Its a bit silly how complicated it is compared other software but...
Open your Logitech software. Ensure you select the profile for the sim you're binding the keys to. Find the entry for POV1 and click on it then select Select Assignment -> New POV Assignment.
You should get a menu that opens which you can name. Its basically a binding profile for that POV hat. You then select each individual direction and THEN have to create a keystroke bind for that direction in a new pop up menu... bloody menus inside of menus inside of menus (its asinine but stick with it).
Once you've done that for each direction (up down left right) you press okay and it should select that binding profile for the POV hat.
Logitech are idiots for making it this laborious but it should work that way and then pressing the different directions on the POV hat in that game will produce a keystroke instead of a joybutton output. You then bind the output to the keyboard part of the control menu.