Assetto Corsa Competizione Hotfix 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 Released

Paul Jeffrey

ACC Hotfix Update.jpg

Two new hotfix updates for Assetto Corsa Competizione have recently deployed to the Steam only racing simulation from Kunos Simulazioni.

The official game of the 2018 (and soon to be 2019) Blancpain GT Series, Assetto Corsa Competizione has been the recipient of two brand new hotfix releases in recent days, the product of developers Kunos Simulazioni looking to react to a range of issues that have become apparent since the title reached V1 release status earlier this year.

Dropping in quick succession, the latest updates to this impressive simulation are mostly focussed on addressing some of the game crash issues within the title, as well as adding a few new improvements to the multiplayer and ratings aspect of ACC amongst other details listed below.

Note: Kunos recommends Temporal Anti Aliasing method for VR users.

V1.0.3 Notes:

  • Audio optimizations to lower the memory footprint.
  • Fixes to overall game stability and added logging.
  • Fixed a rare bug that failed to turn on the ignition in AI cars.
  • Fixed driver swap missing in Race 2 of career race weekends.
  • Fixed autosave not storing tyre set wear data.
  • Fixed random weather not randomizing ambient temperature.
  • Fixed potential issue, not auto saving replays
  • Fixed disabled driver foot animations in the Mercedes-AMG GT3.
  • Revamped controller options menu, allowing keyboard, direct-input, and X-input customization.
  • NOTE: old controller presets will continue to work.
  • Fixed widget position when the car crosses the finish line.
  • Camera movement and look-with-wheel sliders activate/deactivate in relevant camera modes.
  • Fixed a bug on the weather page that allowed rain level without cloud level when after entering the page.
  • Fixed confusing behavior of random track button on the weather UI.
  • Fixed weather summary incorrectly reporting dynamic weather disabled with random weather on.
  • Fixed podium sequence not responding to mapped pause key.
  • Fixed championship AI aggression being incorrectly limited to 80-100%.
  • Default championship settings updated.
  • Resume button added inside the main Championship and Career pages.
  • Revised layout organization of race-end messages.
  • Fixed wind speed not being an absolute value.
  • Mouse in VR: added wheel and scroll bar support.
  • Fix to the HUD stereo layer clipping with the car geometry.
Rating and Muliplayer:
  • Solved “No CP server in your region” display for users that should actually see them.
  • Server pings are now displayed accurately in the UI.
  • The “too slow for Eau Rouge” fix introduced in 1.0.1 is now more accurate.
  • Fixed an issue where cars can load without setup (=no ABS/TC) applied / HUD invisible.
  • Entry lists can now use “isAdmin” as intended.
  • Entry lists can now use “overrideDriverInfo” as intended.
  • Added ServerAdminHandbook v1 to the server folder.

V1.0.4 Notes:

  • Fixed gameplay freezes.

For more from the world of ACC, why not head over to our Assetto Corsa Competizione sub forum and get yourself into the thick of the action? We have a great and knowledgeable community, plus some pretty epic League and Club Racing events, if I do say so myself. Go on, treat yourself!

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I don't think kunos can do anything else about proper triples support. UE4 simply doesn't support separate/per screen rendering. I think Epic has to (want to) code it in.

The Panini projection is usable in terms of fixing the distortion. But the downside is the insanely low res blurry middle monitor that is simply something I am not willing to tolerate.
Triple screen support was added to the engine recently.
Still not happy with VR. Cant touch SS ingame because of immediate stutter. Changed Settings from high to low and AA off to Epic and its only okay as long as I stay away from SS. Running 1070 with i5 9600k and Oculus Rift. Somehow weird...

