhaps 8-9? Maybe that random stuff is based on time of the day... Cause ingame afternoon there are higher road temps than before noon

Only the Realistic Road Temp is based on weather / time of the day. ;)

If you have ambient at 26° at 13:00 with weather Clear or Mid Clear, then the Realistic Road Temp is 10. With 1° of variation you can have 35° or 37°.

If you double click on that locked text field, it will copy the value on the field below.
Base road temp is the amount to add onto the ambient temp to get the road temperature.

Ambient + Base Road = Final road temperature.

The road variation setting is a standard deviation parameter to change the road temp randomly within that predetermined variation.
Ex. Using ambient at 25, base road at 10, road variation at 4.

25+(10+[any value between -4 and 4])