Assetto Corsa: Steam Pre-Order Price 40-45 Euro

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Won't you mind if I ask in what circumstances your account was deleted? Because it is quite scary (I have put some money into steam). And to be honest I don't think it's common because as I heard even cheaters don't get their accounts closed (they are only banned from multiplayer parts of their games).
Also I think it would be hard to prove that Steam destroyed your hardware. Like all applications it uses some of windows api to create files and as I know there is no "MessUpPC" function. So if it was simple harddrive failure blame is on manufacturer (if it was under warranty ofc).

And you are right there are many valid reason to hate Steam. It is DRM (so there is one more thing that stands between you and your game), customer support is lacking. But it's hard to judge service without looking into positives especially when there are as many. It's hard to argue against Steam when software is 75% off and I can buy 2 AAA titles for 7 euro. Also it is great for developers because you have massive customer base that will know about your game existence without need to spend millions on marketing.
But still if I had to chose between sites like (no DRM games) and Steam I would pick first option.

Since you asked politely & in a non-biased way Maciej then sure, I can briefly outline what happened.
But first I'd like to say to others out there that Im NOT intending to start or restart any 'flame-war' or whatever it was before & that I was very much on the verge of either deliberately having myself bannd from RD or requesting my account be deleted along with having any entry I'd made on this site purged from RD's servers due to the abhorrent behaviour of a few immature people here & that if I feel Im under another unwarranted attack on myself again I WILL be doing so.
I felt like I was attacked for nothing other than asking a couple of simple (if badly worded) questions as there had been no more information made available that I had seen anywhere on alternative downloads since the Steam announcement was made.
The original questions were posted in a Facebook RD posting on this subject & no-one there (at this point so far) has done anything but post civil & informative replies.
Anyway, hopefully that's enough of that.

In 2007 I 'inherited/was given freely a slightly older PC, which was my first ever PC at the age of 32 & started immediately upgrading it through a trusted computer shop in town here as I knew NOTHING at the time about PC's (& still am a bit of a noob with them & the interwebs).
One night sometime around mid 2009 (I guess by my join date here but possibly slightly earlier) while drinking with friends & after kicking their arse's all over Gran Tourismo3&4 I was lamenting the lack of tracks in that game when a friend suggested I try rFactor on the PC as their was 'someway' to build tracks for it.
Being that Im a driving/riding addict, & that games were my methadone, this news was like heaven on a stick coated in chocolate sauce! (Seriously!)
So with this good friends help I started to investigate & learn.
Previously to this all I'd ever used my PC for was storage for photo's & music & avoided the internet like my life depended on it.

Fast forward a few months & I had BTB & Piddy's site recommended I come to RD for more info which I did in 2010 (I could have sworn it was earlier than that)

Not too long after joining here I tried my mates Race07 & liked the feel & look of it even more than rF so decided to get it for myself but was told (quite rightly) that I'd need either GTR2 or GTL to create HAT files for R'07 & 'the best way' to do so was with Steam.
My friend again helped me with getting sorted with Steam & I downloaded/installed those 3 titles.
R'07 was the only one which seemed to work properly on my system no matter how many times I took it to the PC shop or how much I spent on it.
A couple of months later I had made my first experimental track which worked fine in rF & managed to make an Export from BTB to the Simbin titles to sample in R'07 after making a HAT in GTL.
When I tried it in R'07 a notice from Steam came up stating something like I had 'hacked content in game files' & everything froze & eventually crashed.
On restarting PC eventually there was NO Simbin folder or anything other than Steam on my PC & Steam declared I was blocked from my account, but worse than that my PC was now having HUGE troubles running!
On taking my PC to my PC shop I was informed that the HDD, less than a year old Seagate, had 'corrupted sectors' & that there was diodes or pots that had overheated & 'popped' from forcing restarts with a faulty HDD (How was I to know, I was a noob).
On getting everything fixed/replaced I tried contacting Steam to see what had happened & possibly to seek compensation.
I received a couple of Emails but was basically fobbed off with what seemed like generic copy & paste replies.
The PC shop suggested (along with others) that I seek legal advice & as I was cashed up at the time, legal action was started.
At no time did my solicitors have any luck with Steam & I eventually found, not long after my solicitors offices had served their paper work, that my account had been deleted.
The only answer my solicitors ever got FROM Steam was that I "held no account with Steam" which was what caused me to check my Steam account the last time to find that it was true.
I tried to go through other legal avenues here in Australia that are supposed to guard the rights of consumers but found very little help there as it wasn't an Australian company & it traded via the internet & they were basically of the opinion that the company (Steam) was a disreputable scamming site that they'd never heard of before & that it was my foolish fault for dealing with any company via the internet.
I would have continued trying to take Steam to court as a matter of principle but during this time, & continuing for some time after, I had serious health issues causing me to lose my job & income & needed any savings I had left just to survive & pay doctors bills.

