WIP Assen TT-circuit 1954 version

I wrote a tutorial - how to prepare BTB track for 3dsMax. I think I will need to make some video about starting in Max - too much writing ;)
So, here is "1st" part: http://www.sendspace.com/file/d2v78d

If everything is clear for you, maybe somebody can make it more official, e.g move or copy my post to more visible place :)
Cheers! m.
Thankyou Martinez. After reading it through a couple of times it seems very clear. There is nothing worse than starting on a complicated program like 3dsMax and having errors thrown back at you if you have no idea why. Seems like preparing a track before hand is going to help a lot.
Great. Good to hear that my bad English is understandable somewhow :)
I was thinking a little more on the topic and to make things more clear - this tutorial is about making a "pure" and easy to manage mesh for 3dsMax. The second option is a conversion of existing and finished BTB track (RBR_RX or rF), where many material change cross-sections were used obviously. This is also possible, though can take a little more time to manage. In this case using short (8.3) texture names is even more important. But...

Now - I just found how to convert long texture names that Max can recognize them after importing .3ds. Very easy!:
Save a new copy (backup) of your track. On your HDD create a folder with copies of all your textures (these with long names) used in your project. Rename or shorten their names that you know what they are. Make even some notes about that to be more sure. In BTB - go to Edit Materials and load "new" textures instead of those from XPacks. Click OK after editing every material. When all are done and you are sure that everything looks the same as it was with "old" textures, save the project, close and load again (important!).
When you now export your track to rF - look into files and guess what happened :)
Your written "How to", tutorials are worth 20 you tube tuts. There are exceptions but most are almost impossible to follow."Now where did he put the cursor?" syndrome.
I'm interested in trying to change an GT Legends track to RBR. I have most of the files changed except for the mat and driveline, which I suppose are the mesh and aiw files. Do you think this is possible or am I wasting my time?
Hmm, I know only how to get files to Max from 3dSimed. This means I know only one direction - from rF to .3ds. What files are in GT Legends and can they be imported to 3dSimEd or any other program which can translate them into .3ds? I don't know yet...
For RBR (original format) you don't need driveline, materials (physics) nor pacenotes, because they are created later in Wallaby.
I'm sorry, I've never played GT Legends.
As we already know, Max can import .X files (even without help of 3dSimed). As the later (if not the last) chance you could try them... Not sure about this anyway.
"For RBR (original format) you don't need driveline, materials (physics) nor pacenotes, because they are created later in Wallaby."

That is music to a deaf mans ears. I have the objectlist.ini , materials.ini , spawn.ini , Objects and Textures already in RBR format, thanks to 3dsimEd and you say that , driveline.ini , mat.ini and pacenotes can be created in something called Wallaby.
Whats that. Off to google. Be right back.
I think it goes back to my post #72 where i ask about a tutorial, how to import a btb track into 3ds max.

Maybe a seperate topic about the link BTB/3ds Max/3dsimed is a good idea.

Like shown above, i have problem with textures having the same name but a different extention.
texture0.jpg is the same as "loopbrug20.jpg" which is a wood texture.
texture0.png is the same as "loopbruga20.png" which is a Texaco logo texture.
I tried to solve it with http://simtrackipedia.wikidot.com/rfactor-swaps-textures but, it won't work.
Maybe because i do something wrong.

edit: still working on it.

EDIT: Solved it!!
If you are making your own XPack and importing your own SketchUp object, it is better to open the .dae file (before importing the object) with a text editor and change texture0, texture1 etc to something more distinct, such as the name of the object, e.g. grandstand0, grandstand1 etc. Then you can find and rename those texture files (e.g. so texture0.png becomes granstand0.png).

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