like the TSW 6 speed?
I like to think of myself an experienced sim driver and yet I cannot seem to kick the habbit of very occassionally completely cocking up a shift. The 2nd to 5th mistake isn't that bad, but the dreaded 5th to 2nd can be very dramatic (although it is highly entertaining to others on track).
Therefore I was hopeful that an ofset pattern may help the obviousy flaw in my talent but then I notice they are very rare. Can anyone give me any insight?
I like to think of myself an experienced sim driver and yet I cannot seem to kick the habbit of very occassionally completely cocking up a shift. The 2nd to 5th mistake isn't that bad, but the dreaded 5th to 2nd can be very dramatic (although it is highly entertaining to others on track).
Therefore I was hopeful that an ofset pattern may help the obviousy flaw in my talent but then I notice they are very rare. Can anyone give me any insight?