News ACC GT3 Series - Monday Nights

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Great grid shaping up for the series final tonight guys, looking forward to it.

Spa is well known by most so no special briefing notes other than be careful on pit entry not to clip that inside wall and end up stuck in the pit entry.

Track temp for the race should be in the region of 22 degrees C.

See you on track :thumbsup:
Don’t know who would do that……


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Sorry for having to Kick #420 BMW - You were lagging all over the place, ping was massively high.

A cracking finish to the series guys, I'll need to catch up with the replay to see some of the best bits and I'll post final results etc soon.

It's starting to feel like we have a group of regulars building up and when that happens the racing just gets better and better. People start to get to know each other's driving styles and it ends up with some mega close racing.

Thanks for turning up and making it awesome! :thumbsup:
Well, I didnt bin it in the pits this time! With minimal practise and a medicore quli, pretty happy with the race, even with my silly error. Had a epic fight for the last few laps and the last lap and a half was very tense!!! Good racing all, Well done to podium finishers, espically Andrew and Chris in another planet of pace.

Glad to be back, if only for that one :) Will try to get aboard next series :)
My Race Report - Sucked! :laugh:

Practice went well, new fastest lap time for me of a 2:19.200

Qualifying was ok, first attempt into the 2:19s, happy enough for the race start in 9th.

Went around the outside of Brooks on the climb out of Eau Rouge and up through Raidillon on Lap 1, got to Les Combe to find a bump in the back from someone missing their braking point, light damage so not too bad.

The run through Blanchimont wasnt as lucky, I found a Mercedes of Hunt coasting backward across the track, didnt have time to react and slammed it hard, effectively ending my race. Steering was broken so had to teleport to the pits. 3 minutes later I rejoined the race two laps down.

From there it was just a drive to the end, setting each car up the road as a target to chase down even though it wasnt for position or points.

Great championship though, I have enjoyed being closer to the front guys than ever before, already looking forward to the next one!
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That was still a forgiving end to this series in ACC for me. 7th place is a great success for me. I'm still struggling with this game. Just a small example: In AC I've already done a 2:16x in Spa, and here in ACC I can't do anything under 2:20. I'm not an expert at all, but I don't get it. But probably the answer is: practice practice practice. :thumbsdown:

Really fun in this group. Thanks for the great organization. :thumbsup:

I'm already looking forward to the next series.
Great championship, amazing racing throughout so thank you everyone.

That last race was on another level though. Chris led the first stint, me the second, and over both I don't think the gap was over 1.5 seconds the entire race. The pitstop did it for me in the end, I extended my stint +2 over Chris and managed to jump him. Not sure if he hit traffic, or if I managed to reduce the deficit on two low fuel inlaps.

Will definitely be watching the replay as there was some incredible door to door moments, clean as a whistle!
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Sorry for having to Kick #420 BMW - You were lagging all over the place, ping was massively high.

A cracking finish to the series guys, I'll need to catch up with the replay to see some of the best bits and I'll post final results etc soon.

It's starting to feel like we have a group of regulars building up and when that happens the racing just gets better and better. People start to get to know each other's driving styles and it ends up with some mega close racing.

Thanks for turning up and making it awesome! :thumbsup:
My rank is down now, but ok.
My very brief race report!.. Matt Hunt

Quali went as expected.. Slow start then push laps... Managed to get front row P2...

Race:.... I was a little slow to react the start but all got away no drama...Was pushing lap 1 as I didn't want to lose Mr swan.. but I got to blanchimont and just run to much inside kerb and it took me to the wall.. bouncing across the track right as everyone was flying round... at this point i was a passenger hoping not to get collected but unfortunately I then became a spinning top... Apologies to rborowik & others...

At this point my brain was ah **** its done I'm done... But nothing worse than getting caught up or taken out and the offender leaving the server..
Fortunately I wasn't far from the pits so I fixed up fuelled up changed the tryes & sat there for 1:38 getting lapped! lol...
With a heavy car and a long way to go I set off to catch each car at a time unlapping myself...I have to give absolute full credit to those that could see a i was faster and didn't fight me allowing me to push on!...

As the laps ticked down I'd gone from being completely lapped by the whole field to actually fight for position!..

Finshed P11... But other than my plebb moment end of lap 1 I have no complaints...

Thanks to the organisers... The last couple of races have been my first in over 10+ yrs away from Racedepatment from where I was a regular racer in mini Fridays & various championships...

Feels good to be back in a community...

Thanks again
Congratulations to all....
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Excellent race last night until my pitstop, it was shocking going from challenging for 3rd to joining 6 seconds behind Dahlgren. I ended up giving up trying and just maintained 4th which I’m happy with :thumbsup:

That first lap though when Hunt took too much Kirb and lost it, I lost count how many times I said ‘hold the brake!’, I just made it by on the grass…:D

I didn’t manage all the races due to rl commitments but enjoyed what I done, thanks Chris for organising and well done to Andrew on the series win!
Apologies for missing the race last night. I’d signed up weeks ago, but then found I couldn’t make it and forgot to withdraw. -500 in ranking points seems a fair penalty for my oversight
I missed out on what the points are actually used for? I only just noticed them being assigned lol

Series Winner - Andrew Sebastian
Well done to Andrew for a well-deserved series win. I've been racing with / against Andrew for quite a while now and each time we venture out on track he unlocks just that little bit more speed and consistency and has proved to be mega in the BMW, pleasure racing against you sir!

Great work from Magnus to get 3rd with the Ferrari, always awesome to see Magnus in the prancing horse getting quicker and quicker.

Thanks to everyone who joined us for this series, I think it's been one of the most enjoyable yet. Well done if you feel you've gained more confidence, speed, consistency - that's what this club is all about.

We will have a bit of down time next week whilst I put together the next events. Are we happy for a Week A - Week B format?
Week A = GT3 Series - (50 minutes again with a stop?)
Week B - Fun race

Points scoring positions
1Andrew Sebastian
2Chris Swan
3Magnus Dahlgren
4Robert Borowik
5Johann Schröder
6Kyle Kaiser
7Hank Belane
8Andre Nascentes
9Ben Plowman
10Will Hardie
11Tajinder Johal
12Matt Hunt
13Michael Klengel
13James Vardigans
15Erik Sarik
15Perry mulliner
17Morbid Grenade
18Harry Brooks
19Bernardo Teixeira
19Ernie Wright
21David Baez
22Barnabas Fancsali
22Oliver Zierach
22Rafael Bonfim Souza
25Rich Green
26Steve Le Gallez
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