Assetto Corsa Competizione | Hotfix 1.5.1 Now Available

Paul Jeffrey

Kunos Simulazioni have today dropped the first post V1.5 hotfix to Assetto Corsa Competizione on Stream - bringing a number of fixes and updates to the simulation.
  • First update following big V1.5 build launch.
  • Improvements to multiclass MFD options.
  • Onscreen timing widget improvements.
Assetto Corsa Competizione | GT Pack DLC Review: Click Here.

A first new hotfix, complete with both changes and tweaks, has been deployed to Assetto Corsa Competizione following the release of the V1.5 build and the mighty GT4 Pack DLC cars.

As has become usual practice following large core updates to ACC, the hotfix is a pretty sizeable one, and has been deployed in response to a few issues that cropped up within the sim over the days since V1.5 released back on Wednesday of last week.

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Assetto Corsa Competizione | Introducing The GT4 Cars: Click Here.

Chief amongst the changes for 1.5.1 is some welcome tweaking to the the way multi-class racing is represented in the on screen HUD within the title. With 1.5 now introducing the possibility to host multi-class events online, featuring both GT3 and GT4 cars as well as the new ST and Cup classifications, Kunos have reworked the onboard MFD and HUD functionality to better inform drivers where they stand within their respective class - something I for one very much welcome.

Other changes that specifically relate to racing with varied classes include some audio tweaks with respect to your specific class positioning, broadcast resources and timetable changes, amongst other items detailed in the change log below.

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v1.5.1 changelog


  • Fixed steering wheel display not hiding on the Alpine A110 GT4 when the steering wheel is set to hidden.
  • Minor updates to the 2020 WRT liveries.
  • Minor corrections on the BMW M4 GT4 custom designs.
  • MFD while in multi-class sessions will now contain an extra standings page filtered to the currently viewed car's car class.
  • HUD position indicator in multi-class sessions now shows the position in a car's class and a secondary indicator shows overall position.
  • Intro sequences for singleplayer sessions now do not show the track map and only show the standings widget in race sessions.
  • Fixed corrupted UI driver headshot and team logo image items.
  • Fixed timetable continuous refresh in MP race sessions (caused table to be non-responsive when lap-by-lap breakdown requested).
  • Added missing car group indicators for ST & CUP cars on the Timetables page.
  • Drive button now only pulsates during the last 30 seconds of the race session countdown.
  • Broadcast MFD now has standings pages for all available car groups (previously was only GT3/GT4) when in a multiclass session.
  • Improved lapped values for real-time widget to be more consistent.
  • Spotter end-race position message now respects car groups.
  • Removed splitter gain spotter message for different cars groups.
  • New best lap message removed at the end of first lap.
  • Server: isPrepPhaseLocked now defaults to 0 when not set, allowing clients to join during the preparation phase. Set this line to 1 explicitly in the settings.json to prevent drivers not participating in qualifying from joining before gridding.

Assetto Corsa Competizione is available now on PC, Xbox One and PS4.

Got questions? Head over to the Assetto Corsa Competizione sub forum here at RaceDepartment and let the community be your guide!

ACC Hotfix Footer.jpg
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i dont know why because the changelog did not mention any gamepad changes but rumble effect are now completlty ****ed up.
they were perfect at 1.5 launch

edit, rest of the game is perfect for me, but please, give me back vibrations/rumble effect who where added to the 1.5.
we have no vibration at all almost, no vibration at all on the curbs..;
I had my share of issues with AI at the beginning, but thanks to Stefano's hint on aggressiveness setting and picking up the right AI level, had it all solved since.
Finished Career yesterday and running weekend races with GT4 now.
Myself I can't ask for more from AI, seems like it's head and a shoulder above AC AI which was already in a very decent shape.
Can it get better, sure, like anything else under the sun, but it's already far from broken or unplayable as some state here.

That sounds interesting - could you please elaborate on "Stefano's hint" about setting up the AI appropriately? I'd love to get it dialled in, I don't think it is right now..
You mean like this????

I cringe every time i hear someone saying the AI was brilliant back then. Btw this isn't my video but I stopped racing Monza and Zolder during that time because of this exact same reason.
I'm sorry, that is not a nudge or two.
It might be human like in the sense of multiplayer divebombing, I'll give you that. I'd rather keep the one we have atm, thank you very much

Yes, exactly like that. Most of those incidents in the video were due to the player lacking awareness rather than the AI, and the rest, well at least the AI makes mistakes and that's racing.

