WIP Alpine Hills

Update: First version for rFactor and final update for GTR2, only GTL to do :)
Race07 version is also in final state with AI raingline tweaked, it runs now very fast, thanks to BenMK1 who did over 1200km of testruns... I changed the version numbers to match them better across different games..

rFactor (haven't tested it yet): http://cream.galleria.fi/SRS/Tracks/rFactor/AlpineHills_1.0.zip
GTR2 (final version): http://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/gtr-2-tracks-62/alpine-hills-v1-21-5196/
Race07: http://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/race-series-tracks-4/alpine-hills-v1-21-5040/
Patch 1.21 for Race07: http://cream.galleria.fi/SRS/Tracks/AlpineHills_patch1.21_for+Race07.zip

I had an idea of doing alternate texturepack, so players could choose from two slightly different looks. The roads could have some cracks and wear, the double-yellow could be double-white, ditches to have more moss , maybe MPH speedlimit signs etc. Replacing textures won't affect online functionality at all so it could be another feature.
Now that i've learned and discovered all kinds of fun tricks, it's time to get back to the serious stuff.. v2.0 is on it's way. I have enough confidence and downloads* that the work is going to waste not only my hardrive space but numerous other idiots as well..
(* total is somewhere around 10k but only 2k individual :frown: first release was too early, many versions..)

I've now gathered enough race tests to notice where there's a problems. Mainly, the first lap DNF's frustrate people a lot. Those who finish their first race keeps coming back for more.. Sad thing but then again, tracks safety was never the main area. Thruth is, the goal was almost opposite.. Now that the dangerous version works very well, it's time to make it safer. I want it to be able to host endurance races too and those need much higher safety. The "old" unsafe version will be included sans the first turn..

I've already made a bunch of runoff areas and increased guardrails. In some corners there is now a pavements in the inside to improve flow and rhythm. Biggest change is totally reworked first hairpin/crossing. The entry has the same feel but i eased it up a bit, now there's possibility to have two cars side by side. The crest is still there so you have to brake blindly, IMHO very succesful change and can produce great replays.. If you brake too late, it's General Lee time!

Pitentry is also completely new, the old one was just too difficult. The new should be much safer, haven't tested it yet with another player.

Some features that is still on the drawing board:
- Grandstands, possibly temporary, scaffolding type.
- Staggered grid like it was originally designed.
- Brake distance signs and other visual cues to help locate the braking points more precisely.
- Rework on the cliffs, there's too many jagged edges.. and i know a lot better method to do them (Skethup and SObjects..)
- Quarry/desert section will get a whole new look, its boring and useless now.
- Reverse version with different pits and start/finish line (the track is very fun to drive both ways, some corners are way better in reverse..)
- More work on shadows, i got so close of getting those long beatiful shadows to work in the sunrise, that's when those lovely screencaps were taken.. I just have to try again, it was more than 90% finished. 14k with working long shadows and about 400 meters of it buggied the patience out of me. If i remember correctly it was 2 weeks of nonstop edit that didn't end up in the release..
- Mipmaps and LODs, flickering speedlimitsigns, patched tarmac from the speedbuild sessions etc.

I'll take a lot of unnecessary vegetation out and replace some with new ones that fit to the overall "style" better. And lastly and very very possibly maybe, don't-hold-you're-breath-maybe: a new 7km GP track that uses the crossin like i first imagined and yes that idea is taken straight out of Nordsleife and Nurnburgring GP.. Why not? It just is a good idea but it could prove to be too much as the mountains around the crossing had the most problems.. The GP track would reside in the other side of those so it can be impossible/too much work.. For style i had old hocke in mind with banking turns to keep the old classic feel. One possibility is to separate those two projects as the processing time could become an issue. 14km rural plus 7 km GP... sounds heavy.. Allthough that gives the opportunity to combine the two to make 21km track, the crossing was designed from the start to allow this. But GP tracks have A LOT of stuff around and it may bloat the project to useless proportions.

I asked BenMK1 if he could edit the first corner AIW (he did so wonderful work on the original AIW) but it can be anyone who wants to help me. AI racingline is something i don't yet know how to make and i really don't like to learn it with this track.. Also the staggered grid needs work (downhill+turn+grid=BTB no like..) so that the cars won't jump at start.

