AMS 2 | Hotfix Now Available

Paul Jeffrey

Reiza Studios recently deployed a new hotfix update to their Automobilista 2 racing simulation.
  • Physics updates to new cars.
  • Various vehicle and track tweaks.
  • Multiple smaller adjustments.
In recent days Reiza Studios have deployed another new hotfix update to their latest Automobilista 2 build, and with it comes a nice selection of changes and improvements as the Brazilian team continue to work hard improving this popular game.



  • Fixed camera jittering when in low head movement slider values
  • Fixed Time Trial leaderboards for BMW M1 Procar
  • Fixed hover activation states on new Championship screen
  • Fixed incorrect vehicle information for cars added in v1.0.4.0
  • Revised physics & fixed various issues in initial release of M1 Procar, Group A, Mini JCW, Mini Austin 1965 & Lotus 23
  • Adjusted Group A & Procar tyre tread
  • Increased engine rev band for Group A cars to avoid triggering overreving bug
  • Fixed default tyre selection errors for Lotus 23, Mini 1965, Mini 2020
  • Adjusted engine inertia for Group A cars, Mini JCW 2020, Lancer R & RS, Puma P052
  • Revised Lotus 23 suspension geometry & fixed tire diameter
  • Callibrated AI for new series
  • Fixed bug with news car sounds overwhelming system and cutting off certain effects
  • Imola: Fixed broken pit door collision for door 8,9,10 (garage 15-20); Max AI participants changed from 29 to 31
  • Adelaide: Minor art & performance pass
  • Azure: Added "cheatblock" to pit lane track cut mesh.
  • Bathurst: Attempted fix to floating groove in the Cutting
  • Cascavel: Minor Art Pass; Updated AI paths
  • Added VR Cams for Cascais & Jerez
  • Lotus 23: various graphical updates & fxies
  • Mini JCW 2020: fixed bonnet issue; updated liveries(removed plates and fixed numbers font)
  • Ultima Race: added dirt / damage effects + Dangling damaged parts
  • Stock Car 2020: Update Cruze liveries; added new Windshield banner
  • Corrected onboard camera positions for Lotus 23, Mini Austin 1965 & Mini JCW 2020
  • F3 (F309) - Revised and updated liveries for the whole grid including 4 new community skins
  • Added MetalMoro AJR Dirt/Damage effects + Detachable parts (all versions)
Original Source; Reiza Studios

Automobilista 2 is available now, exclusively on PC.

If you ever wondered if you are getting the most from your simulation, why not head over to the RaceDepartment AMS 2 Sub Forum and find out! Start a thread, and let the awesome community here at RD help you out!

AMS 2 Update Footer.jpg

AMS 2 Middle.jpg
If you are looking for cars that are easy to control: F3, Formula trainer, Sprint race, Rocco P3.

I don't know if you are new to the game, but something I have noticed with people testing the game for the first time, is that they jump to test day or practice, try a car for a couple of laps and then complain that it is hard to drive. The reason this happens is because this game is unforgiving with cold tires and it usually take 2 to 3 laps to heat them and start pushing the car. Time trial is usually a nicer way to test a car for the first time, as you start with the tires already heated.
Just a note that the recommended F3 car is a particularly egregious example of cold tire sensitivity. It’s actually better in AMS2 than it was in AMS1. In the first game you started in the F3 with what felt like blocks of stone instead of rubber tires.

Also, don’t expect to be able to drive all the cars in the same way, simply going faster or slower depending on how “advanced” a car is. Some cars need distinctly different driving techniques than others.
Look... I play since day one of beta, I don't regret to buy it and I thrust 100% that it will be as polished as AMS1 at some time but...


