AI Feedback Thread

It's always useful to hear if certain track / car / difficulty settings result in issues. So if you have issues at a certain combination then please report here.

Please report using the following template:

Car Used:
Track & Layout Used:
AI Difficulty:
AI Aggression:

If there is a correlation in reports, then we can look at tweaking things :)
Track & Layout Used:Johannesburg Historic
Car Used: Formula Retros
Applicable Settings:AI strength 100% AI Aggression 25%
Report: a.i cars still having trouble going into pitlane.Some car drive in no problem,but others jam on breaks ,spin (sometimes in front of other cars on hot lap) before being teleported into the pit stall..ala star trek:alien:
Running 1.252
I had 24 car on track including my own.
the a.i cars (retros) need a little more 5th gear on this track
is there something I could do on my end to fix this?
However... there is something i like to see, is what the RF2 Ai do. Thats they take a blocking line down to slow corners if your near. Not sure if that can be done in old engine. But that does make overtaking/outbraking more challenging.

Yes this would be something great to see in gsce...:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: tks Msportdan
Granja Viana 1:

Tested with rental karts on 25% aggression, and 101% difficulty.

At the start of any race, going through turn 1 (right hander), the two front karts usually half spin bogging them down badly. It sometimes has a knock on effect with karts behind.

Quite a minor thing, but it spoils an offline race as the Human can quite easily speed through to the front.

I hate to sound like I am criticising, and apart from this one glitch, the race on this track is very challenging and absolutely PHENOMENAL AI behaviour. Fantastic track.
I don't know why my previous posts should be disliked - Alex asked for any track issues that are seen in order to improve the AI, so I am reporting them as requested. It was not done in order to be negative about this excellent game, only to try and help.
Whether Alex/Reiza regards it as a problem, or decides to look at it, or decides it is ok, is all that matters, and whatever he decides is fine by me.

But in this instance, hitting the dislike button does nothing except discourage honest feedback, so thanks for your contribution. (in future perhaps I should check with you, to make sure you approve of the feedback)
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While I think gsc has the best ai available overall, I think there is room for improvement. I don't have any particular glitch or issue but it would be great if it were ever possible to help the ai improve at overtaking. It seems once they are passed they don't do well at passing back even if they are at a faster pace. If you make a mistake out if a turn and they are gaining at 10+ miles an hour they will come right behind you and slow up. I'm guessing improving the ai's passing and drafting would actually be quite difficult, but hopefully you guys will keep tweaking and improving things like you have been!
Must admit. I've been racing rf2 a lot lately and i would like to see Reiza use some of the techniques the AI use in that, like the defensive block they do if your close, coming up to a slow corner.
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Car Used: Formula Classic (seems to be same problem with Form V12s too)
Track & Layout Used: Johannesburg
AI Difficulty: 92 - 100%
AI Aggression: 25%

The AI really messes up at the first corner. There can be crashes or the ai will skid and slow down a lot.
Car Used:V8 2014
Track & Layout Used: Buenos Aires Circuito No 8
AI Difficulty:100
AI Aggression:25
Comments:The a.i are driving well off the track in turn 6 (the fast right hander).This car/track combo no racing the a.i here!!
Whats gone wrong with the a.i in this game???(Canada-retros.... last turn)
ver 1.15 had good consistent a.i, but after update to 1.20 & onward it seems racing the a.i have gone down hill .That's reiza cars on rieza track one would think hand in glove no..... ver1.25& 1.27 still the same..The retros are very inconsistent on a lot of reiza tracks..
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Hmm yes they do run wide at BA there, I'll get onto that today.

I've done a new AIW for Johannesburg which will come with the next release and fixes issues reported in here after my last post. (pit entry.. race performance seems more consistent)

I'm going to redo the Montreal AIW fast path this week in an attempt to help with those issues, but yes we are having some problems with taming the FRetro AI, there is some code thing that needs fixing which hopefully will help with the situation come v1.3...
Hi Alex,
I appreciate the Retros are a bit wayward through the last chicane at Montreal, but just to balance the report a bit, I'd like to give some feedback after racing the Classics there over the past few days. (100% AI, and 15% aggression). I am generally matching the AI through sectors 1 & 2, but the AI are particularly impressive through sector 3, including the final chicane. They do kick up the dust on the exit of the chicane, but their speed through that chicane & onto the straight is awesome. I really had to get it right every time in order to stay with them through there. Would hate to see that affected if the planned tweak to the Retro cars themselves might solve it instead. :)
Hmm yes they do run wide at BA there, I'll get onto that today.

I've done a new AIW for Johannesburg which will come with the next release and fixes issues reported in here after my last post. (pit entry.. race performance seems more consistent)

I'm going to redo the Montreal AIW fast path this week in an attempt to help with those issues, but yes we are having some problems with taming the FRetro AI, there is some code thing that needs fixing which hopefully will help with the situation come v1.3...
Thank you very much for the info alex:thumbsup::thumbsup:
Hi all!

I know all people suffer because of AI Blue flag and collision rate BUT have you seen this? : AI improvement

It's a little tool that add plus mass when tha car lapped by another and give better collision rate. Only works with Rfactor 1255 g version. I tried with Gamestock cars but it not work(itt look like work but when you want to see the kg penatlies it not appear like in older version of rfactor). We enned to do this cdompatible to Game stock cars and we will solve the AI blue flag and overtake problems :)))
Hi Alex,
I appreciate the Retros are a bit wayward through the last chicane at Montreal, but just to balance the report a bit, I'd like to give some feedback after racing the Classics there over the past few days. (100% AI, and 15% aggression). I am generally matching the AI through sectors 1 & 2, but the AI are particularly impressive through sector 3, including the final chicane. They do kick up the dust on the exit of the chicane, but their speed through that chicane & onto the straight is awesome. I really had to get it right every time in order to stay with them through there. Would hate to see that affected if the planned tweak to the Retro cars themselves might solve it instead. :)
To alex & kieth ...... I would have to agree that the cars are better in last chicane (f3's, classics & now the v8 do not spin & crash there.( tire & physics tweeks ) made the v8 more similar to what the classics do through that section.Exit on grass but no crash..Having said that
I would like to see the A.I better into the braking zone in turn one. If your close to the a.i going down into the first turn 9 time out 10 you can easily out brake them there. The retros are a blast to drive , but iam thinking they need some more tweeking. I'll wait till they become more stable..... that's my 2 cents....;) oh one more thing if I may...Alex is it possible to have a blocking line put into gsce like rf2 has?
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While I think gsc has the best ai available overall, I think there is room for improvement. I don't have any particular glitch or issue but it would be great if it were ever possible to help the ai improve at overtaking. It seems once they are passed they don't do well at passing back even if they are at a faster pace. If you make a mistake out if a turn and they are gaining at 10+ miles an hour they will come right behind you and slow up. I'm guessing improving the ai's passing and drafting would actually be quite difficult, but hopefully you guys will keep tweaking and improving things like you have been!

I agree with this, I've tried a few settings, but the AI seem to draft you, get right up behind you then dab the brakes.
They do this all the way down a straight and don't pull out and try a move.
Sometimes there's about five of them in a convoy doing thus.
Maybe I haven't found the right settings yet though, would appreciate if someone knows what to do.
theres a slipstream multiplier in AC that may help give the AI extra boost they need. Maybe GSc needs a similar setting.

Just did few races at interlagos in the 13' stock cars... so much fun. having said that 2 major things I noticed with the AI.

- Hesitant to pass on start straight under drag
- The AI did not use push to pass ever.

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