Anybody know what the vr command line multiplier does exactly?


Club Staff
The reason I ask is because I can run at `-vr 2.0`, which I assumed was going to mean rendering double the resolution (4x the pixel count), which is approximately 200% in steam VR for my headset type (HP G1). I play most games on fairly low detail settings to keep the fps up, even so, if I try that amount of SS in any other game, my GPU just throws in the towel, but this game runs smooth as butter at 90fps, so I'm guessing it may not actually be 2x the resolution.... maybe 2x the pixel count instead which would be more like 140% in SteamVR?
I have no idea whether that setting is based on resolution or pixel density. To be honest, it's not a setting I've used since they added the option to start R3E in VR without a command line switch. If you're using a HMD that relies on SteamVR then you're probably better off using SteamVR's implementation via the slider. If you're using an Oculus HMD (like me) then you're probably better off using OpenComposite (a performance boost in itself) and setting the PD in Oculus Tray Tools.

For reference, using OTT I ran at 1.2 PD on my old rig (1060), and have run as high as 2.0 PD on my new rig (2060). No performance issues. I now run at 1.6 PD because I can't see any visual benefit when it's higher than that.
Right-click on R3E in Steam and you'll get the option to start in VR mode. :) (It says SteamVR mode but if you're using OpenComposite then it'll use that instead.)
Ha! I didn't realise it ever gave you that option as I usually launch games from their shortcuts. Made my life completely difficult in the process :D

The 'launch/ID/vr' trick in the shortcut also seems to work and both ways appear to be honouring the SS settings in SteamVR. 150% seems about the same as '-vr 2.0' for me.

Right, off to try out the HUD you suggested next! Ta!