I won't denigh that I shouldn't have restarted my PC when this first happened or that it worked fine before I had Exported a track to the games installed/downloaded by Steam or that many others find the system works flawlessly for them.
BUT, for THESE reasons above, even IF they were to let me start another account, I will NEVER deal with these cowardly thieves again!

I would also like to add that whether Kunos DO or DO NOT make alternate systems of installing their brilliant game available, I wish them all the best in their endevours & in NO WAY do my views & stance on Steam reflect my view of their company OR their work.
In fact, I believe that this simulator WILL be the great 'game changer' of sim-racing which will cause all other companies in this genre to re-evaluate their own products.
I just hope that they can at some stage confirm that those alternate options will be made available & that details will be released soon so that those of us that choose to gain access to their awesome software can do so at the same time it released with the same pre-order bonuses as on Steam.
If I could pre-order now without Steam I would have done it already!
It still sounds like operator error all the way to me. Please don't get upset and contemplate forum suicide but it really does sound like your troubles started with you, not Steam. I'm not surprised that they deleted your account because most businesses don't want to do business with somebody that is or has tried to sue them.

I asked Aris on twitter about it and maybe he will the meantime I will look through old threads because I am sure that a year or so ago they said that Steam is but one of the several ways they planned on distributing AC but will try to find a source for that info.
iRacing is being paid as monthly subscription (if I'm not mistaken?) and is a bit like some MMO game, in that it's all online. In that case the online infrastructure is required and makes sense. It also makes sense that if you chancel your subscription you lose access to the game.

But for offline games which are billed as one-time purchase, an agreement that they can remove you from access to your games to me is a completley different thing.

In effect it isn't that much different to Steam, you spend money within the service (I am not talking about the subscription) if it shuts down you will never be able to play again. Or they can simply remove a car/track (which you paid for) from the service if a license runs out or whatever. They can delete your account without warning or reason, look it up in the "Terms of use blabla" it is pretty much the same as Steam as you describe it...

That is common practice with services like these, I own and use both so I accept it as it is (not bashing anything here :p) ....
That story is a pretty fantastic one.

I was cashed up, I would have sued them but I got sick.

Sounds like you also have a cousin who is a Nigerian prince that needs $300 to secure a flight to the United States for various reasons.
I asked Aris on twitter about it and maybe he will the meantime I will look through old threads because I am sure that a year or so ago they said that Steam is but one of the several ways they planned on distributing AC but will try to find a source for that info.

THANK YOU most sincerely for 'Twittering' him as I don't do any of that myself...:thumbsup:
ANY news is good news! (in a way I guess)
I read most of what was mentioned about release before the Steam announcement (& remember it) but the lack of any mention since Steam release was announced has left me & others worried that other options could possibly have been dropped which has me worried.

It still sounds like operator error all the way to me. Please don't get upset and contemplate forum suicide but it really does sound like your troubles started with you, not Steam. I'm not surprised that they deleted your account because most businesses don't want to do business with somebody that is or has tried to sue them.

I don't see it so much as 'Forum Suicide' (nice term BTW) but of self-protectionism... ;)

Ummm....well, I guess on the grounds of 'operator error' then we'll just have to agree to disagree although the computer shop & the solicitors I hired both seemed to think that I had just cause to pursue things further.

To clarify on my account being deleted.
From the time the notice of the 'hacked content' (or however it was termed) came up I still had an account but I was unable to use it in anyway even to send messages to Steam.
I was only able to contact them via normal Email.
From the moment my solicitors made contact with them & my account was deleted without refund it was almost (in my own as well as my solicitors opinion) as if they were in denial of me ever holding an account with the way they did word their responses when they did respond.

I figured I'd make this post just to try & clarify these points & to say thank you for contacting the dev's concerning the matter of the release method(s).
It would be nice if they could make a public confirmation as to what will happen in this regard to stop or halt any further confusion.
That story is a pretty fantastic one.

I was cashed up, I would have sued them but I got sick.

Sounds like you also have a cousin who is a Nigerian prince that needs $300 to secure a flight to the United States for various reasons.

I was working on a mine driving Excavators bigger than your house (140 tonne) & front-end loaders that could pick up a 4WD (27+tonne) for $414+ a day as well as training other operators when nerve & tendon damage in my shoulder & the ensuing constant numbness in my entire right arm nearly caused me to kill someone with a 27tonne excavator on a minor training demonstration/lesson.
I WAS in the PROCESS of taking legal action & had been doing so for over 6months when finances ran out.
Do you KNOW how much something like that costs?
Now I have no job & very little income & doubt I'll ever have a proper job again & I still have troubles with my shoulder & arm!
Does THAT sound like a fantastic story to YOU ?

