To be blunt, you've done something wrong. Let's try and get you doing it right.
1) Stick to just the type 2 learning for now. Close rFactor 2. Find the Autocalibrate line in your player.JSON and make it read:
- "Autocalibrate AI Mode":2,
2) Launch rFactor 2. Select the track, select the car.
3) You only need Practice & Qualify sessions. If you're using the new Beta UI, you're on your own at this point as the new Beta UI is far from ready.
View attachment 344331
4) Click on SESSION SETTINGS (the cloud icon) and set the following conditions:
- Weather is set to Sunny or Overcast, as long as there's no Rain at all in the PRACTICE session.
View attachment 344333
- Set the PRACTICE session time to 1440 minutes.
View attachment 344335
- RealRoad can be anything, but I prefer something other than Green. I also prefer Static timescale for RealRoad when training AI.
- Turn OFF Tire, Fuel and Mechanical Failures.
- Set the Strength to 100% and Aggression to 50% and AI Limiter to 0%.
View attachment 344336
- Count the number of possible AI opponents and subtract one (yourself). Use that number in the AI drivers (but careful that you don't exceed the number of pit stalls). In my example, there are 27 Spec Miatas - myself = 26, but the track has only 26 pit stalls, so I enter 25 AI Drivers. Circuit d'Azur has 39 pit stalls, so maximum AI drivers would be 38.
View attachment 344337
4) Now we're ready to load the track and begin training! There is no chat message with type 2 AI training like there is with type 1 AI training. Once the track loads, use time acceleration (Ctrl-X). Go have sex or eat or watch TV...
5) Once the AI have done a couple hundred laps, click NEXT SESSION. This is sooo important and where most people fail to complete the training. If you fail to click NEXT SESSION, the WIS (wisdom) files will not be written to disk.
6) You can exit the track now. Verify that the WIS files have been created. WIS files can be copied to the same model/spec of car (e.g. all GT3 Bentleys, but not between GT3 Bentleys and GT3 Aston Martins) which is useful if you couldn't train them all in one session. There's no requirement to have all the cars in a race trained or even trained to the same level, which is useful if you want a few AI to be significantly better/worse than most of the field.