ACC rating system failing

Hi friends, I'm playing to ACC months ago and I had heard about problems with their rating system. Days ago I'm having the same problem. My SA rating doesn't work even when I have no incidents during races against IA. When I finish a lap it up from 93 to 94 and in the next lap it down from 94 to 93, and always the same. Are there someone that have the same problem? Thanks a lot!
The whole thing to me is in need of work but it will not get any because all the sweats and goons are at 99 and dont care. Devs only listen to youtubers and top ;layers for advice, not the people that actually bought it and play it more often, we dont matter.

The system heavily penalises you for others mistakes, I get the algorithm is hard, but really, is it that hard to realise that if I am doing 50mph and a guy hits me at 150, it is not my fault, it is pretty simple!#

But really you have to be consistent, your scores delete and add at the same time, so if you had a 50 trust race with 0 obwp, and that goes, and is replaced by a race with 20trust 5obwp you score drops, its a crap system but as I say it will never change because the sweats dont cares they only play with themselves.
The system heavily penalises you for others mistakes, I get the algorithm is hard, but really, is it that hard to realise that if I am doing 50mph and a guy hits me at 150, it is not my fault, it is pretty simple!#
Well, what if you're doing 50 mph in the middle of the straight? It's not that simple.
it really is, if any incident happens and the speed differential is huge like that, then it is clearly a very dd incident on a straight or someone has taken you out flat out into a bend, meaning there should be a way within the SA algorithm to make that not count.

I was taken out the other day flat out into the Monza first chicane, from a guy I had moved off line with a fair pass, received 4 OBWP, utterly ridiculous, if i had been the guy taking him out I would have received the same, that ism plainly, clearly wrong.

I know it is hard to make this work fairly, but if that is the case remove it from certain servers, allow people to make mistakes on rookies servers, don't penalise everyone all the time, that is a ridiculous draconian system that rewards nobody for racing clean, it only rewards you for racing cleanly within three tenths of another car, which in rookies is beyond ridiculous.,
there should be a way within the SA algorithm to make that not count
Yup, you'd think so, but for every scenario you can consider "simple", you will also readily figure out a way for it to be not so simple, and indeed often for it to be directly gamed by malicious drivers.

Bottom line for me: a smart, dedicated and highly motivated chap (Kevin Stuck, aka Minolin) put a lot of thought and effort into this very question in both AC and ACC; my understanding is that he reluctantly concluded after much testing that there is in fact no simple and reliable set of heuristics to adequately judge who to blame for collisions, and as a result he coded his MR rating for AC and the SA system for ACC accordingly. Having read various things he wrote about his efforts, I trust his results, even if I don't like them either.
I am not saying the system is bad, merely that certain aspects if it could surely be improved.

I do not like the fact that the ONLY reward you get is for following closely to other cars, racing clean should also get you an SA rating increase albeit taking longer to achieve, and that is also a safety racing skill, to avoid contact and issues and off tracks as it does in Iracing, which is also similarly afflicted let's be honest.

No system will ever be perfect, but I can also see how a ghost mode could be used at the first few corners for instance in certain low rank SA servers or if you are a low SA rating player, to avoid this nonsense, then maybe introduced and deleted as you get a higher SA rating, that does not take much work. there should also be non SA servers for those that want to have some fun, knock each other about and not have the endless pressure of ratings to worry about, what harm is there in that, saddos would never go in there as they would be petrified of losing rating, and some people would have some fun.

I do think more could be done, but it won't as decisions made revolve around the elite players as they do in most games, not around the normal people who have lives, jobs and race only for un. You know the ones that make up the majority of purchasers!!
No system will ever be perfect, but I can also see how a ghost mode could be used at the first few corners for instance in certain low rank SA servers or if you are a low SA rating player, to avoid this nonsense, then maybe introduced and deleted as you get a higher SA rating, that does not take much work. there should also be non SA servers for those that want to have some fun, knock each other about and not have the endless pressure of ratings to worry about
I'm not remotely up to date wrt ACC but I could have sworn that non-SA servers do exist. For sure, some things could probably be adjusted to help learners.
I do think more could be done, but it won't as decisions made revolve around the elite players as they do in most games
I don't agree with this at all. Elite players may help bring people to a game but if the experience for normal players is bad then the reviews will also be bad and it won't sell well. Nothing for a studio to gain in ignoring feedback from normal users...
I can assure from playing this and other games that devs only listen to the layers that stream and do all that stuff, they are very usually very good and have their own issues.

there are no SA free serves in ACC sadly, everythng yu do online contributes.