I'm looking to build a wind simulator for my rig.
My main goals are:
Ideally what I need is a parts list for the electrical stuff, wiring diagram and maybe some direction on how to configure the system. But I would be grateful for any advice for my main issue on which wind sim qualities I should pursue.
I'm looking to build a wind simulator for my rig.
My main goals are:
- To cool the driver during sim racing with VR headset (I get so hot!).
- Use two fans/blowers (Probably don't need more, nor want them to take more space).
- Use Simhub and game telemetry to adjust fan speed and "curving" (Will probably also use Simhub for other effects later).
- To prioritize accurate and fast reaction time of fan speed control instead of maximum output (I assume that the ability of the fan speed to react to the change of car speed is more vital to the immersion factor than the abilitity to simulate extreme maximum wind speeds).
- Avoid really loud fan noise if possible.
- Budget ~200€
- Arduino Uno + 120/140mm PWM fans up to 213 cfm (Apparently these are slow to react but produce decent wind speed and are relatively quiet.)
- Arduino Uno + a basic motor shield + 120/140mm DC fans up to 200 cfm. (Not sure if faster to react? At least otherwise similar end result but with extra although cheap motor shield.)
- Arduino Uno + Monster Motor Shield + 3"/4" Inline bilge blower fans up to 270 cfm. (Significantly more faster to react, more powerful wind but much louder also, and the need for an expensive motor shield.)
- Other solutions (?)
- Should I use PWM or DC fans or those Inline bilge blowers?
- Does the choice of fan/blower or electronics/programming affect the reactivity to speed change?
Ideally what I need is a parts list for the electrical stuff, wiring diagram and maybe some direction on how to configure the system. But I would be grateful for any advice for my main issue on which wind sim qualities I should pursue.
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