Arms and drivers

Are there any mods to enable you to see the driver and his arms and hands on the wheel and the co driver. It's way better for oculus rift if they are there.
Do i have to download other cars?
WorkerBee's Pacenote Plugin ( and its camera editor (double-click right button) is definitely one way of achieving that. It has an option called "show car exterior", and when you save the preset, the car's own ini file will get a new line "showExterior=1".

Like this:

FOV =1.1
Near =0.1101
Pos =0.399627 0.964271 -1.1861
Target =0.339627 0.891643 -3.74255
Up =0 1 0

Obviously you don't have to go to the game and save presets for every single car separately, just copy-paste that line for all the cars you want.

So that was one way, and I'd imagine that Camhack would be another but that's something I can't confirm or deny because I've never really used it.

And no, you don't have to download any cars if you don't want to. Good luck.

EDIT. OK, having actually checked it myself, showExterior removes the steering wheel, so it's not really a solution, is it? So forget all of that.
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