Sim-racing & track building are one of my few escapes I have left & Race Department is a great resource & on the whole the community has been great.
BUT, immature remarks like yours are what had me feeling like leaving this community, & may yet do so, as you know NOTHING of MY circumstances while passing judgement while hiding behind a keyboard.
Have you or your likes ever given anything back to the community?
Grow Up!
Wow, flames, flames everywhere.

To clarify a point, there some games out there that are distributed and updated via steam but also (mind however, it is a XOR, not an AND or an OR) the developers page. Kerbal Space Program for one.

About the steam stuff. I personally think I am getting less value through steam, thus I expect to pay less. If I purchase a game from the web of the developer and I get tired of it I can still sell my login/key of that particular game to somebody else and recover some of my money. Or I can simply download a copy to the computer of my girlfriend, brother, whatever and they can play it when I am not using it. With steam, I cannot do that, and the snowball of nontransferable game licenses grows and grows. All this assuming everything works right, (which fortunately has for me so far). If on top of that you have some typical steam problem... I definitively cannot understand the person that preferred steam to GOG, some people do like chaining themselves...

And finally about AC. Expensive. The quality is yet unknown, but for 40-45 eur it will never be a bargain (GSC) even if it turns to be a very good game. And then it seems there is DLC, so I am afraid it will be 40-45 eur for quite basic content and then pay some more. If the sim is indeed quite good, well, fine, but if it has some rough edges here and there at that price tag it can become a bad purchase quite quickly.
I think whoever is in doubt about the quality of the game: go to the doctor and get yourself checked. And how can you people really believe that 40-45 is too much?! Trust me: this is a full blown simulation and not even worth being called a game: I would seriously pay 200 bucks for it. Cause I can imagine the work and skill that is put into it!
If you seriously want to bitch about prices, please visit the appropriate forum: iRacing!
Oh, and: imagine several years of work and then you have to put it on an online gaming platform for a ridiculuous amount of 40 Euros. By saying you are not willing to pay even that you are imo
also very disrespectful towards the developers and all the other sim racers that trust in Kunos.

Not sure where the people upset are in the world exactly. Perhaps its the US and UK gamers here that are more disapointed? I say that because the way the currency markets are now, €45 is pretty much £40, and £40 is a lot of money for a PC game. It wasn't a few years ago that €45 would have been £30, now that's not so bad, but the exchange rate now is pretty awful...

Alas, it all depends on how they do the currency conversion at the end of day.

"so much drama so little time" , I'm looking forwards to playing some AC in 3 months time !
I think whoever is in doubt about the quality of the game: go to the doctor and get yourself checked. And how can you people really believe that 40-45 is too much?! Trust me: this is a full blown simulation and not even worth being called a game: I would seriously pay 200 bucks for it. Cause I can imagine the work and skill that is put into it!
If you seriously want to bitch about prices, please visit the appropriate forum: iRacing!

look into the mirror, quite the same can be said about you; you're coming from the opposite direction and seem to be obsessed by the game - be more rational and don't snub those people who don't agree with you. anyway I do not believe that the majority of racers will be happy to buy games at 200 €. that's insane!

beside it can be so simple, marketing and business model is a concern of kunos alone and nobody else should be allowed to judge over that and or try to interfere into these affairs, be direct or indirect

also by condemning fellow racers who do not agree with ones opinion is the worst you can do - while doing so you can as well prepare for impact since you will face a community that will become even more exclusive. prepare to meet the same three people on the servers for the next 6 years and forget about mods

ps: the prices of iracing should meet your price expectations... so why aren't you happy with it?
Or I can simply download a copy to the computer of my girlfriend, brother, whatever and they can play it when I am not using it. With steam, I cannot do that, and the snowball of nontransferable game licenses grows and grows.
You can share your account info with your girlfriend, brother, whatever, and they can play your games on their computers, when you're not logged in.

And finally about AC. Expensive. The quality is yet unknown, but for 40-45 eur it will never be a bargain (GSC) even if it turns to be a very good game. And then it seems there is DLC, so I am afraid it will be 40-45 eur for quite basic content and then pay some more. If the sim is indeed quite good, well, fine, but if it has some rough edges here and there at that price tag it can become a bad purchase quite quickly.
I tend to agree.
I never buy games for 50€, because that's too much for me in general. But I will buy this one anyway, gotta support the team. It can't be a worse purchase than TDU2 :D
Or I can simply download a copy to the computer of my girlfriend, brother, whatever and they can play it when I am not using it. With steam, I cannot do that, and the snowball of nontransferable game licenses grows and grows.
You can share your account info with your girlfriend, brother, whatever, and they can play your games on their computers, when you're not logged in.

