Any beta test users/reviewers of Sim-Lab WS-Pro wheel stand?


SimHub+Arduino hacker

Estimated availability 1 May 2021
  • Are those frame members actually compatible with other 8020 hardware?
    • " The 8020 Wheelstand is a perfect blend of rigidity, adjustability and expandability as to be expected from an aluminium extrusion frame."
It appears 80/20 "compatible" but the ability to easily modify is limited by what seems to be an aesthetic choice to use profiles with only 3 slots for the exterior supports.

Given the abundance of diagonals, ceativity--and possibly some drilling--will be required for adding one's own supports for shifters, keyboards, button boxes, etc.

EDITED spelling.
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It appears 80/20 "compatible" but the ability to easily modify is limited by what seems to be an aesthetic chose to use profiles with only 3 slots for the exterior supports.
Yes, I want to hope that image is only an "artist's impression";
extrusion side slots would be more immediately useful.
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I want to hope that image is only an "artist's impression";
extrusion side slots would be more immediately useful.
"38.0 Units available."
Sim-Labs evidently was serious about using extrusions lacking outside slots.. a pity.
Notably missing in images is any provision for shifter and/or hand brake;
580mm wide is IMO too narrow for attaching an 8020 arm using inside slots.

Based on their schematics, parts wanting replacement (A2, A3) are pairs of 40mm x 500mm and 800mm, which might be obtained for another US$100 beyond Sim-Labs' (US$230 + shipping) cost,
then one wonders how well their flat wheel deck bracket handles direct drive wheel bases.
Perhaps A2 and A3 could be rotate 90 degrees, so that unslotted sides face away from the driver...
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