I'll post screenshots, DL links to the testtrack AND the original BTB project later..

PS: v1.21 rFactor conversion still awaits to anyone interested.. It's already converted but needs testing.. I smell easy credits..
In part of new vegetation, i will include new collidable trees. I'm currently testing the collision boxes (why, oh why don't treebuilders include that function.... i just opened the PL_Vegetation XPack and added 30x120cm collision boxes.Works now..) and secondary surfaces in a another track. Quite possibly i will release a double feature using the new hillclimb feature with whole new surface.. Something that came with the speedbuild and now i believe i it simulates a rally stage.. It's the only rally track around so no competition there. So it's two modernized layouts and two rally layouts. Filesize will not increase substantially as i need to replace only the road meshes between GP and rally(cross?).

I'll upload the rallycross concept track later this weekend.
Video from the test-track that is used to test new stuff. That dirt surface looks and feels so nice that i'll definitely try to implement that. It'll increase the size by couple of megs, just the road mesh is duplicated and modified. The "old surface will be used in parts where it is needed but with simple texture changes to fit to the look.. Easy, fast and effective.

To skip to different parts (11min, 4 laps):
- Cockpit view, Modern look
- Cockpit view, Old and dirty: - TV camera, old & dirty: - TV camera, modern:
Sorry about the quality, i had problems rendering it, Vegas behaved oddly (2 hours to render 11min video w/o FX or transitions... doesn't sound too good, all thou HD had 20% frag...
How come that underline got stuck in that line, can't get it off.. weird...works here.. and here)
Some screenshots:

Increased safety:

New quarry: (sweeet bumbmap)

More guardrails where needed:


New pitentry:

New grandstand and pitarea, better view of new pitentry:

Second "layout", bumby and dirty tarmac, no ditches:

New 1st Hairpin:

1st hairpin:

And two bonus pics:

That dirty&bumby surface came as an idea: what if the track was real and they wanted to update it. So they hired a contractor who installed the safety features but failed to finish the pavement.. The track owners, not very rich people had to maintain that state for over two years, after which they finally got enough together that the track got it's beatiful new finish..

So i made the track like the story: first i build the bumby foundation and then over that, the new tarmac. I can now pack both of them in the same track package and don't need other than HAT, GDB, TRK etc, copied. I'll optimize the peformance a bit, as soon as i got 3DSimed purchased. I need to prevent unnecessary culling by removing unwanted polys, some can be done in BTB but individual triangles has to be done in some other software. I understand a lot better how the graphics work after reading this http://www.ericchadwick.com/examples/provost/byf1.html and the followup in chapter 2..
I have a slight problem: I use bumb/specmapping in the roads but multiply/add in the the grass terrain. So in most parts i need to switch between those two shaders seamlessly. I have an option to use multi/add in the mesh that connects the road and terrain. It is separate from the tarmac part. Think of making a track with three (or more) materials, creating the terrain and then deleting the all but the outmost materials on both sides. That way i can make two different tarmacs in without having to alter everything on trackside to fit them both in same release. I'm loading the GPU a bit as it has to create new vertices on-the-fly where those two (well three in BTB but only two at a time will be used in game) meshes intersects but in seems to be with in reason. Nordsleife is still heavier so i have a little more marginals to work with.

But if i switch from multi/add to spec/bumb, it shows the seam and what is even worse, it looks different in every camera.
I can't say that I would understand a lot about all those shaders, but I remember reading about that changing material to another stuff from old US Pits document, which I can't find online no more. However it is here, I think those named texture, but not sure, there are lot of old stuff I had put in safety: http://jtbo.pp.fi/tiedostot/rfactor/info_oldRSC_USPITS_etc.zip Surely it is for rFactor, but I think most of it works for Race07 too. I really hate how this reply box now seem to remove all empty lines and line changes...
I can't say that I would understand a lot about all those shaders, but I remember reading about that changing material to another stuff from old US Pits document, which I can't find online no more. However it is here, I think those named texture, but not sure, there are lot of old stuff I had put in safety: http://jtbo.pp.fi/tiedostot/rfactor/info_oldRSC_USPITS_etc.zip Surely it is for rFactor, but I think most of it works for Race07 too. I really hate how this reply box now seem to remove all empty lines and line changes...

