Americans ARE NOT stupid!

It's same all around the world i think.

But a really funny video, espicially that Israel is muslim part :D Jews would be very angry!
Makes me less proud of my nationally. Before I was told that I should not apologise for the stupidity of a good number of my countrymen by the guys here at RD, I felt ashamed at the image we portray to the rest of the world.
Makes me less proud of my nationally. Before I was told that I should not apologise for the stupidity of a good number of my countrymen by the guys here at RD, I felt ashamed at the image we portray to the rest of the world.

Be as proud as you like. Anyone with a brain realises not every american is like this.
Some day we will have gotten rid of this nationality crap and patriotism.

Especially hardcore american patriotism, i can't stand it.
Instead of stupid, I think the average American doesn't have a clue about anything out of the US, while in other parts of the world people has a better overview of cultures and nations.

It happens to all Spaniards that go to US that they usually say "you don't look Spanish, you look italian" or "how can you be European and Spanish at the same time" because they expect anybody talking in Spanish to be like most of south american population, mix of European and american native persons. This shows that most of them doesn't even have a clear picture about the discovery of America, which is quite a basic thing.

Is not an intelligence thing, but a lack of knowledge of outside US.
Where was the Berlin wall?


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