AI Struggle to Pass Each Other @ Daytona '67

Looking to do some P&G running at the Daytona Road course, but the AI seem to have problems passing each other. It appears as if they either slow down due to a perceived lack of grip, or maybe because they get too close to each other. Really noticeable on the banking. Not sure if there is a track specific parameter to mess with to help.
It could be some settings in the AIW file, settings in the talent file, and/or settings in the player file; they all interact, the plr file settings affect all AI at all tracks, the talent settings affect that AI in any car at any track, the AIW affects any AI at that track. For a good overview of adjusting the AI, get the Von Dutch AI Tutorial in the library here (it applies to GTL and rfactor also, though actual values vary).

A higher aggression setting will also make them run closer together and attempt more passes, but may also cause more contact (which leads to aero damage, which is cumulative, and eventually causes them to slow down; AI will not pit to repair this unless they get a certain amount of damage in one hit). There are threads here discussing this issue and how to correct it.
It seems to be limited to this track, or at least from the ones I have been racing on. I messed with the aggression and Max Load, but there was little to no difference. I would imagine more of an AIW tweak needed, but not familiar with how to edit those, or the lines to look for. If it is really limited to a corner or two, is there a tool to help make tweaks, or more of a manual thing?

I have definitely used Von Dutch's guide, but just sadly no changes to what I am facing.
If it's primarily one track then definitely consider the AIW file first. The setting

seems to control how likely they are to stay in the slipstream or pull out to pass, especially on fast tracks.
That line did not seem to change the behavior either sadly. The issue seems to be when coming onto the oval out of the infield (T2 of the oval), the faster class will duck to the inside of the slower car on the banking, then seemingly hit their brakes before passing. Either for collision avoidance, or something else. In T3 and T4 of the oval, there is not really an issue however. Maybe due to being at higher speeds.
Then it is possibly an issue with the AI line itself, this will require use of the AIW editor to tweak. There are "boundary lines" that delineate where the AI can drive, if they get too close to one they will slow down or even brake; I suspect that line is too close to the track at that point so when the AI move down to pass they get close enough to it to back off the throttle momentarily. A good test is to ride with the AI for a few laps and see what they are doing.

Sadly there is little documentation for this editor and its use is not intuitive (I'm still learning it, for a couple of tracks with similar issues - one where they slow for no reason on a long stright, another where they don't slow enough for a chicane).
After messing around a bit, I lowered the AI Max Load setting from 40000 to 5000 and they are able to get around the lapped traffic much better. I’m not entirely sure what this setting actually does but I has worked so far!

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