These are the only two options? For all your talk of objectivity your bias could not be more clear and it makes this poll meaningless.
There is value in having this conversation, but not when framed like this.
I’m not voting in the poll because neither option represents my opinion but, for what it’s worth, the VR runs well for me and the game looks great. However, VR makes me extremely motion sick so I’ve probably only played 2 or 3 hours total in VR; I’m completely open to the idea that there are issues that might crop up with more time invested in it.
I'm happy to change the options if you want to suggest something else that's unambiguous and to the point.
Regarding objectivity, I'm not sure how else you might frame this given the comparable titles that all seem to run very well at 90FPS for even lower end PC's?
For the purposes of a poll, it either works well and you want to spend more time in VR on ACC, or it doesn't.
I'm open to suggestions on how the choices might be more palatable for you.
I wish success for Kunos, I've purchased every piece of content for AC, and thanks to the SOL mod still race to this day.
But ignoring the issues is counter-intuitive, and sometimes we just need to get to the basics of an issue without all the fluff.
It either works really well as intended, or it doesn't.
You should cast your vote as it needs more work.
BTW - you talked of motion sickness, is that just in ACC or is this an issue for you across all VR titles?
I know people who suffer badly from 'VR sickness' so it's simply not an option for them.
There's some very cool tech in development to combat that actually, the most ingenious I've seen uses light pulses from an LED light ring that goes around the outer edges of the lens.
Supposedly stops motion sickness and if successful could be an 'add on' 3rd party option for current headsets, assuming it's not purchased and made proprietary by Oculus or the likes.