Assetto Corsa on Console - New Trailer Released

Paul Jeffrey

Assetto Corsa 3.jpg

With the build up to a console release for Assetto Corsa in full swing, Kunos Simulazioni have released a new console trailer titled Built for Racers, showing off the sim in spectacular fashion.

Assetto Corsa on console has been fraught with delays and issues since Kunos and 505 Games first announced the move, however it now looks like the long awaited release is finally happening, bringing the popular simulation to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 gamers for the very first time.

It is expected that build 1.8 and the Tripl3 DLC for PC will be released to coincide with the console launch.

Catch the new trailer below.

Assetto Corsa Built For Racers Trailer:

Assetto Corsa will be released for console on 26th August (Europe) and 30th August (North America) respectively

Check the Assetto Corsa sub forum for Xbox, PS4 and PC news for the Italian racing simulation. Look out for the latest and greatest mods, club racing events for all versions of the game and of course the great community spirt here at RD.

It's close, very close indeed... looking forward to Assetto Corsa on console? Let us know in the comments section below!
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ok ,it's english lessons now! (english is not my first language too, even not the second )

after being insulted by a dev..., blocked on twitter, Mr helmut is show us the right way. (thx man!)
my god this thread...., kunos really need a community manager to answer fans/costumers instead of devs.

don't you mind stay polite at least with us??????????????????
we saw many games in the past who lost their way because of community's feedback ( many examples)
so yes, we have legit questions, and as loyal backers, we do not desserve such agressivity.

ps: excuse my english

Mod Edit: If you're going to request polite dialogue, at least practice what you preach. Swearing and personal insults are not permitted.
See, even after devs told you nothing will change about the simulation, only improvements to it, not downgrades, you still don't believe and don't show any trust. You didn't make any question on twitter, you just expressed a doubt. If not even the devs can't clear your doubts then what's the point in playing the victim and the oppressed? You can play the PC and the console version and test for yourself if nothing the devs say matter to you.
Hey guys, let's just take it down a notch. We're talking about video games here. Not life and death.

You're obviously welcome to post your opinions but please make sure it doesn't break our rules.
Are we going to play at conspiracy theories now? "They said no, but I feel they are just lying because my question was too dangerous for them to answer"?
No conspiracy theories. Steffano reaction is just too stiff.
What are you winning for defend developers ? Speak with dev haven't importance for me :)

See, even after devs told you nothing will change about the simulation, only improvements to it, not downgrades, you still don't believe and don't show any trust. You didn't make any question on twitter, you just expressed a doubt. If not even the devs can't clear your doubts then what's the point in playing the victim and the oppressed? You can play the PC and the console version and test for yourself if nothing the devs say matter to you.
Right just expressed a doubt (you're ok; my bad, it's not a question). But his answer was not 'game will not change' but instead of it :"I will block you. Deal ?". Deal what ? He can block me, I will sleep this night, no problem. Idiot reaction from devs, nothing else.
Right just expressed a doubt (you're ok; my bad, it's not a question). But his answer was not 'game will not change' but instead of it :"I will block you. Deal ?". Deal what ? He can block me, I will sleep this night, no problem. Idiot reaction from devs, nothing else.
It's his personal Twitter account, he has every right to block you irrespective of your opinion on the matter.

And with that, let's get back on topic.
I honestly don't understand the commotion behind this whole thing.

This is fantastic for simracing because it will introduce thousands and thousands of new users to our little niche :) It's the same with Forza Motorsport Apex. Getting people started with Simracing is the key to the industry growing.

F1 2010 was probably the biggest influence and period of growth for the SimRacing genre because so many people realised that you could have a proper racing experience without all that NFS/DiRT/Forza "Dude-bro" rubbish. Heck, I got into simracing because of F1 2010, and I still reckon it's one of the best racing games ever.

People are just too keen to hold on to these fake "aliances" to things and it just divides the whole community. In terms of growing the genre, Kunos's addition to console is one of the best things to happen to simracing IMO.

I completely understand that people may be concerned that the game on PC will suffer, but if the organisation has assured us that it won't change for the worse, and people still won't believe them, then it sounds like they've already made up their mind, so it's pointless to try and change their minds.

