
Calvyn White

Calv Killmore
Getting very few alerts and random. Check my settings all my preferences and alerts are ticked. Getting very few from any of the sources ticked some none at all.
Nothing at all coming to my phone in the last 3 or 4 days.
I prefer the idea of being informed than having to check on any relevant message made.
Well, I guess I could have posted this problem on the website anywhere. As it is obvious posting anything in site feedback and support is also not working or just one of those things that are just not important enough to be acknowledged or looked into. Which doesn't surprise me in the slightest...
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I see site feedback and support at its usual standard. Being non-existent.
I do apologise for being rude but when you ignored to the point of being provoked what would you expect in return?

I guess nobody with the understanding of the situation can explain anything to me if it's a site problem or mine.
I suspect its a site one but will not admit that it can't be fixed or what simply doesn't work as it should. Or even haven't bothered to try.

Well, this will be my first time reporting problems that I'm having regarding the site and it will be certainly my last. As ever who takes care of this stuff cannot be bothered to come to me and explained the situation or with a little help. Thanks, thanks for nothing. I feel sure if this was involving a money problem it wouldn't be taking up to "now" 5 days. Like they say there's no money made in support.
I suppose you pay peanuts and you get monkeys.
People who take care of this stuff are currently working their butts off so please show a little patience as what your are experiencing is not really a life threatening situation, isn't it? In case you have missed it the world is in a deep crisis and we are all dealing with this situation which means that priorities shift sometimes and we can't jump on small problems at once. As you know this is a board with over a million users so you can imagine the workload on administrations side. Sometimes you just have to wait after you made a post and we will reply when we can.

The last time I have tried helping you we both know how that pans out (tags vs titles). You say one thing but you mean the other. So to be sure what you are talking about please define "alerts" to me so we have the semantics right this time. What does alerts mean? Do you mean the little red alerts on the right top of the page of do you mean push-notifications that are pushed through your web browser? The latter has been turned off for now..