Guys, sometimes we must admit something is not OK and its useful to deal with it and keep going forward. Its Super V8, a day one car. It's just an example, there are other cars with this kind of model error, also there are a lot of other kind of problems. This kind of thing is a huge imersion breaker to me as a VR players. So, it's not like modeling team has nothing to do until the next pack of cars. I know AMS2 is a constant evolving project, but when I hear this I think it should be about rough edges, polishment, improvements... not about legs inside seat in a car that are there since day one. This is the reason I am not playing it for a while and the reason I am giving it some time, its ok to me. But, I can say I understand who are not happy with this kind of things in a 1.0 game and (with respectful words) wants to express it. To be honest, I think don't care what we talk about it, only Reiza guys are in their shoes to know about what is going on with their business. In a perfect world I think they should shift their timelines (all packs dates) 3 months forward and polish what we already have, don't care if part of the new content is already done, just put everyone to search things to improve, if some people have nothing to do, put them to test diferent shades of yellow to helmets, I don't know... But it is in a perfect world. At the end of the day real life is out there.

That said, I have only love and best wishes to Reiza team. I am working from home during this pandemy, during social distancing, sometimes far from family, andI know how brutal sometimes it can be. Days ago I was about to explode at work and had to take some days to avoid problems. I imagine Renato's team can not take some days... I wish they pass through all this healthy. And, IF some of us have the chance, let's just give some time.


Edit: spell
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This reminds me...
of how ...average skins are in AMS2. Or in AMS1 for that matter.
They rarely inspire me to drive them. It was pretty easy to solve this in AMS1, that game is so moddable but with AMS2 eh...
Like a Project Cars I guess, it's spiritual father.
But that didn't matter in PC2 car skins are often so beautiful that I find myself sad that those guys don't work and make some better liveries for some F1 teams. Pleasure to drive with them really.

Yeah, I know... I'm nitpicking here :D
To please all users reiza could make acaimable a beta version to those who want the new content, keeping a default version where only the initial content is available and updated. I guess we'll still read complaints about this system... negative attitude will always be negative...
To please all users reiza could make acaimable a beta version to those who want the new content, keeping a default version where only the initial content is available and updated.
How would having two different versions of the game to develop and maintain possibly help anything? That would spread the team and decrease the work rate on both. On top of that, what would it solve? As has been stated so many times by so many people, the people working on content are not the same as the people developing the sim, so not releasing content will not miraculously result in quicker fixes.

I guess we'll still read complaints about this system... negative attitude will always be negative...
Nice, another person who pre-empts all responses by claiming anyone who disagrees with them is just "negative". Nice attitude you have there. :rolleyes:
Reiza has clearly stated early in the development process that AMS2 will be a long term we have to be patient.

And Simcade only because of missing Motec-support and replays in practice mode? This can only be sarcasm, right?

I can add overrated FFB to seal the deal if you like. I understand that it is expensive to build an app from the ground up, but people have been complaining about the lack of replays since Project Cars. Take something that users want and put it in the new release. Practice is where you learn. You learn visually. If you can't see mistakes, you are doodling.

Oh, what I am I thinking. If that were to happen, we would have mouse support and VR in the F1 series. Stupid me.

Motec is an outlier, but since people constantly bitch about VR, which isn't dominant, I feel I am entitled to moan like everyone else.
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I can add overrated FFB to seal the deal if you like.
Overrated by who? I don't remember seeing may people claim that AMS 2 has amazing FFB by default. But that's what's great about it... you can download fully customisable FFB profiles and tweak them to suit your taste. Surely that isn't too much effort for you, since you don't mind analysing replays and motec?

You learn visually.
You do. That doesn't mean it applies to everyone, so people will have their own priorities as to what should be done first. Personally, I don't put replays or motec high on the to-do list. It won't add anything to the sim for me.

Motec is an outlier, but since people constantly bitch about VR, which isn't dominant...
~35% of RD members said they were racing in VR last time we ran a survey. Not dominant, but a very significant proportion, and growing all the time. I'd put money on far less than 35% of people ever bothering to install motec, let alone use it regularly.

So yeah... we all have our own ideas of what should be prioritised.
This game has been a broken mess since release and i don't understand why there are so many people who defend this game when all it takes is a little bit of critical thinking to see how bad AMS2 really is.
Personally, I do not see anything unusual about AMS2's progression. If you look at the history of all major sims, the first year after the introduction of a sim consists of bug fixes, FFB/Physics tweaks and the likes.