It's really not necessary to have all this division. The more the merrier :)
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" I completely understand that people may be concerned that the game on PC will suffer, but if the organisation has assured us that it won't change for the worse, and people still won't believe them, then it sounds like they've already made up their mind, so it's pointless to try and change their minds. "

Excuse me but they said few years or months ago that :

  1. They got console dev kits but do not have plans for a console version as of now. Wanted to guage how the game would work and adapt to the console platforms. It's definitely a possibility. They are watching to see how well Project CARS works on the consoles. The split and unreliable wheel support is one of the major issues.
  2. Stefano actually uses a gamepad quite a bit and tweaks are still being made to make it better. It may never be perfect as the controller really tries to simulate a wheel.
It s legit to think that, may be, the dev team change their mind position each years and may be the pressure of console players and Sony / microsoft about a too much difficult sim racing game will impact AC on PC with a difficulty downgrade.

May be i'm wrong ... also.
" I completely understand that people may be concerned that the game on PC will suffer, but if the organisation has assured us that it won't change for the worse, and people still won't believe them, then it sounds like they've already made up their mind, so it's pointless to try and change their minds. "

Excuse me but they said few years or months ago that :

  1. They got console dev kits but do not have plans for a console version as of now. Wanted to guage how the game would work and adapt to the console platforms. It's definitely a possibility. They are watching to see how well Project CARS works on the consoles. The split and unreliable wheel support is one of the major issues.
  2. Stefano actually uses a gamepad quite a bit and tweaks are still being made to make it better. It may never be perfect as the controller really tries to simulate a wheel.
It s legit to think that, may be, the dev team change their mind position each years and may be the pressure of console players and Sony / microsoft about a too much difficult sim racing game will impact AC on PC with a difficulty downgrade.

May be i'm wrong ... also.
It has been said in this thread already, if you want you can downgrade the sim value by yourself. Use the aids Kunos gives you. And I don't mean TC and ABS. I refer to stability control, steering aid, and so on. Everyone is already able to customize ACs driving behavior to their likings. And the smart consoleros will figure it out soon.
It has been said in this thread already, if you want you can downgrade the sim value by yourself. Use the aids Kunos gives you. And I don't mean TC and ABS. I refer to stability control, steering aid, and so on. Everyone is already able to customize ACs driving behavior to their likings. And the smart consoleros will figure it out soon.

Console comunity would like to proof that they are the best in "nightmare mod". I m pretty sure that if the hardcore mod of AC is too strong for them, they will as for a downgrade. I know the console players, and may be the time will talk for me.

As i said, may be i'm wrong but, i m very very ... hum ... scarded about this console release.
it s an other world, PC world is really different than console world. it's a fact. That's why AC dev team start this game with us on PC. We are aware about more things, we have more stuff, we are older than most console users.
Imagine there are more folks out there like my college. He bought Forza games for years now. But he got bored with them iteration after iteration. I said to him: yeah, for shure; cause the driving is boring.
I can imagine he will be one of those to get a pleasant surprise ;)
Excuse me if i m wrong but the question is not " Does AC will be a casual game ? " .
The worries are about the console players comunity. They have not the same expectations we have.
And now, what about the sells ?

How many presales the game have done on console for the moment and how many presales the game had done on PC ?
If the sells on console are bigger, From That the dev will care about the most ?