So I got back to rfactor 2. And I also have to say, that I have a better feeling for the GT3s in rfactor. It feels more predictable and more grip. With ACC i have tons of understeer and sudden oversteer (kerbs or power).
This is why I was happy to purchase early access...I have every faith in Kunos to do whatever is possible, to fix bugs or just to improve, there care very much...
The game is not in Early Access anymore, though. So while it's great they continue fixing bugs and adding stuff at a fairly steady rate, at the same time, it is sadly yet another game in the current trend of "release a buggy mess, fix it later" that has sadly become pretty much the norm.
In fact, that is supposed to be the main point of the Early Access period (besides getting the developers some additional funding before release) - to avoid the release of a buggy, unfinished product. So I don't really see much to be happy about here in relation to the Early Access - it obviously failed.
Those threads are kind of useless: they are filled with fanboys who can't stand the notion that the game has flaws that needs to be addressed. Especially performance wise, still a mess with some serious frame hiccups at some tracks where it didn't happened back in the 0.7 version.
Those threads are kind of useless: they are filled with fanboys who can't stand the notion that the game has flaws that needs to be addressed. Especially performance wise, still a mess with some serious frame hiccups at some tracks where it didn't happened back in the 0.7 version.
Hardly, it all comes down to what people can tolerate. As an EA adopter and ~100 hours of race time. I can say 50% of that has been a lot of fun thus far.
Online racing quality seems to be a massive improvement on AC for one. Day, night and weather add a lot.
Some of the kurb issues can be remedied with a non-stock setup etc.
Performance, could be better agreed and Kunos still have more work to do.
Those threads are kind of useless: they are filled with fanboys who can't stand the notion that the game has flaws that needs to be addressed. Especially performance wise, still a mess with some serious frame hiccups at some tracks where it didn't happened back in the 0.7 version.

The real ACC fanboys are on the ACC forum assisting with debugging the game, and will continue to do so until people like you have nothing to complain about.
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Did anyone see Billy Strange's video about the bugs in ACC? Its actually quite an unintentionally funny video as he gets angrier and angrier as he goes through all the issues - he does however hit the nail on the head with a bunch of issues that should be fixed or at least allow you to edit or adjust. Adjustable AI strength for your career season for one, another being able to actually choose a wider variety of car liveries. It would be nice to be able to have a base livery then be able to put existing sponsors that are in game already onto your base livery, but I know they have bigger fish to fry at the moment! It's coming along nicely though. The career does need serious work though.
Those threads are kind of useless: they are filled with fanboys who can't stand the notion that the game has flaws that needs to be addressed. Especially performance wise, still a mess with some serious frame hiccups at some tracks where it didn't happened back in the 0.7 version.
More like filled with people like you that cant stand the notion that people can like something you dont, without everything having to revolve around what you find negative about it. Then feel the need to paste on silly labels to try and belittle them.

Also, the irony of labelling some "fanboys" in a thread about a specific game, while extolling the virtues of another over it, in a bid to give credence to a none point.
The game is not in Early Access anymore, though. So while it's great they continue fixing bugs and adding stuff at a fairly steady rate, at the same time, it is sadly yet another game in the current trend of "release a buggy mess, fix it later" that has sadly become pretty much the norm.
In fact, that is supposed to be the main point of the Early Access period (besides getting the developers some additional funding before release) - to avoid the release of a buggy, unfinished product. So I don't really see much to be happy about here in relation to the Early Access - it obviously failed.

Show me another game that required no fixes and was perfect on release date. Because customers were willing to buy early access, they received a large reduction in the purchase of the game.

Now the point you are making is it should be perfect, because it is no longer early access ...are you aware that RF2 R3E are still releasing bug fixes several years later. I think you are expecting way to much and being very unfair towards Kunos

PS... it obviously did not fail.
Maybe partially right .... but we have to note that things got worse and worse since Early Access methods began.
There were always fixes needed .... but the way it is nowadays ... shows that most parts of the game give the impression that they were not even tested or rather poorly.

It's not a Kunos case but rather general .... I may understand that's a question of money for the editor, but releasing a V1.0 too early is not a very good idea.
Should the devs ask to postpone a release if many things needs to be fixed or repaired .... why not wait just a month for example.

I may understand the patience of the ones who bought Early Access and paid less .... but let's imagine the reaction of the buyer of the V1.0

Sure that's the meaning of how Martin Fiala reacted... and I kind of agree with him.
there are undoubted flashes of brilliance with ACC, the feeling of the cars and the steering FFB is addictive. The different feel of the cars is for the most part highly enjoyable. V1.04 also seems to be more stable - I haven't experienced any Ue4 crashes so far.

Unfortunately, Career Mode seems to be even more broken than before. I just completed the Season 2 6 Hour Endurance Race at Paul Ricard and won the race easily by over a lap as you can see in the screens below. My Car is 23 GTR. No penalties were received in the race and all the stints etc were completed with driver changeovers. The race result box recorded me as having finished last. I'd started the race from pole and completed all sessions without quitting yet top qualifier, pole position and professionalism are all recorded as 0.


When I clicked through to the next screen, my car is shown as the race winner on the podium.


