Advice for building a Wind Simulator

I'm looking to build a wind simulator for my rig.

My main goals are:
  • To cool the driver during sim racing with VR headset (I get so hot!).
  • Use two fans/blowers (Probably don't need more, nor want them to take more space).
  • Use Simhub and game telemetry to adjust fan speed and "curving" (Will probably also use Simhub for other effects later).
  • To prioritize accurate and fast reaction time of fan speed control instead of maximum output (I assume that the ability of the fan speed to react to the change of car speed is more vital to the immersion factor than the abilitity to simulate extreme maximum wind speeds).
  • Avoid really loud fan noise if possible.
  • Budget ~200€
Some solutions I have noted down and for which I have found instructions for:
  • Arduino Uno + 120/140mm PWM fans up to 213 cfm (Apparently these are slow to react but produce decent wind speed and are relatively quiet.)
  • Arduino Uno + a basic motor shield + 120/140mm DC fans up to 200 cfm. (Not sure if faster to react? At least otherwise similar end result but with extra although cheap motor shield.)
  • Arduino Uno + Monster Motor Shield + 3"/4" Inline bilge blower fans up to 270 cfm. (Significantly more faster to react, more powerful wind but much louder also, and the need for an expensive motor shield.)
  • Other solutions (?)
How do I best achieve my goals? I think the main issue is I don't know what solution is the best for achieving a fast responding fan system. Or which is truly preferrable, fan reaction speed to car speed, or maximum output of wind speed?
  • Should I use PWM or DC fans or those Inline bilge blowers?
  • Does the choice of fan/blower or electronics/programming affect the reactivity to speed change?
I have experience of building arduino based projects based on tutorials and 3D printing plastic parts for mounting things, but I don't have the experience or time to design & program my own project from scratch.

Ideally what I need is a parts list for the electrical stuff, wiring diagram and maybe some direction on how to configure the system. But I would be grateful for any advice for my main issue on which wind sim qualities I should pursue.
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I'm using the fan controller by Sym Projects together with Delta TFC1212DEhigh-speed fans. Actually I'm using 2 controllers at the same time with 4 fans. I'm very happy with the result. It uses its own software, which can be configured for PWM fans and for inverted PWM fans (my case), as well as for fixed speed (car fans) or variable depending on the speed (wind simulator). The reaction time is fine and I have never noticed any delay. It doesn't support directional changes of speed, but I don't think that's too much noticiable. The Delta fans provide a lot of air, (especially now that I have 4 fans working together). You will need as much airflow as possible in wind simulator mode if you want a minimum level of realism. The lack of noticed airflow is worse when you are wearing a VR headset and headphones. The only issue is that the fans will make a lot of noise, but you will barely hear them with some good closed headphones.
That Sym Projects fan controller looks handy. I assume from the description and screenshots that it comes with some software with some sliders and checkboxes that need configuring for your specific fans.

But is that all it needs to spin the fans according to any game? Or do you still use simhub additionally which gets the actual speed data for the Sym Projects fan controller from different games?

The whole idea for a fan system came from just the need to keep a bit cooler when racing in VR. However I thought that I might as well make a system that varies with speed and maybe has that curving effect, if it is useful.

But I don't think I really would want it to be really powerful, because I think It would end up feeling uncomfortable and be really loud (ofcourse you can probably turn it down if there is too much power available).

Your system seems very powerful. Do you think there is any point in making a varying speed fan system, unless you go for maximum output? Can a system with moderate or low "wind" output give an immersive feel of speed?
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I built one with arduino and monster shield, use sim hub to control it, I've had one from sim racing studio that was ok but I wanted something with more oomph, so i used 6000rpm 300cfm fans, I also 3d printed right angled mounts to attach it to the rig, total cost was about £200

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