Assetto Corsa Support League (non F1 Weekends)


The Assetto Corsa Off Week Championship

Championship Standings are here.

Schedule is here.

Rules are here, to the extent applicable, and based on the below from this website.

Participant Sign up and List is here.

Race Settings
Factory Traction Control: None
Factory ABS: None
Stability Control: Off
Tire Wear & Fuel Consumption: 200%
Manual Gears Only
(clutch assist and blip on)
Driving Line: Off
Penlites: On
Corner Cutting: On (5 sec. penalty)
Pit Exit / Entry Penalties: On
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I know the 98T is not the Delara, but I tried to apply what I learned from the Delara to the 98T style of car and drive technique and I got on fairly well with 1.14.333 at BH GP. The Car/Track combo is quite fun and the new AC drive characteristics are great!
BTW the Tune web page is at The Set Up market in the link below.
Took a peek. Are you sure about that aero? Mine was at 7/9 I think, and probably could go lower. I like the tire pressures, though, because they all need different numbers. Mine stay around 72-80 pretty consistently, so I'm fine there. I'll give your springs a try along with the diff.
The rear Aero is almost all the way up to keep that freakin' rear end under control. I'm just not that good yet, so I' m most likely compensating with my set up. LOL

Well, that's good in a way. If your car feels neutral then you have a good foundation. The engine limiter should be 7-8 or so, otherwise you kill your engine. But otherwise, if you feel comfortable, you can slowly decrease your aero (with 100% turbo) and see if you improve.

Granted, a qualifying lap (there are even special tires for qualifying, and fuel management is important now...I think finally a pit stop will be forced in the league game, simply out of necessity...that was the goal.
Good advice, thanks. I probably go in too hot, turn in late and over accelerate out of the corners, and the excessive aero is enabling that bad driving technique. I should (and will) learn to slow my entry, make it smoother, less body roll, hit my apex better with quicker and smoother inputs, and react quicker for faster exits. I think I know what to do, it's just a matter of learning to put it all together consistently.
Good advice, thanks. I probably go in too hot, turn in late and over accelerate out of the corners, and the excessive aero is enabling that bad driving technique. I should (and will) learn to slow my entry, make it smoother, less body roll, hit my apex better with quicker and smoother inputs, and react quicker for faster exits. I think I know what to do, it's just a matter of learning to put it all together consistently.

Your driving is way above average, but there are some fast people here. Besides, setup are now pretty damn important.
I had a run out last night and all looks good so far. Handling as always is fantastic and this game definitely has the strongest FFB of any console racer although Dirt runs it close. Looks like we are back on with this one providing that server problem doesnt resurface.

I do wish they would make the interface cleaner though as it's all a bit of a mess but if the racing works I'll put up with it.

Had a go with your setup Pete although that site doesn't seem to give the whole setup, no gearing, braking power and one of the suspension or damper settings is missing too. I quite liked how it felt though and although the aero seems high it didn't seem to hamper the lap time and I am someone that tends to go with a higher setting anyway. At Brands the extra grip in the fast sweeping corners tends to negate any speed loss down the straight and i like the more comfortable and stable feel it gives. I'll try it at more of a mid range setting next time I'm on though to compare.

Best lap time of 1:12.332

For the run where i set that time I did reduce the front wing by 2 clicks and used a more forward brake bias (56) as I always prefer it more forward and rear camber I put three clicks more at -1.0 but that was all I altered.

Unfortunately I was driving with a dodgy braking foot haunt injured it last night and may be having to go to the hospital to get it x-rayed today so I was hampered bit by that and depending on how it goes today may struggle to get on track again to test more.
I still don't quite have a handle on the setups for this game i guess.... When i put it on the other night i immediately put the front wing up to 14 and the rear at 10 or 11. Stiffened the front suspension A LOT and ran a best lap time of 1:13.8xx. I did probably 30 laps, but did not find much consistency over that period. Where are these setups posted you guys are talking about?
Thanks for all the comments, I will try them all for sure. Hope your foot is ok Pete! And I checked the Set Up market file and added additional notes in the case that something is not displayed correctly in the web output. Those ini files are actually for a PC game not XBOX, so some don't relate like gearing and such. But it's better than nothing and usually a pretty good starting point.
Unrelated- I tried the FM7 demo. Same as before with minor improvements. Not for me. I was sad to see they actually put the feature car 911 in the demo as a "default set up". Big mistake! If I worked at Porsche, I would be pissed off! It was same as FM6, and even in FM6, with a tune set up it still is a big sloppy mess.
Thanks for all the comments, I will try them all for sure. Hope your foot is ok Pete! And I checked the Set Up market file and added additional notes in the case that something is not displayed correctly in the web output. Those ini files are actually for a PC game not XBOX, so some don't relate like gearing and such. But it's better than nothing and usually a pretty good starting point.
Unrelated- I tried the FM7 demo. Same as before with minor improvements. Not for me. I was sad to see they actually put the feature car 911 in the demo as a "default set up". Big mistake! If I worked at Porsche, I would be pissed off! It was same as FM6, and even in FM6, with a tune set up it still is a big sloppy mess.
So sad. Forza could be such a tour de force if turn 10 wanted to produce a real Sim. Clearly, they could care less about racing fidelity. In fact they admit it over and over again.
Had some short practice races this morning and found the AI to be a bit hit and miss. They struggle quite a lot at the faster turns and at turn 1 in particular, going off there quite regularly and then the cars remained there for the rest of the race. Also had them going off around the fast sweepers and staying there a couple of times too. I did also have some decent racing but the jury is out on them at the moment and I will tweak the settings to see if that helps any.

