Tracks AI fast not recording my lap


Here is the scene: using RTB
I have new road course which combines oval track and the track within it.
I am running clockwise, I swung the start finish line to show properly, aligned cars; hotlap and pits to reflect clockwise.
When I tested by recording pit, it tracked in the inner course, but would not track the oval section.
When using AI Helper for boundaries, and KS Editor to record fast_lane, it would not all.

Is there a reason for this? and how can I set it so the recording aspect shows its tracking. Its like I have to tell it or set it so I can utilize the tracks and give permissions for clockwise direction.

Please help,
I have been using the AI app.... I discovered the dev appa set to 1 procedure.
My mistake about KS Editor... I meant the AI app that is used.
Thats where the confusion lies, why it won't register at all, AI Helper has the same dilema.
I thought swinging the start finish line would help, but there is something deeper I think
Hmmm, looks like when in KS Editor, I should name the Roads and surfaces... hmmm. I wondered why it didn't generate surfaces.ini
That second link (Guide) is unfolding some info I may have, obviously, taken for granted.
you have to write/create "surfaces.ini" by yourself, but even without it, if you have standard names, it should work

naming must be done before importing fbx-3d-model into ksEditor, it is only for making shaders-adjustments and exporting the thing to "kn5"
Ok, that may or may not fix the issue, I will explore..
The first track, the oval, I was able to use the Kunoz AI app to record the candidates. Also, I used esotic's AI Helper to create the boundaries around the track.
So the new track I am just changing direction to clockwise when attempting to record. You would assume it would, but neither app records anything.
I made sure there were no AI folders within it, prior to entering KS Editor. I saved that new fbx and generated the kn5 file.
Once I got the track folder of the game, it works just fine to drive on. But somehow, somewhere there is a lock down preventing me from recording AI candidates for the new track. I somehow managed to make a pit line, green in color.
But it would not allow me to run and record the Fast lane... strange.
so you also changed AC_TIME_0_L / R? for reverse layout you must of course switch sides LEFT - RIGHT in the 3d model model (RTB), simply a rotation by 180°

and if you have AC_TIME_1_L / R and AC_TIME_2_L / R

you must also exchange positions of them plus rotation too
Ok we are closing in on it. Now, in RTB I have yet to locate AC_TIME_0_L/R and any rotation adjustment.
I have not seen this dialog....yet, I reckon it will be in the files for RTB wherever, whichever drive I installed it too.
Does that sound right? Also, is there a particular folder name I should look for?
Screenshot (55).png
Thanks for this...however, I figured it out, sorta. RTB puts in two checkpoints along with the start/finish... the checkpoints were set for the oval... I just moved to where I chose to, and Eureka! I could set boundaries and AI Fast lane..... still having woes with pit, but the main problem has been solved
Thanks so much for your time and willingness to help.... I owe you one!!!!!
I am still wondering 0 R/L 1 R/L and 2 R/L represent the sectors??