What irks me is that Kunos castrated the AI simply because a bunch of loud snowflakes couldn't handle the racing.
Everyone commenting on how bad and boring the AI is, I'll be waiting for your videos with AI skill in all tracks at 100%, doing quali and finishing 1st in every race. Until then, your comments will be deemed invalid
I don't think anybody is saying they aren't fast, they are saying that they don't "race" other cars and just generally act like you aren't even there at times in the corners. That doesn't make for a good experience.
I don't think anybody is saying they aren't fast, they are saying that they don't "race" other cars and just generally act like you aren't even there at times in the corners. That doesn't make for a good experience.

Ok, gotcha. I'll share my experience.
Since AI drivers in ACC have talent, it is extremely important to run quali sessions so they get placed correctly for the race based on their speed.
I have the AI skill for every track dialed in, knowing that I'll be placed somewhere between 10 and 19th place for the race depending on the car/track combo. This is one of the most fun parts of it all because each car has their own strengths, so quali is never the same.
I do 30 min races with pitstops.
Since the AI is already placed based on speed, the first couple of passes might be easy, but as the race progresses they keep getting more difficult as I'll reach a point where I'm lapping at the same pace as them.
Then the pitstop comes, If I get it right, i might gain a place or two. In this case overtaking the next car will get even more difficult and means I might have a very fast car behind me because I passed him on pits, not on track. Yes they might be hesitant to pass if they're already behind you but will pass me if i make a bad mistake.

I've honestly never had such a good experience against AI in any sim.

Do I wish they would block better? Sure
Wish they would pass each other some times? Sure

Broken, boring, etc....Hell no!!

Just for reference, I'm no alien by any means but I can do consistent laptimes and race at AI skill between 95-98 depending on the track.
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Ok, gotcha. I'll share my experience.
Since AI drivers in ACC have talent, it is extremely important to run quali sessions so they get placed correctly for the race based on their speed.
I have the AI skill for every track dialed in, knowing that I'll be placed somewhere between 10 and 19th place for the race depending on the car/track combo. This is one of the most fun parts of it all because each car has their own strengths, so quali is never the same.
I do 30 min races with pitstops.
Since the AI is already placed based on speed, the first couple of passes might be easy, but as the race progresses they keep getting more difficult as I'll reach a point where I'm lapping at the same pace as them.
Then the pitstop comes, If I get it right, i might gain a place or two. In this case overtaking the next car will get even more difficult and means I might have a very fast car behind me because I passed him on pits, not on track. Yes they might be hesitant to pass if they're already behind you but will pass me if i make a bad mistake.

I've honestly never had such a good experience against AI in any sim.

Do I wish they would block better? Sure
Wish they would pass each other some times? Sure

Broken, boring, etc....Hell no!!

Just for reference, I'm no alien by any means but I can do consistent laptimes and race at AI skill between 95-98 depending on the track.

So they don't overtake you unless you make a really bad mistake, they don't even attempt to defend position, and they don't dice for position with one another.

Racing against a train of bots like this isn't really racing, it's hotlapping (or "hotstinting") with some obstacles.

To be fair, truly great AI that isn't train-like and mimics human wheel-to-wheel battling behaviour to some extent, is rare in racing sims. And it's okay to enjoy racing against the AI, even bland AI like this. I've done a few AI races in ACC and it's an okay way to practice laptimes, build consistency in a relaxed way. But if you guys stick to this and never experience racing against actual humans that know how to race hard but fair online... then you don't know what you're missing. It's almost a completely different game.
So they don't overtake you unless you make a really bad mistake, they don't even attempt to defend position, and they don't dice for position with one another.

Racing against a train of bots like this isn't really racing, it's hotlapping (or "hotstinting") with some obstacles.

To be fair, truly great AI that isn't train-like and mimics human wheel-to-wheel battling behaviour to some extent, is rare in racing sims. And it's okay to enjoy racing against the AI, even bland AI like this. I've done a few AI races in ACC and it's an okay way to practice laptimes, build consistency in a relaxed way. But if you guys stick to this and never experience racing against actual humans that know how to race hard but fair online... then you don't know what you're missing. It's almost a completely different game.

Fair enough. They both have their advantages and disadvantages.
I've done it, trust me. In ACC a few times and other games as well and I'd need two hands to list the reasons why I don't like racing online but that's another topic.
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So they don't overtake you unless you make a really bad mistake, they don't even attempt to defend position, and they don't dice for position with one another.

