General Ai.ini Configuration

Does anyone know of or have a link to a guide that explains the parameters found in "ai.ini"?

Im trying to fix the ai for the reliant robin so I can actually race with them.

Particularly these values:



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I can't remember where i found it - here or on the official forums or wherever - but i saved a forum post about this exact thing in my AC folder. Here you go:

UP -> rpm the AI shifts up at
DOWN -> rpm the AI shifts down at
SLIP_THRESHOLD -> how well AI rev matches
GAS_CUTOFF_TIME -> how long ai lifts throttle on upshifts

GASGAIN -> how the AI pushes the throttle pedal vs. in other cars (since they have different engine maps, torque curves, etc)
BRAKE_HINT -> how the AI pushes the brake pedal in this car (0.9 = 90% of the recorded line's suggested braking)
TRAIL_HINT -> trail braking, same thing

BASE -> how far in front of the car the AI looks at the recorded line to know what to do
SPEED_GAIN -> how much it increases the distance according to speed (needs to look farther ahead to be ready for corners at higher speeds)
GAS_BRAKE_LOOKAHEAD -> not sure if this is added to the base. Tells the AI ~how far it needs to be ready to brake/throttle.

STEER_GAIN -> how hard the AI needs to turn the wheel to make corners (depends on ideal slip ratios, the way the car handles oversteer/understeer, etc.)

SLIP_RATIO_LIMIT -> the AI won't brake or throttle to a higher slip ratio than this
VALUE -> how much lateral grip the AI is simulated with in braking zones. This helps AIs brake closer to the limit
AERO_HINT -> how much aero grip the car gains with speed, so the AI can calculate high speed cornering speeds more accurately without having to know everything about its aero loads.
not all of these values are being used anymore, famously ULTRA_GRIP is now an internal value, and the one in the ini will be ignored

Guess its best to use the AI app while in the car in Ctrl-C mode
I was looking into this as well, which one is the AI app you are referring to?

EDIT: Figured it out, should have searched a bit more first.
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Sorry to bump this old thread, but I can't find ai.ini file anywhere in my AC installation (version 1.16). Does AC still using ai.ini or not?

@Sergio Loro hi buddy! Long time no see! Remember me from rFactor's CSGT group with NormHart? (here's a video of our work waaay back then:
Glad to see you here buddy!
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Sorry to bump this old thread, but I can't find ai.ini file anywhere in my AC installation (version 1.16). Does AC still using ai.ini or not?

@Sergio Loro hi buddy! Long time no see! Remember me from rFactor's CSGT group with NormHart? (here's a video of our work waaay back then:
Glad to see you here bud!
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@LilSki I see. Thank you for clarifying that to me! So, whenever I press the Save AI button in the AI App window, and the message "ai.ini saved" appears, does it mean the packed ai.ini file got updated as well? Or... not?
@LilSki I see. Thank you for clarifying that to me! So, whenever I press the Save AI button in the AI App window, and the message "ai.ini saved" appears, does it mean the packed ai.ini file got updated as well? Or... not?
Correct it isn't actually saving anything. The data.acd needs to be unpacked and be a data folder for that save function to work.
Correct it isn't actually saving anything. The data.acd needs to be unpacked and be a data folder for that save function to work.
I notice that if there is a Data directory (you can make one) it will save the ai.ini into there (I don't know if that saved out version will be used in the presence of a Data.acd file). LilSki, can you tell me if and where the value "AI Push" (in the AI app) gets saved if you change it? Changing that doesn't change any values in the ai.ini that I save. That AI Push value (with "Magic" ON) seems to reign-in a car that's too fast (like the VMW 917-10 at Okutama) when set to 95 or less, but it seems that value can't be saved anywhere. Any tips?
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