Racing sims are complex software applications that require fine tuning.

Overall, I think that Reiza is doing fine. They are responsive and they work hard at fine tuning their sim.
I can add overrated FFB to seal the deal if you like. I understand that it is expensive to build an app from the ground up, but people have been complaining about the lack of replays since Project Cars. Take something that users want and put it in the new release. Practice is where you learn. You learn visually. If you can't see mistakes, you are doodling.

Oh, what I am I thinking. If that were to happen, we would have mouse support and VR in the F1 series. Stupid me.

Motec is an outlier, but since people constantly bitch about VR, which isn't dominant, I feel I am entitled to moan like everyone else.
FFB is SO subjective. I use default with T300 wheel and some slider adjustments. Very informative for me. Not my favorite in a sim but pretty high on the list. That said, I took this advice as well.
the people working on content are not the same as the people developing the sim
I'm sorry but this nonsense has to stop. Apart from modelling and texturing, cars has to have physics which definitely needs "some" coding. These codes are probably written by the same guys who could work on physics related bug fixes first. Even tracks have some sort of ini files which aren't necessarily done by the modelling and graphics department. All these new cars and tracks have to be put into the game so somebody who's responsible for the UI has to do it. Of course both cars and tracks are involved in how the AI behave in/on them. Then of course all new things have to be tested in different scenarios. This all requires manpower, so I really don't get this "but the people who work on content..." thing.

Just because a sentence is repeated 3-4 times in a thread does not make it true.

On the other hand, i can understand that Reiza as a small company need as much income as they possibly can get. And let's face it, money comes mostly from content. I just wish the game would be in a more polished state by now...

I do like AMS2 but i somehow lost my interest in it, but i do have faith in Reiza, because they did exceptional job in the past, and the constant patches and quick fixes show without a doubt that they really care about their customers.
I'm sorry but this nonsense has to stop.
No it doesn't, because it's not nonsense. People who know little about the industry and give their "expert" opinions from their armchairs need to stop.

Just because a sentence is repeated 3-4 times in a thread does not make it true.
Right, so Reiza themselves are lying are they? Or have you just not bothered to read their own posts which have stated this fact multiple times?

I just wish the game would be in a more polished state by now...
We all do, but no sim is ever much cop in it's first year of release. Not one current sim has had a nice smooth release and all have required major patching to fix. Some still aren't that great now, years later! So all this screaming about a small developer not perfecting their sim within a few months of official release during a year of pandemic and lockdown is just ludicrous.

I'm not saying there is nothing wrong with the sim, and have myself been pretty scathing about the latest patch which I feel should never have been released in that state. But it does get tiresome listening to this crap from people who think they can fix Reiza and their development practices from behind their computers. If their ideas are so amazing and would result in a perfect sim, how about giving it a go? Nope, didn't think so.
Am I the only one who has problems with the menus? When I click with my mouse on the screen, it doesn't select the right command. For example, I can't click on the X in the upper right screen to exit the game. Very strange.
Sounds like it might be a resolution problem.
I remember having a similar issue with another game and found that the rez had changed.
No it doesn't, because it's not nonsense. People who know little about the industry and give their "expert" opinions from their armchairs need to stop.

Where did I state that my opinion is "expert"? Ridiculing my opinion only because it's different than yours doesn't help the conversation. I think the majority here can be considered as "armchair experts", still everybody has the same right to express his/her thoughts, right?

Right, so Reiza themselves are lying are they? Or have you just not bothered to read their own posts which have stated this fact multiple times?

I did "bother", actually, thanks for reminding me of that post. I stand corrected then. But regardless, I still think my reasonings were valid. I'm still pretty sure, that every piece of new content requires some coding to some extent, so in this regard, they are essentially teamworks. This is why I feel that every new car and track can pull man(/woman)power from other things such as bug fixing, or implementing new but still quite basic features like a fully working championship mode or custom grids. I know these features are present in the roadmap, and they expected later. I'm not saying that these should be in AMS2 already. All I'm trying to say is probably these features (and the likes) are easier to implement with a slower development pace, using fewer content. You see, I don't work in the software development industry, but again I strongly believe that neither do those who say, that content creators has nothing to do with sofware development. I'm just trying to see the bigger picture, but you might be right, that bigger picture is not there... Who knows? I'm just an armchair expert, you know. But you can try and point out my flaws in a point-by-point fashion if you wish.