And finally about AC. Expensive. The quality is yet unknown, but for 40-45 eur it will never be a bargain (GSC) even if it turns to be a very good game. And then it seems there is DLC, so I am afraid it will be 40-45 eur for quite basic content and then pay some more. If the sim is indeed quite good, well, fine, but if it has some rough edges here and there at that price tag it can become a bad purchase quite quickly.
I tend to agree.
I never buy games for 50€, because that's too much for me in general. But I will buy this one anyway, gotta support the team. It can't be a worse purchase than TDU2 :D
> You can share your account info with your girlfriend, brother, whatever, and they can play your games on their computers, when you’re not logged in.

Yes, but then I cannot play _any_ other game meanwhile. And my sister cannot play simcity while my brother is playing CS, etc, etc. Maybe that seems like a decent solution to you, not to me.
> You can share your account info with your girlfriend, brother, whatever, and they can play your games on their computers, when you’re not logged in.

Yes, but then I cannot play _any_ other game meanwhile. And my sister cannot play simcity while my brother is playing CS, etc, etc. Maybe that seems like a decent solution to you, not to me.
Well, you said:
Or I can simply download a copy to the computer of my girlfriend, brother, whatever and they can play it when I am not using it.

Not sure what happens if you log in, and then go offline. Do you get logged out anyway if someone else logs in.
Or what happens if you're in a game, and someone else logs in elsewhere.

Anyway, dunno, I usually buy games for people instead of sharing mine. Supporting the industry and all that.
I think whoever is in doubt about the quality of the game: go to the doctor and get yourself checked. And how can you people really believe that 40-45 is too much?! Trust me: this is a full blown simulation and not even worth being called a game: I would seriously pay 200 bucks for it. Cause I can imagine the work and skill that is put into it!
If you seriously want to bitch about prices, please visit the appropriate forum: iRacing!

How are you qualifying "quality"?

Do you think casual gamers care about laser scanned tracks or licences? This is what AC have pushed so far.

Or do you think they care about career modes which we have no specifics about, online modes; achievements; Kunos' ability to support; how quickly games are patched, frequency of DLC etc etc

The Steam online community can be brutal if a game fails to deliver promises; If it is delayed; If it doesn't work or if patches aren't brought out fast enough. But then saying all that the game from what I've seen is not appealing to casual racers and the price maybe off-putting.

You have to just read about incidents with Sim City or DayZ to realize how demanding the Steam Casual community can be and those games were a mixture of established and hyped AAA titles. Furthermore, it led to DayZ being pulled from Steam for a short while and compensation offered to gamers who purchased Sim City.

Steam is nothing but a distribution method, so I do hope that there will be other ways to purchase AC without the fees Steam charge on top for having it distribution through them.

Haha, I'm amused by all this :)

You guys in the UK, Europe and the USA have no idea on paying too much for PC or console games, we Aussies fork out on average $79.95Aud for a new release PC title, and up to $100Aud for a console new release. Yes, we in the "LUCKY COUNTRY" on average pay 30% more than the rest of the world for most products, not just games.

As far as steam is concerned, personally, Steam have pissed me off a few times but it wasn't anything I couldn't deal with. It's more the inconvenience of having to fix it and the fact "it worked the other day, why not today" that jerks my chain, but then, I feel sorry for those who aren't PC savvy and need to use steam support, can take forever, as my young bloke found out recently.

Life is full of challenges, Steam is just one of them, lol.

Steam is nothing but a distribution method, so I do hope that there will be other ways to purchase AC without the fees Steam charge on top for having it distribution through them.

Steam’s appeal to publishers is in giving them the opportunity to sell directly, cutting out the profits extracted by distributors. Publishers earn a gross margin of around 70% on Steam, compared with 30% via retail stores. They have a lot more flexibility selling through Steam than they do through stores or even a site like Amazon. Steam gives publishers live stats on how customers are reacting to marketing messages or price changes. Discounts on titles, like weekend deals, are common on Steam and have led some titles to see a lasting bump in sales.
From an article linked to on wikipedia:

Haha, I'm amused by all this :)

You guys in the UK, Europe and the USA have no idea on paying too much for PC or console games, we Aussies fork out on average $79.95Aud for a new release PC title, and up to $100Aud for a console new release. Yes, we in the "LUCKY COUNTRY" on average pay 30% more than the rest of the world for most products, not just games.
I'd be more than happy to pay your prices with your salaries, instead of paying EU prices with salaries here.

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