Racing against a train of bots like this isn't really racing, it's hotlapping (or "hotstinting") with some obstacles.

To be fair, truly great AI that isn't train-like and mimics human wheel-to-wheel battling behaviour to some extent, is rare in racing sims. And it's okay to enjoy racing against the AI, even bland AI like this. I've done a few AI races in ACC and it's an okay way to practice laptimes, build consistency in a relaxed way. But if you guys stick to this and never experience racing against actual humans that know how to race hard but fair online... then you don't know what you're missing. It's almost a completely different game.
Exactly what you wrote in your last paragraph! I used the AI to build consistency. Speed is nothing without consistency. And the AI is so good for practicing this while learning the track under racing conditions.

If you watch real GT racing from the GT World Challenge you will realize that depending on the track only very few good overtaking opportunities will open up with a generally high level of driver skill. So some races end up....some might say boring....but it isn't in reality.
Hard racing often is all about lapping consistently and don't expose yourself to being overtaken. Racing is not always about fights with opponents. At least this is how I see it. I may be a happy racer after a race with putting in qualy laps but not one overtaking move. You also fight against yourself, the car and the track.

Going for some risk is ok if you are confident to see the move through in a fair way. If you're not confident, don't take the move. In real life racing can still be dangerous. So I would rather see people also in sim racing only to overtake when they can see it through. Not divebomb just because there is no consequences to your health and some tiny gap opens up.
Everyone commenting on how bad and boring the AI is, I'll be waiting for your videos with AI skill in all tracks at 100%, doing quali and finishing 1st in every race. Until then, your comments will be deemed invalid

I run 100% aggression all the time. Try putting them at 100% aggression, do a couple of laps and then slow to 1/2 speed and pull to the inside or outside of the track. They just line up and do nothing for several turns, you'll likely get rammed at some point and then they will slowly one by one pass you.

The AI is 100% garbage in ACC.
Yeah I agree with you, defensive line and AI overtakes would make me super happy. I have never witnessed an AI crash, or spin, or even going wide... I'd buy the GT4 pack straight away if they work on the AI side. At the current state I'll stick to other simulators

Today I did a race on Silverstone with 92/92 rating for AI.
Around me I saw lots of fights going on and yes AI cars we overtaking each other.
In one instance 3 cars were fighting each other in Club, forcing each other so wide I could pass 2 of them while the first of them ended up 3rd.
After that in Village I misjudged my speed and ended up a bit wide. 2 of the cars I just had overtaken overtook me again.
So absolutely no “train behaviour”.

Also I had an Audi in front of me that overtook a couple of cars forcing them wide opening a nice gap for me to follow him in the overtaking manoeuvre.

It seems to me a lot more is going on in AI races in GT4 than GT3. I know for sure when I‘ve raced them some more.

The only thing that could be better is the spirit of most of the AI. They seem to loose heart after you overtake them. After a couple of laps I have a gap of more than 2 seconds.

But for now AI races are great fun for me, much more than in GT3.
I’m very happy with the DLC and as stated before, it changes the game completely.

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  • Deleted member 197115

I run 100% aggression all the time. Try putting them at 100% aggression, do a couple of laps and then slow to 1/2 speed and pull to the inside or outside of the track. They just line up and do nothing for several turns, you'll likely get rammed at some point and then they will slowly one by one pass you.

The AI is 100% garbage in ACC.
Not in my experience. But I am using 95%, will try with 100%. What skill are you using?
I run 100% aggression all the time. Try putting them at 100% aggression, do a couple of laps and then slow to 1/2 speed and pull to the inside or outside of the track. They just line up and do nothing for several turns, you'll likely get rammed at some point and then they will slowly one by one pass you.

The AI is 100% garbage in ACC.

I've done it several times when I want them to pass me in a Practice session. If I pull to the side they will pass me just fine. My aggression setting is at 100% all the time. Otherwise, why on earth would anyone slow down to 1/2 speed during a race? :rolleyes:

Also, you seem to have missed this

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I run 100% aggression all the time. Try putting them at 100% aggression, do a couple of laps and then slow to 1/2 speed and pull to the inside or outside of the track. They just line up and do nothing for several turns, you'll likely get rammed at some point and then they will slowly one by one pass you.

The AI is 100% garbage in ACC.
you mean like this ?
30 minutes (!!) without any overtake, a train... aand its reality this time not AI

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