Cars AE86 Suichi Shigeno Edition '00 [Deleted]

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HiSpdMgcnLady submitted a new resource:

AE86 Suichi Shigeno Edition '00 - A work-in-progress replica of Takumi's AE86 S.S. Ver.

This car uses the vanilla AE86 assets with only the performance parameters changed to replicate the infamous AE86 of Akina.

I originally started out with only changing the rev limiter and rev threshold for damage, then I changed the gearing to a TRD close gear set found at and it's part no. is 33030-AE811. I also paired the TRD set with their 5.125 final drive used in TRD rally-spec 86's; link for that info was found at...

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I mean, the closest thing to Takumi's car out there is my S1. It's not a "replica" but the power, suspension more or less is similar. Kinda just like...go download that? I actually put some effort in too.

I did laugh really hard upon the download indeed being a .png file. Thanks. This will probably get deleted soon unless you upload the data.acd or SOMETHING relevant.
This is still all very new to me, I'm learning as I go. I too, have actually put a good deal of time making the copy *I* have feel like it's close enough to the real deal, it is my lack of knowledge of how mod uploads work that is at fault here. I'm currently trying to remedy this situation.
Okay, well, some conduct:

Do not upload sound or visuals from KS cars: uploading custom UI and data.acd has been OK to now, I believe it is allowed.
Compress your folders. rar, zip etc.
Provide installation instructions, as the end user must provide their own visuals and sound and it's more complicated than drag and drop.

You should have an option which allows you to provide a file update. You can update, then remove the old release I believe.

About physics modding:

The KS86 base is incorrect: suspension and so on is no good. It will take several months with good data and information from real drivers to get it remotely close. That's what I did. If you really want to do physics modding, read some books, don't release any mods for the time being. We really don't need low quality stuff littering RD.

Milliken's race engineering is the natural start to learn physics theory. The rest of it is some 5 - 10 years of experience, reading, watching, listening. Perhaps then you'll have produced some good stuff.

Being new is no excuse for littering the DL section because you didn't ask beforehand how to do things. I saw you posting in the Shutokou Discord, in an entirely wrong section, about this car. That's really not good conduct, and people will get a lot more upset than I. Please correct these fauls and you'll be a welcome modding community member. :thumbsup:
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