We all do, but no sim is ever much cop in it's first year of release. Not one current sim has had a nice smooth release and all have required major patching to fix. Some still aren't that great now, years later!

I fully agree with this section. I'm patiently waiting until AMS2 gets to the state in which I'd like it to be. In fact what I say is slowing down the development wouldn't hurt at all. I mean, less frequent but well tested updates with more bugfixes and additional features would please me better, but of course this is my personal preference.

So all this screaming about a small developer not perfecting their sim within a few months of official release during a year of pandemic and lockdown is just ludicrous.

I'm not sure you've read my post carefully, because at the end of it I clearly stated that I respect Reiza for their previous works, and I trust them for this. I am sure this sim can become my favourite. It's far from that now, but even in this state it's very enjoyable.

I'm not saying there is nothing wrong with the sim, and have myself been pretty scathing about the latest patch which I feel should never have been released in that state.

Great, one more thing we agree with!

But it does get tiresome listening to this crap from people who think they can fix Reiza and their development practices from behind their computers. If their ideas are so amazing and would result in a perfect sim, how about giving it a go? Nope, didn't think so.

Another strawman arguement in my eyes... I've never said I can fix Reiza's practices, I never stated I could make a perfect sim, sorry but saying this is childish. I can't cook a perfect Beef Wellington (I've never tried...) but if a chef gives me a bad one, I'd definitely recognise it, and I strongly believe that I have every right to voice my opinion.

Back to this "behind from their computers" arguement you want to invalidate my opinion with; I still think almost all of us do the same thing on this forum. After all, this is what a forum is for. To put things into perspective: I am a 42 yo art teacher married with 3 kids finding enjoyment pretending he's the next Senna behind a toy wheel. Apart for simracing being a hobby for me, which I love since 2004, I admittedly has no connection with software development. If you develop sofware for a living, I must say, your opinion has more value than mine, because you (obviously) can back up your statements in this field with much more knowledge. In this case, I am sorry for stepping on your toes. I am pretty confident though, that I kept my post civilized which can't quite be said about yours. No hard feelings on my part, cheers mate and have a nice racey weekend!:thumbsup:
Overrated by who? I don't remember seeing may people claim that AMS 2 has amazing FFB by default. But that's what's great about it... you can download fully customisable FFB profiles and tweak them to suit your taste. Surely that isn't too much effort for you, since you don't mind analysing replays and motec?

You do. That doesn't mean it applies to everyone, so people will have their own priorities as to what should be done first. Personally, I don't put replays or motec high on the to-do list. It won't add anything to the sim for me.

~35% of RD members said they were racing in VR last time we ran a survey. Not dominant, but a very significant proportion, and growing all the time. I'd put money on far less than 35% of people ever bothering to install motec, let alone use it regularly.

So yeah... we all have our own ideas of what should be prioritised.

Analyzing my driving versus downloading hit or miss customize FFB aren't even in the same area code. Not a good comparison. As I said Motec is just something for me to bitch about. I really don't care if they never put it in. AMS2 is just something I drive on occasion.

Also 99.9% of humans start learning by actually "seeing " something. I wonder why every organized sport that I know of uses video to improve ? Hmm, they must be daft
Analyzing my driving versus downloading hit or miss customize FFB aren't even in the same area code. Not a good comparison. As I said Motec is just something for me to bitch about. I really don't care if they never put it in. AMS2 is just something I drive on occasion.

Also 99.9% of humans start learning by actually "seeing " something. I wonder why every organized sport that I know of uses video to improve ? Hmm, they must be daft

Are you driving with a Thrustmeter T80 ;)?

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