Ask the developers


Bugbear Entertainment
I'm a developer at Bugbear and saw there was several news items at about our next game. To summarize, we are making a full contact racing and destruction derby game with cool crashes and physics.

I wanted to drop by and say that we are now on kickstarter as we want to make this game as an indie, without a publisher - help us reach our goal and get the game cheap! Check out the KS page for videos etc, but don't hesitate to ask here if you have questions, I'll be around.


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From what i tried so far, PS3 can handle it with ease, also i think all previous games got ported to consoles and to be honest i enjoyed playing them on consoles more than on PC.
It is not a matter of PS3 being able to handle it, but I think this is from an economical and development point of view better to head to PS4. Keep in mind that they are still in pre-alpha and by the time this game is finished we will be at least one, maybe even two years further which makes PS3 an obsolete console and lots of people will have switched to PS4 instead, creating a better platform for revenues. If they will port every pre-alpha, alpha and beta release to the PS3 stores it would kill and delay the development of the product which would be shame.
It is not a matter of PS3 being able to handle it, but I think this is from an economical and development point of view better to head to PS4. Keep in mind that they are still in pre-alpha and by the time this game is finished we will be at least one, maybe even two years further which makes PS3 an obsolete console and lots of people will have switched to PS4 instead, creating a better platform for revenues. If they will port every pre-alpha, alpha and beta release to the PS3 stores it would kill and delay the development of the product which would be shame.

I have all PS consoles that's not the problem, since the game can be played on last gen consoles why not ported and let people have more choices, hell ill buy it on PS3, PS4, PC.
The problem is there is people out there that are not impressed by the new consoles, and would like to keep our beloved old consoles alive if that makes any since :)

But all that have been said i understand if its money problems. maybe after they start getting profits ...
I have all PS consoles that's not the problem, since the game can be played on last gen consoles why not ported and let people have more choices, hell ill buy it on PS3, PS4, PC.
The problem is there is people out there that are not impressed by the new consoles, and would like to keep our beloved old consoles alive if that makes any since :)

But all that have been said i understand if its money problems. maybe after they start getting profits ...
I dont even expect after they start getting profit, the costs of porting (it is not a simple one-day-job) are higher than the potential revenue on PS3.
Remember when PS3 came out the first year, maybe 2 years, it wasn't such a hit either because there were not many popular games. Things will change and for those that want to keep playing PS3, sure no problem. But don't expect that developers will never stop producing for older consoles. And when this game is finished I suspect that PS4 has far exceeded PS3 in potential revenues and users.

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