Archived modding threads

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Someone who can do things like that can add a Sussie Wolff to F1 2014. With her helmet.

Maybe some 3D Models. I think that many people would aprecciate it.
Hi guys,

I'd like a helmet for my sim-racing endeavors. I'd like something intricate and not just the boring stuff I've been able to conjure up myself. I'm useless at painting helmets, I've tried many, many times and always end up with something meh.

If you're able to help me out, please let me know. :) I have some reference images available as to what I'd like, which should aid with the design process.

It will need to be deigned for both AC and iRacing.

Your help would be much apprciated. Thanks in advance!
Hi everyone,

I have been away for some time and a lot has happened but I hope to be around more.

Currently I am working on new versions of Queensland Raceway and Lakeside Park with updates and details and so on.

The tracks will be released as a QR Track Pack with Lakeside and QR with various versions etc.

Please note that I have permission from QR and have exclusive licence to Lakeside Park, name, images, likeness etc etc for 10 years. I have seen some people have converted Lakeside to other games without my permission and this is an issue.

I look forward to sharing the WIP on here and other forums in the future and I will be asking for help where needed. I am happy for conversions to be done but please ask first.

I'm wanting to update some Ai lines or even add some for some tracks that are missing this info. Does anyone know of a good tutorial or can help me understand a few what could be simple items.

The problem?
I seem to have trouble with getting my "pitlane" to work right after playing around with it. Seems pitlane button disappears and I have 2 start recording buttons.

Also want to be sure I'm doing this right, new to this part.
I've been working on a plugin for 3dsmax that should be quite useful for modeling cars (and maybe even tracks). It allows you to draw polygon strips (1 or multiple edges extruded), and connect edges. Furthermore there is an advanced capping algorithm that generates smooth surfaces. Next to free-hand drawing there is lots of controls to smooth things, control tangents...

While it's not free, a feature-unlimited trial version exists (though I hope this doesn't get abused). Feedback is very welcome, it lacks nice video tutorials (which I'd happily exchange free licenses for). It's more of a hobby project, but can see some further enhances based on reception.


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well since no one respond to you script which is very unkind by race department members. i will give it a try.on 3ds max 2010.although im only just started to get use to 3ds max..i have a few scripts (brought) for track making.might has have one for vehicles too.:D you never know i might get into to that too. :p

if i like it and the price is right i have a pop.:)
sorry . did i ask for the game too. :LOL
rfactor version, or a full game..

really should get my thinking head on first.before ploughin onto forums :p
Hi Everybody! :thumbsup:

I hope someone will be able to help me. The rFactor 1 track that I am having a problem with is called "FIA Motor City v1.0"(GTR2 conversion was called "Johannesburg FIA Motor City by VeroNC").

Every time when I enter for a pit stop, as soon as I cross the "Pit In" line, the track timer resets, then only when you have done another lap the timer starts again. All of the timing gates are correctly in their respective places & positions. I do not know if the problem lies within the AIW file or where? :O_o:

I tried to find the cause but I cannot find where the problem is... any help or suggestions will be highly appreciated, PLEASE?
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