Anyway, I tried out slightly lower wings for a while but didn't like it at all. Much less consistent than the higher setting and more prone to mistakes. The higher wings just give much better grip here which is important with so many fast turns. Trickiest turn for me is Surtees (turn 4) where it is very easy to lose the backend, especially with the lower aero. Getting that right is the key to a really fast lap.

My best of those race sessions this morning was a 1:11.734

Unfortunately I think I have found another AC bug in that the recording only saved part of the lap when I used the cutting facility. I cut in halfway down the straight before the final turn and then cut-out after I crossed the start finish line at the laps end but it only saved 42 seconds of it for some reason. Anyway, I have another slightly slower lap here which I Twitched earlier directly from the full replay without cutting:-

I was on for a bit last night trying to figure out a setup and only had a 1:14.1xx
I'll have to try something else tonight i guess. I'm clearly missing something.

The circuit has some tough corners. I've not raced here very much. I think we did a race here on something in the past, can't remember which game, but it would have been my first time running here. I'm still struggling for consistency, but after working on the camber and toe last night i think it's slightly better. Trouble corners for me atm are T4 and T6. I'm also a little inconsistent at T1.
I was on for a bit last night trying to figure out a setup and only had a 1:14.1xx
I'll have to try something else tonight i guess. I'm clearly missing something.

The circuit has some tough corners. I've not raced here very much. I think we did a race here on something in the past, can't remember which game, but it would have been my first time running here. I'm still struggling for consistency, but after working on the camber and toe last night i think it's slightly better. Trouble corners for me atm are T4 and T6. I'm also a little inconsistent at T1.
We ran it in the classic series of F1 2013.

This car is quite tough to tame and the turbo makes it even more so. I still have some of that to turn up for optimum lap time but probably will leave it at about 70% for the race. Key for me is getting on the throttle as early as possible through the corner, especially those fast sweepers. I tend to lift more than brake and then get back on the power the moment I feel the grip. You can really fly through those middle three sweepers. Turn 1 is probably my favourite, getting that right and powering through it is just the nuts you can feel how much the car is hooked up in that corner but of course a slight misjudgement and that gravel draws you in like quicksand. What gear do you take turn 6 in?
What gear do you take turn 6 in?
I haven't even touched the gearing yet so mine are whatever the default is. I'm still running high wings as well so that will likely hurt the top speed.
I go through T6 in 3rd. Sometimes taking T5 in 5th, sometimes in 4th. I seem to think it's faster in 4th.

What seems crazy to me in watching your lap is that you don't even seem to be using all the track, and the drive seems smooth and stable.
I haven't even touched the gearing yet so mine are whatever the default is. I'm still running high wings as well so that will likely hurt the top speed.
I go through T6 in 3rd. Sometimes taking T5 in 5th, sometimes in 4th. I seem to think it's faster in 4th.

What seems crazy to me in watching your lap is that you don't even seem to be using all the track, and the drive seems smooth and stable.
My gearing is also on default as well and I am using high gears.. 12/12. It's much more stable for me that way and the extra grip through the corners and resultant better exit speed makes up for any loss of raw straighline speed. I take T5 in 5th (may start trying 6th though), dropping down quite late and most often T6 is in 4th as is T7. I missed an apex or two in that lap and I am pretty sure I can still find some extra time (other than the tenth and a half that I found in the better lap that didn't fully record) at T4 where I tend to be a bit conservative because of how easy it is to get that one wrong.

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