Go Advanced and you get line changes back.. It's a bug, happens sometimes with FF.

Thanks for sharing those old forum posts, too bad it didn't help with this. I think i'll try to flatten the bumb/spec map in that edge that is adjacent to grass, maybe they fit better.. Wouldn't like to use some transparent layer above to "blend" shaders as the track is at the edge of performance as it is.
Okay, now it's time to get cracking, i just read the news: http://www.racedepartment.com/forum...-the-year-2011-nominations.43413/#post-982559

I need AI fastline betatesters/creators. I can teach you how to use AIW/CAM editor since the main requirement is driving ability. You don't need to be fast but consistent and smooth, predictable is the keyword here. So forget lap times, this a challenge for drivingline perfection. The 2.0 consists of two different surfaces, for both the fastline is needed.. I can do most of the work but since time is a huge constricition here, i need help. I would like to concentrate on the performance and optimization issues, since those are basically all that is left..

Staff needed:
- Drivers for fastline creation.
- betatesters (perfomance, game issues bugs etc..)
- Screenshotter and video recorder/editor

I can do all of those above but that means that i must hurry up and cut corners.. Don't want to do that..
Update: Terrain and rock detailing is at 50%, it's very straightforward job, basically increasing polycount and removing all jagged edges. After that i'll only need to make new trafficsigns and start to pack it together. Fot that, i'll need someone with 3DSimed, i need to identify trackmesh and to remove that in the Modern layer to improve culling, and to remove flickering in some places.

After terrain detail is done i can send the first editions to betatesting.
F#¤%#%#¤%#¤%#%k... Had to go to early backup... Don't know what happened to current version, it won't build HAT completely in GTR2, (Runtime error..).... All the XPacks are validated and tested, no errors in textures, no new "tricks" done. it just broke... I REALLY HATE THESE RANDOM BUGS!!!!!!
Runtime error, again... And again, validated XPack, tested fully.. It seems like i can't add anymore objects, since this error always pops up after introducing new XPack.. (martinez: not the traffisigns pack, haven't tested that yet..) I have to delete something, i guess..
Ok, got a little bit further. It's definitely not the new rumblestrip (and it's texture) causing the Runtime Error in GTR2. I deleted all the new strips and added only four of them. Everything worked out fine. Then i added the rest of them, about 12 or so and got the error. Now i am in the process of removing them two at a time and exporting until i see the limit.. It has to be limit of some sort, either in BTB or in GTR2. The track is huge so i'm not surprised to run in to some limitations..

Allthough, the limit is ONLY for HAT build.. Using older HAT (or even the uncomplete one) the track loads in Race and even thou i can't drive on track i can fly around in freefly cam, everything looks fine. Typing this, i have to try if it exports fine in GTL, don't think it will do any good but since it's only the HAT build that's screwed.. it may work that way.. It's sad that there is a line in .PLR file in Race of rebuilding the HAT but it doesn't work..

EDIT: Update, it did export fine after i deleted half of the new objects..
#%&#&%¤#&%¤#&%¤#&%¤#&%#% and /%/ /&%¤/&%¤!!!!!!1

I added a few rumblestrips -> Runtime Error.. Then i started to delete them one by one and exporting... And ran out of patience in export number 8... Deleted them all and replaced them with walls.. Guess what? Runtime error..

Does anyone have a clue what is happening here? Please, i'm getting desperate. Each export cycle takes about 10 minutes and i can't really do anything but to browse internet on second computer and wait... wait... and wait a little bit more.. Really getting on my nerves. I've now exported 5 hours straight, yesterday the same and the day beofre that about the same time. So it's 15 hours of nothing but delete object - export and repeat.

Is there some sorty of limit of how many faces/vertices etc there can exist in one track?
Managed to get a working export.. You can get the latest version here: AAHHRumbles (the version is 1.91b, just look at the posts above, i just typed something for the name..) EDIT: For Race07!! That's the modern GP layout, the "Old" already works fine...

I need feedback on those rumblestrips, do i need to relocate some etc. Also i need performance reports, there's a lot more polys at some places, mainly the cliffs are now more detailed but mostly i need to know if the second track mesh interferes in anyway (it should not, it should be culled out everywhere sans couple of places). The AIW is a basic one, BTB autogenerated...

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