Other problems with career remain too:

1. Backmarkers ignore blue flags, the marshalls wave them but the AI totally ignore the flags. I had one situation where a lapped AI car exited the pits and then decided to race me side by side through the next 3 corners. Others just stuck glued to the racing line.

2. In Normal difficulty the times the field of AI cars run in practice (1.58.9-2.05.3) is not consistent with the qualifying times (2:01.5-2:08.3). In the race the AI then run anything from 1:59.5 to 2:03.6. The AI times are all over the place.

3. The AI makes poor pit strategy decisions - I won by over a lap because the 2nd place AI and several others all stopped on the final lap. I'd be surprised if any attention or testing has been carried out on how the AI will deal with 6 10 minute stints in a 1-hour race. As a result the races quickly become meaningless.

4. AI cars sliding on track has a huge impact on game performance. I've noticed this both online and in career races. If another car slides the game stutters, even when the graphics are set to lower levels and the game otherwise holds well above 60fps in any conditions.

The career mode as it stands is a waste of time, it's unbalanced and broken. Being unable to change the AI ability (or work out what the AI ability actually is because of the laptime variation) just adds to the frustration with this mode.

To me it seems clear that all the Kunos passion and expertise was poured into the driving experience and feel of the cars. The career mode is both an outdated generic design but worst of all it is broken and doesn't work when the player perseveres with it.

At this point in time ACC is a great hotlapping & steering feel simulator but as a racing game or simulation of a Blancpain racing it falls well below an acceptable standard.
Show me another game that required no fixes and was perfect on release date.
I can show you plenty of games that don't release in a semi-finished state if that's what you're asking. But yes, it has quickly became the norm to release unfinished products and then fix them later at the leisure of the developer. But that doesn't mean every game is released like that, which is what you seem to be suggesting. Plenty of games still release in a state worthy of a final release, not as hardly a beta that will be fixed weeks or months later.

Now the point you are making is it should be perfect, because it is no longer early access ...are you aware that RF2 R3E are still releasing bug fixes several years later. I think you are expecting way to much and being very unfair towards Kunos
And so we have apparently come to the point where expecting a final game to not have glaring issues is "expecting too much and being very unfair to the developer". What the hell...
Also, I never said it "should be perfect because it is no longer Early Access" - yes, bugs always happen and always need fixing. But that should never be an excuse to release unfinished product. Also, you were (and apparently sill are) praising what a great Early Access job they have done and how great they are that they indeed are fairly quick to fix their own mess after the release, and that's just silly.
1. Backmarkers ignore blue flags, the marshalls wave them but the AI totally ignore the flags. I had one situation where a lapped AI car exited the pits and then decided to race me side by side through the next 3 corners. Others just stuck glued to the racing line.

Blue flags in a lot of racing series aren't adhered to as strictly as you may find they are in FIA organised/regulated race series (especially open wheel events like F1 where passing is notoriously difficult). Those pitfalls aren't present in GT racing (cars aren't as dependant upon aero) and as a result I don't think i've ever seen a blue flag penalty in events run by the SRO (Blanpain) or IMSA.
Just want to mention my own experience so far.

The game is plenty fantastic, but clearly not finished in all aspects.
I may be lucky, but I never encountered any of the crashes etc...
The game runs very smotth on my pc, but I don't run triple screen or VR.

I began the career, and as some other I feel that it is by far not finished, at least for a V1.04 Version.
At least saving the game works now .
but all is not perfect.
For example, I use automatic engine, and i am absolutely not sure that all works all the time perfectly during the pit stop.
I have the bad feeling that I am loosing 5-10" in comparison with the AI, because it takes a very long time for the pit to start. The game ask me to turn off the engine. As I use the automatic function, I have to wait that the game understand this and turn the engine off. it takes 5-10" for that (maybe less ?). Very frustrating.
I am pretty sure it costed me for example about 3 places at brands hatch.

I have personally great races with the AI on carreer mode.
I feel that I have been ranted exactly on the right level for racing the AI.
After pre season test, I finished with gold level, and I have been affected to the "Hard" race category regarding the AI. And it seems it corresponds exactly to my level.
I have to fight a lot to qualify and race, Always in the middle of the pack.
I am all the time at about the place 7-10 on qualification, and I have tough races at about the same places (with the Nismo 2018).
I am personally very happy with the AI in this career mode, both regarding the speed and agresivness.

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