i repeat : consoles' users are not the same players as PC users.
Yes and no....after 15 years on console, I switched to pc...I have changed during that period but in my heart I am still that pubing racing kid with my default controller. Maturity has stepped in but the child who fell in love with his first virtual race car will last forever. ...I hope that Assetto Corsa will do just that for any other kid and his first true ride on the virtual waves.
Just from my perspective as an older person that was never into gaming and got into sims a few years ago, I have never met another person that has ever heard of PC sims. They always say "you mean one of those driving games that you can get for xbox etc." Expanding to consoles can only bring more people to our niche little hobby.
It has been said in this thread already, if you want you can downgrade the sim value by yourself. Use the aids Kunos gives you. And I don't mean TC and ABS. I refer to stability control, steering aid, and so on. Everyone is already able to customize ACs driving behavior to their likings. And the smart consoleros will figure it out soon.
I always used a controller, for GT on PS and for AC on PC, I use 3 different settings for AC driving : road , sports and race. The config respectivally goes from relaxed loose response with higher speed sensibility and some aids to pure aggressive steering with less speed sensibility and no aids. If I use the race config for a road car ( Z4) or vice versa (road config for GT3 car) it reacts so different and ending any joyable driving of the car. Use the right config and it's just perfect for that car. Playing Assetto Corsa means dedicating considerate time to setting up everything and actually I played GT just the same way on PS. Not all console racing gamers are the lazy uninterested in settings easy going kids, most of them are potential sim racers or modders to be on pc platform. Kunos is wise to expand to a younger public. Only issue for me, if I were a youngster, I maybe would prefer GT before AC on PS4 because I like tuning cars and GT physics are not bad but on XBone the choice would be AC for sure. Kunos doesn't consider to be a direct competitor of Polyphony, so not much to lose there. And....GT started with no more I think than 100 cars too if I remember correctly.
Yes and no....after 15 years on console, I switched to pc...I have changed during that period but in my heart I am still that pubing racing kid with my default controller. Maturity has stepped in but the child who fell in love with his first virtual race car will last forever. ...I hope that Assetto Corsa will do just that for any other kid and his first true ride on the virtual waves.
Appreciate your summary. But that enthusiastic NFS pad racer will be very much put in place with the ACfolks :), I can almost feel with them :)
Sim ;)racing is not for the "fast at heart", it's for the deliberate folks... Be into it, m8
I honestly don't understand the commotion behind this whole thing.

This is fantastic for simracing because it will introduce thousands and thousands of new users to our little niche :) It's the same with Forza Motorsport Apex. Getting people started with Simracing is the key to the industry growing.

F1 2010 was probably the biggest influence and period of growth for the SimRacing genre because so many people realised that you could have a proper racing experience without all that NFS/DiRT/Forza "Dude-bro" rubbish. Heck, I got into simracing because of F1 2010, and I still reckon it's one of the best racing games ever.

People are just too keen to hold on to these fake "aliances" to things and it just divides the whole community. In terms of growing the genre, Kunos's addition to console is one of the best things to happen to simracing IMO.

I completely understand that people may be concerned that the game on PC will suffer, but if the organisation has assured us that it won't change for the worse, and people still won't believe them, then it sounds like they've already made up their mind, so it's pointless to try and change their minds.

It's really not necessary to have all this division. The more the merrier :)

Exactly. And like Marco said, if they "dumb it down" then AC just becomes another GT/Forza but with far less content which means nobody would buy it. It would be foolish to do that. Sure, they'll hopefully make some coin from the console sales, but that will allow them to continue making the game better, not worse.

I, for one, love @kunos responses and don't see anything wrong with them. But that's probably because I also work in a job where everyone around me thinks 1. my job is really easy because all I do is clickity-click my mouse, 2. because they think my job is really easy they also think they know how to do it better than I do and can tell me how to do it. I work in graphic design, nothing about it is easy and none of these people could even get a project started let alone do it better than I do (not that I'm the greatest) and I'm so f'ing tired of putting up with that crap that I'm constantly on the verge of going postal. Like Stefano, I'm so tired of answering the same questions and explaining the same things over and over to the same people, it's beyond aggravating.

Just because we're customers who paid money for a product doesn't mean Kunos owe us a damn thing beyond what they sold us, they don't have to listen to us, they don't have to put our favorite car in the game, and people who think they're somehow "entitled" to something just because they bought the game are.........well, I'd better stop there before I break forum rules. ;)
I speak about the days after the release when jason kids will ask the dev team to downgrade the difficulty of the game. I don t talk about the all kids who buy this game in presales without any idea of what the buy.

understand ?
In which case, how would AC compete against Forza and GT? AC does not have the massive amount of cars that is found in Forza and GT. They make up for that in the quality of the physics and the laserscanned tracks.

Some of you really need to relax with your concerns and realize, from a business standpoint, this is the best way for Kunos to compete. To bring something that is missing from the market to differentiate themselves. I have never been concerned about the console release and have complete faith that the devs will continue to bring us content for the AC we know and love.

Remember guys, QUALITY, not QUANTITY.

If you aren't satisfied with the product, there is a plethora of other sims that offer exactly what you are looking for. If you choose to do so, take your business there and be happy.
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