Anyone waiting for the 3080ti ??

No 3080Ti today.
RTX 3080Ti release postponed to February
"In our testing, we’ve found the RX 6800 XT to be 6% behind the RTX 3080 on average at 4K...
Given the RTX 3080/3090 performance compared to the competition,
Nvidia now has more time to prepare the launch of the RTX 3080Ti,
pushing its release from January to after the Chinese New Year"
EVGA already raised the prices 3080 FTW3 Hybrid shot from $819 to $899.
The good thing, they'll honor original price for those who's already signed up to waiting queue until April 16th.

How exactly China gets punished by us paying higher price? :unsure:
"Give this man a cigar"
If nothing more, this situation proves the World cannot go it without major manufacturing 'players' like China...regardless of what leaders tell their people.
I'll get back on topic now.
No $1000 RTX or XT 'anything' for me.
Not interested in that nonsense.
They can keep those.
Come to think of $800 anything either.
Screw these guys and their overly-inflated prices.
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I think the problem is worse than just the USA China trade tariffs.

Bitcoin and Etherium inflation is the main culpret at the moment for lack of availability and GPU price inflation, looks like every single GPU has vanished from the shelves as everyone is scrambling to mine.

Bitcoin peaking at $40k a week or so ago. It went down a bit as i think people cashed in their investments, but has not crashed yet, not like it did in 2018. The pain will not go away until the price does drop down significantly I think, miners will just keep buying everything like they did in 2017 / 2018.

Nvidia didn't announce a 3080ti in their keynote this week so guess its not going to be a thing for a while. Was interesting to see them introduce a 12gb 3060 though.

I would not be at all surprised if all the new supply of new RX 6800s, 3070 and 3080s coming straight out the factory are somehow going stright to miners before they even go to market as the ROI for those cards would be insanely good right now at MSRP. Meanwhile the 3090 is not a good ROI mining investment which might explain why we are seeing 3090 still coming to market. Also expains why Radeon Viis are now going for over £900 on ebay.
My 2070 Super is running triple 1080s just fine. If I want play anything else, which rarely happens, it plays on a single screen at 144hz with everything maxed on most titles.
So no, in answer the OQ, I'm not looking to stress out and end up paying a crazy amount for something that may or may not increase the visual fidelity of my current set up that I'm very happy with right now.
Yes, I'd love a 5800x and pair it with a 3080ti, just... well, because, but the reality is that my 3800x with 2070 Super is doing just fine without me having to sell body parts or my house...
My 1080TI is still going great with HP G2 VR in all sims including ACC , So i'll wait untill price drops in half on the 3090 , Will it go ok in the same mobo, straight swap; 700 watt powersupply? mobo is Z270 gaming pro carbon.
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The 3080ti will be nothing more than a 3080 'refresh' - there's really no space for a 'more powerful card' as the 3090 is barely 10-15% better than the 3080 in most games despite the 3090 being twice the price.
So how to do you justify another GPU in between the two without cannibalizing the 3090?

And since the Radeon series isn't what many thought it would be (it's very good but no Nvidia killer yet), there's less to worry about for Nvidia.

Gamers Nexus had partner feedback on this - the main difference will be that the 3080ti will have 20GB VRAM instead of 10GB, which you would only potentially need for dedicated 4K gaming, and even then the list of games that would exhaust 10GB is miniscule. Or perhaps for professional workloads like those working with blender, and can actually use all that VRAM. For gamers, nope.

Many apps will seem to show that much more VRAM is being used than is actually being specifically allocated to that title/game - plenty of articles on this for the techies out there.
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Yes, I will likely get a 3080ti (or a 3090) if and when they are ever actually available at anywhere near MSRP (not going to reward scalpers).

I presently have a 2080ti, and a 3080 is not a sufficient upgrade to be worth-while, in my opinion. For example, Half-Life Alyx already complains about low VRAM despite the 11 GB, so the 3080's 10 GB would be a step backward in that respect.

I have great doubts about the guesstimated $995 US pricing for the ti, and mostly expect the 3090 to be only marginally more expensive. After all, the rumored cost-related difference is only 4GB of VRAM.

Actually, I'd like to renew my whole system and have dedicated hardware for sim racing and for everything else. My "everything else" includes Linux for various things, and I don't want to sit in my rig to do that other stuff.

Unfortunately, as we all know, the supply chain for the best gear these days is virtually broken, and I don't think things will be much better until at least the second half of 2021.
Yes, I will likely get a 3080ti (or a 3090) if and when they are ever actually available at anywhere near MSRP (not going to reward scalpers).

I presently have a 2080ti, and a 3080 is not a sufficient upgrade to be worth-while, in my opinion. For example, Half-Life Alyx already complains about low VRAM despite the 11 GB, so the 3080's 10 GB would be a step backward in that respect.

I have great doubts about the guesstimated $995 US pricing for the ti, and mostly expect the 3090 to be only marginally more expensive. After all, the rumored cost-related difference is only 4GB of VRAM.

Actually, I'd like to renew my whole system and have dedicated hardware for sim racing and for everything else. My "everything else" includes Linux for various things, and I don't want to sit in my rig to do that other stuff.

Unfortunately, as we all know, the supply chain for the best gear these days is virtually broken, and I don't think things will be much better until at least the second half of 2021.
If your sim rig is in the same area as you do your other work, sharing a PC is easy.
Agree its pretty cool whats possible now, @Emery has done fairly extensive testing on a triple 4k 60hz setup with a 3090 FTW3 and proved you can get it to work well for simracing.

But the reports now (from AIBs) are a 3080ti is delayed indefinitely (via Gamers Nexus and others), so pretty low confidence it will ever exist. Reason being if AMD really are focusing on launching 5nm RDNA 3 end of this year, Nvidia are more likely to focus on skipping straight to the 5nm 4000 Lovelace series. They won't have time for a refresh or further segmentation like they have done in previous generations.

Also I get the feeling we would all be let down by whatever the 3080ti ends up being if it ever does come to market. It could equally end up being a 12gb card with a 3090 chip. So exact same performance but half the vram, that would be a good card but maybe not the one we (mainly people with 2080ti's) were hoping for. The more I think about it the less i'm convinced they will bother launching a card with only 4gb less than their flagship, it would be unusual for Nvidia to do something like this as it goes against their segmentation approach.

The 6900xt basically was a let down, both in terms of 4k performance and raytracing coupled with the fact its still impossible to buy. So along with the fact you can't buy anything anyway right now, Nvidia have absoluitely no pressure to release a card to match the price of a 6900xt and are happy to keep selling 3090s.

So because of the above I still think the 3090 is this generations 80ti and thats the end of it. Happy to be proven wrong just my thoughts.
Sold my 1060 6gb today for 240 euro. Takes a good chunk out of the 790 eurofor the 3070. 240 is exactly what i bought it for new in mid 2017!! I eas only expecting to get a hundred quid for it.

Thinking of a new cpu next... Think iy needs a thread in inself. " Which cpu did you get after your gtx 30xx" :)
I think Nvidia has to come out with a version with more VRAM. If not, they are ceding a big and profitable chunk of market space to AMD. If they are not doing so now or soon, it's only because they can't make enough chips to sell almost anything, never mind a new model.

And now we're supposed to wait for the next generation some unknown time in the future? A future which just as likely will have the same availability problems all over again? Ugh.

Where's my cryo-freeze time chamber!?

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