I bought a used 8020 rig not too long ago and spent over a week configuring it to my liking which is great, but come to use my wheel today and it wont calibrate.
It appears at some point the encoder plug has been pulled and three of the wires have come away, looking at it i could probably guess which wire goes where based on positioning, but it isnt a chance i want to take even tho im pretty sure they are just data connections.
Anyway if anyone knows the wiring order of the plug, (the smaller one of the two into the control box) or has a picture or schematic i would gretly appreciate it if you could share.
Thanks in advance.
The plug in question.
It appears at some point the encoder plug has been pulled and three of the wires have come away, looking at it i could probably guess which wire goes where based on positioning, but it isnt a chance i want to take even tho im pretty sure they are just data connections.
Anyway if anyone knows the wiring order of the plug, (the smaller one of the two into the control box) or has a picture or schematic i would gretly appreciate it if you could share.
Thanks in advance.
The plug in question.