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Welcome to Wreckfest, the wrong way to drive at RACEDEPARTMENT
Will you survive till the end and score the most points for yourself or your team.
Can you handle the knocks and bangs of full contact racing.
Or do you just want a night of fun. if so this is for you.

WRECKFEST can be purchased through steam

The only real rule is in the race track events, there will no intentional driving backwards.
And you have to try and keep to the track. the rules are going to be loose but lets not go to crazy and spoil it.
Our very own, The voice of RD @Joseph Wright might be streaming some events this will be confirmed later (update streaming is a go)

All premium members can sign up for these event and we have up to 24 slots available so make sure to bring a friend. Sign up below and make sure to tag fellow community members who you think are up for a challenge!

Join us
Not a premium member yet but interested to race with our group of friendly drivers? Click here for more information and learn how you can participate as well.

Server and Teamspeak Password: click here (TEAMSPEAK IS MANDATORY)
Teamspeak Installation Guide: click here
(Handy guide to setup teamspeak)

Racing Club Rules: Click here
Incident Reporting: Click here

Server Name:
Cars: Random restricions on the night (no need for special tuned cars)
Track: Random on the night (no need to spend days testing)

Races : 20:00 GMT
Races : 20:30 GMT
Races : 21:00 GMT
30 minutes sessions,1.5 hours of fun with as many events as we can throw in.
We have a start time its up to you how long we have fun for.

Entry List
  1. Free slot
  2. Free slot
  3. Free slot
  4. Free slot
  5. Free slot
  6. Free slot
  7. Free slot
  8. Free slot
  9. Free slot
  10. Free slot
  11. Free slot
  12. Free slot
  13. Free slot
  14. Free slot
  15. Free slot
  16. Free slot
  17. Free slot
  18. Free slot
  19. Free slot
  20. Free slot
  21. Free slot
  22. Free slot
  23. Free slot
  24. Free slot
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So I ended up heaviest hitter of the evening which I'm pleased with since I didn't have the heart to wreck RDers (at least not on purpose!) and was only gunning for Joe Public.


@TTupsi joint leader in takedowns, wrecking 8 opponents on the night.


And well done RDers for owning the 'cleanest drivers' table - or is that 'must try harder'?!


We didn't get a sniff on the dirtiest drivers table - there were some hard hitters on last night!


Hopefully see you next week!
Welcome to the Wreckfest Club, the wrong way to drive at RACEDEPARTMENT.

Will you survive 'till the end and score the most points for yourself or your team? Can you handle the knocks and bangs of full contact racing?

Have yourself a merry little christmas and join this light-hearted winter Wreckfest fun!

WRECKFEST can be purchased through Steam.

The only real rule is: In the race track events, there will be no intentional driving backwards.
And you have to try and keep to the track. The rules are going to be loose but lets not go to crazy and spoil it.

All premium members can sign up for these event and we have up to 24 slots available. So make sure to bring a friend.
Sign up below and make sure to tag fellow community members who you think are up for a challenge!

Join us
Not a premium member yet but interested in racing with our group of friendly drivers?
Click here for more information and learn how you can participate as well.

Server and Teamspeak Password: click here (TEAMSPEAK IS MANDATORY)
Teamspeak Installation Guide: click here
(Handy guide to setup Teamspeak)
Racing Club Rules: Click here just be sensible
Incident Reporting: Click here

Server Name:
Track: All tracks mixed with the snow mod!
Different from race to race

Tuesday - 22 December 2019
Races :
20:00 UTC onwards

Entry List
  1. TTupsi (ask me anything in Teamspeak)
  2. @jayjfinn
  3. @Roy Magnes
  4. @Ross McGregor (maybe)
  5. @Balazs Floszmann
  6. @Joakim Skalstad
  7. Free slot
  8. Free slot
  9. Free slot
  10. Free slot
  11. Free slot
  12. Free slot
  13. Free slot
  14. Free slot
  15. Free slot
  16. Free slot
  17. Free slot
  18. Free slot
  19. Free slot
  20. Free slot
  21. Free slot
  22. Free slot
  23. Free slot
  24. Free slot
UTP# 05
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