Any way to slow down a particular AI car type...

Have downloaded some more modern GT3 car mods to race against and they are all well balanced in terms of laptimes except for the Honda NSX mod I am using. It smokes the competition every race. Is there a way in the CM race setup section to slow down a particular car type besides just the AI strength slider (which adjusts all the AI cars). Or could I edit the mod thru a data.acd edit and if so, what should I look for as a way to bring their laptimes in line with my other GT3 mod cars?
I saw mention of ballast in the advanced grid options, but thought it was labeled my ballast. Thought that meant it would slow me down and I certainly don't need that. I'll look into it again and see if I misread it. If you don't mind me asking, is there a known formula for the AI ballast? I.E., giving it a specific number knocks off so much off their laptime.

EDIT: Never try to figure out something at 2am. I just saw the ballast entry in the advanced options for a particular car. Honestly never saw it last night even though it was right in front of me. Even see that instead of ballast, I can just reduce the cars strength individually instead.
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