Adding roads to existing track fails in BTB

I want to add new roads to the project.
Importing .kml files recorded by GPS.

Once: I created the main layout and added one more road - successful.
The added road is marked in light blue
add roads a success.jpg

Now: Trying to add more roads.
The same way, importing .kml files
This is a road that I want to replace, it contains the whole road marked in orange
plus two parts in light blue, that will link roads.

It was imported in a completely different place.
I try to hold the road and move to the correct position, but it does not work.

add roads terrible bobs track builder 20221207_sma.jpg

One more try:
Adding a different road - the same issue.
The red road should be here, where I have drawn it in yellow

I've noticed that all imported roads go through the midpoint of the track.
I haven't changed anything in import settings? Rather not.
Then what can be wrong here?

This is not related to height / altitude. I flatten all tracks to 96m, then adjust height.

add roads this program is a fan art not for money.jpg

I opened all the roads in a GPS viewer - they are in correct positions.
adding roads terra incognita.jpg
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I've noticed that all imported roads go through the midpoint of the track.
Yes, that is how BTB works with imported tracks. You have to manually move them to the correct location.

Easier if you have LIDAR data to work with because then you can just draw the additional tracks on top of their location and height gets set appropriately. Limitation exists on how many points of LIDAR data can be imported, however, as BTB is only a 32-bit program.

[Had to search for my old notes... BTB crashes at around 60 million points, but you need to leave room for your project, so 30 million points is a more appropriate limit for the lidar point cloud.]
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Yes, that is how BTB works with imported tracks. You have to manually move them to the correct location.
How can I move them manually?
I tried to hold the mouse button on the road and move. It didn't work.

the newer Race Track Builder that does that.

I haven't heard about this software. I have to find a working trial version.
Just a question - will it import BTB projects?
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I can move the roads in the 3D editor, but how to import them back to BTBuilder?
(to add aiw for future variants of the track).

I think that 3D simED and BTB could be integrated into one working suite.
Because these things you can do in one program, cannot be done in the other. (and vice versa)